Browsing Ambiente e Sustentabilidade | Capítulos/artigos em livros internacionais / Book chapters/papers in international books by Author "Ascenção, G."
Publication . Novais, Rui M.; Buruberri, L. H.; Ascenção, G.; Seabra, M. P.; Ferreira, Célia; Labrincha, J. A.
Nowadays the volume of generated wastes is reaching critical levels, which associated
with the depletion of raw materials, shows that a paradigm shift is mandatory. The
possibility of using waste materials as partial replacement of raw materials emerges as
an opportunity to mitigate the environmental impact of wastes, while reducing the
pressure exerted on the Earth’s natural resources. In this work, a local and unexplored
waste material coming from the recycling of end-of-life fluorescent lamps (glass
wastes) was successfully incorporated in geopolymers production. Glass wastes were
used, without any treatment, a source of amorphous silica to partially replace