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Tendo em conta que o mundo está cada vez mais dominado pela tecnologia, a
aprendizagem no contexto online está acompanhando paulatinamente o
desenvolvimento como fator primordial para a Educação a Distância. As tecnologias
propiciam novas formas de construir o conhecimento através de novos ambientes virtuais
de aprendizagem quebrando os paradigmas tradicionais com a separação física entre o
tutor e o estudante. No Instituto de Educação a Distância da Universidade Católica de
Moçambique, a aprendizagem é caracterizada sob dois modelos de ensino, o semipresencial e o online com ênfase as plataformas digitais. O objetivo do estudo é analisar
os modelos e práticas do uso da Plataforma de eLearning no Instituto de Educação a
Distância da Universidade Católica de Moçambique. Parte da seguinte questão de
investigação: Quais os modelos e práticas do uso da Plataforma de eLearning no processo
de ensino e aprendizagem no Instituto de Educação a Distância da Universidade Católica
de Moçambique? Trata-se de um estudo de caso que se caracteriza como uma pesquisa
de abordagem mista devido à variedade de procedimentos e instrumentos de recolha de
dados usados, nomeadamente, o questionário, a entrevista (semi-estruturadas), a análise
documental e a observação. A amostra foi constituída por 12 estudantes do 3º e 4º ano
do curso de Licenciatura em Ensino de História, 7 tutores, 3 monitores da plataforma e o
Diretor Pedagógico dos cursos online. Recorreu-se também a análise de manuais de
procedimento online com base na aplicação da técnica de análise de conteúdo.
Os resultados obtidos indicam a necessidade de ampliar conhecimento e desenvolver
competências sobre: a) Educação a Distância no que se refere aos aspetos das
metodologias, estratégias e ferramentas pedagógicas e b) mediação pedagógica em
Educação a Distância. Em relação aos estudantes, a ausência de instrumentos de avaliação
como os testes e os trabalhos e a exploração dos fóruns culmina com a falta de incentivo
à participação dos estudantes na plataforma de eLearning. Quanto aos docentes, a
ausência de interação com os estudantes e a falta de formações contínuas na área das
competências para a docência online são apontadas como aspetos que influenciam
negativamente o uso da plataforma. Assim sendo, para dar sustentação aos ingressos na
Educação a Distância é essencial uma formação inicial dos estudantes e dos docentes e,
em sequência, o desenvolvimento de um programa de formação contínua e que deve
alicerçar-se sobre a matriz de competências e habilidades organizadas segundo os
domínios institucional, tecnológico, pedagógico e de gestão e, sobre níveis de proficiência
de acordo com os papéis e funções do profissional.
Taking into account that the world is increasingly dominated by technology, learning in the online context is gradually following the development as a key factor for Distance Education. Technologies provide new ways to build knowledge through new virtual learning environments, breaking traditional paradigms with the physical separation between tutor and student. At the Institute of Distance Education of the Catholic University of Mozambique, learning is characterized by two teaching models, semipresential and online, with an emphasis on digital platforms. The aim of the study is to analyze the models and practices of using the eLearning Platform at the Institute of Distance Education of the Catholic University of Mozambique. It starts with the following research question: What are the models and practices of using the eLearning Platform in the teaching and learning process at the Institute of Distance Education of the Catholic University of Mozambique? It is a case study that is characterized as a mixed approach research of descriptive statistics type due to the variety of procedures and data collection instruments used, including questionnaires, interview guides (semi-structured), document analysis, observations and bibliographic research. The sample consists of 12 students from the 3rd and 4th year of the Licentiate Degree in History Teaching, 7 tutors, 3 platform monitors and the Pedagogical Director of the online courses. We also used the analysis of online procedure manuals based on the application of the content analysis technique. The results obtained indicate the need to expand knowledge and develop skills on: a) Distance Education with regard to aspects of pedagogical methodologies, strategies and tools and b) pedagogical mediation in Distance Education. Regarding students, the lack of assessments such as tests and essays and exploration of forums culminates in the lack of encouragement for students to participate in the eLearning platform. As for teachers, the lack of interaction with students and the lack of continuous training in the area of skills for online teaching are identified as aspects that negatively influence the use of the platform. Therefore, to support the entry into Distance Education, initial training for students and teachers is essential and, subsequently, the development of a continuous training program, which should be based on the matrix of competences and skills organized according to the institutional, technological, pedagogical and management domains, and on levels of proficiency according to the roles and functions of the professional.
Taking into account that the world is increasingly dominated by technology, learning in the online context is gradually following the development as a key factor for Distance Education. Technologies provide new ways to build knowledge through new virtual learning environments, breaking traditional paradigms with the physical separation between tutor and student. At the Institute of Distance Education of the Catholic University of Mozambique, learning is characterized by two teaching models, semipresential and online, with an emphasis on digital platforms. The aim of the study is to analyze the models and practices of using the eLearning Platform at the Institute of Distance Education of the Catholic University of Mozambique. It starts with the following research question: What are the models and practices of using the eLearning Platform in the teaching and learning process at the Institute of Distance Education of the Catholic University of Mozambique? It is a case study that is characterized as a mixed approach research of descriptive statistics type due to the variety of procedures and data collection instruments used, including questionnaires, interview guides (semi-structured), document analysis, observations and bibliographic research. The sample consists of 12 students from the 3rd and 4th year of the Licentiate Degree in History Teaching, 7 tutors, 3 platform monitors and the Pedagogical Director of the online courses. We also used the analysis of online procedure manuals based on the application of the content analysis technique. The results obtained indicate the need to expand knowledge and develop skills on: a) Distance Education with regard to aspects of pedagogical methodologies, strategies and tools and b) pedagogical mediation in Distance Education. Regarding students, the lack of assessments such as tests and essays and exploration of forums culminates in the lack of encouragement for students to participate in the eLearning platform. As for teachers, the lack of interaction with students and the lack of continuous training in the area of skills for online teaching are identified as aspects that negatively influence the use of the platform. Therefore, to support the entry into Distance Education, initial training for students and teachers is essential and, subsequently, the development of a continuous training program, which should be based on the matrix of competences and skills organized according to the institutional, technological, pedagogical and management domains, and on levels of proficiency according to the roles and functions of the professional.
Universidade Católica de Moçambique Educação a distância Elearning Plataformas digitais Moçambique Distance education eLearning Digital platforms
Salite, Maria Teresa José - Modelos e práticas do uso da plataforma de eLearning na Universidade Católica de Moçambique [Em linha]: o caso do instituto de educação a distância. [Em linha]: [s.n.], 2021. 159 p.