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O aquecimento global, e em particular o dos oceanos, é um assunto de extrema importância, atendendo à atualidade das alterações climáticas e da consequente necessidade de adaptação das populações face a este fenómeno. As séries temporais de variáveis físicas, como por exemplo a temperatura à superfície do mar (SST), permitem estudar e interpretar estes fenómenos ao procurar modelos matemáticos para os descrever e prever, quando possível.
Nesta dissertação são utilizadas técnicas estatísticas de análise de séries temporais no estudo da SST. Foram selecionadas latitudes representativas das regiões Norte, Centro e Sul de Portugal, e fixadas a duas localizações geográficas, uma próxima da costa e outra distante da costa. É dada ênfase ao fenómeno do afloramento costeiro e foi proposto um índice de afloramento costeiro relativo (IAR), para as localizações geográficas com a mesma latitude.
Para cada região, foram explorados modelos de séries temporais para a série IAR, nos quais se incluem os modelos de Decomposição Clássica e de Holt-Winters, e ainda os modelos ARIMA sobre a série residual, resultante do ajustamento de uma tendência linear e uma componente sazonal à série temporal inicial. A seleção do melhor modelo foi auxiliada por medidas de ajustamento disponíveis para este tipo de análise. Toda a componente computacional deste trabalho foi realizada com recurso ao programa estatístico .
Foi identificado um padrão sazonal de doze meses para as três regiões e foi ainda possível observar o efeito do afloramento costeiro, mais evidente nos meses mais quentes do ano, em que, devido a este fenómeno, o aumento da SST é mais evidente nas localizações distantes da costa relativamente às localizações costeiras com a mesma latitude.
Por fim são apontadas algumas direções para a continuidade deste estudo.
Global warming, in particular that of the oceans, is a matter of extreme importance, taking into account the current climate change and the consequent adaptation of the population due to this phenomenon. Time series of physical variables, such as the sea surface temperature (SST), allow to study and interpret these phenomena by looking for mathematical models to describe them and to predict them, whenever possible. In this dissertation, statistical techniques of time series analysis are used in the study of the SST. Latitudes were selected to represent the North, Centre and South regions of Portugal, and two geographic points were established, one near the coast and another farther from the coast. Emphasis is given to the phenomenon of upwelling and a relative upwelling index (IAR) has been proposed, based on the geographic points at the same latitude. For each region, time series models are explored in the IAR series, namely the Classical Decomposition and Holt-Winters models, as well as the ARIMA models of the residual series, after the linear trend and seasonal component is fitted to the original time series. The selection of the best model was aided by the accuracy measures available for this type of analysis. All the computational work was performed with software . A seasonal pattern of twelve months was identified in three regions and it was possible to observe the upwelling effect, most evident in the warmest months of the year, where, because of this effect, the increase in SST is more evident in distant coastal locations relative to coastal locations at the same latitude. Finally, some directions are pointed out for the continuity of this study.
Global warming, in particular that of the oceans, is a matter of extreme importance, taking into account the current climate change and the consequent adaptation of the population due to this phenomenon. Time series of physical variables, such as the sea surface temperature (SST), allow to study and interpret these phenomena by looking for mathematical models to describe them and to predict them, whenever possible. In this dissertation, statistical techniques of time series analysis are used in the study of the SST. Latitudes were selected to represent the North, Centre and South regions of Portugal, and two geographic points were established, one near the coast and another farther from the coast. Emphasis is given to the phenomenon of upwelling and a relative upwelling index (IAR) has been proposed, based on the geographic points at the same latitude. For each region, time series models are explored in the IAR series, namely the Classical Decomposition and Holt-Winters models, as well as the ARIMA models of the residual series, after the linear trend and seasonal component is fitted to the original time series. The selection of the best model was aided by the accuracy measures available for this type of analysis. All the computational work was performed with software . A seasonal pattern of twelve months was identified in three regions and it was possible to observe the upwelling effect, most evident in the warmest months of the year, where, because of this effect, the increase in SST is more evident in distant coastal locations relative to coastal locations at the same latitude. Finally, some directions are pointed out for the continuity of this study.
Afloramento costeiro Séries temporais Modelos de Alisamento Exponencial Modelos ARIMA Modelos de Decomposição Clássica Modelos matemáticos Temperatura à Superfície do Mar Oceanografia Portugal 𝐴𝑅𝐼𝑀𝐴 Models Classic Decomposition Models Exponential Smoothing Models Sea Surface Temperature Upwelling
Monteiro, Bruno Vasconcelos Oliveira - Modelação de séries temporais de dados oceanográficos [Em linha]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2017. 108 p.