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Tendo em conta que vivemos numa sociedade de risco e de informação, os média, nomeadamente a imprensa escrita, assume um papel crítico na disseminação da informação de risco, podendo amplificar ou atenuar o risco noticiado. Esta realidade é tanto mais marcante, na medida em que as reações do consumidor face ao risco, nomeadamente face ao risco alimentar, podem ser entendidas considerando as suas características psicológicas e sociais. Na realidade, os perigos alimentares também são abordados pelos média, sendo que durante uma crise alimentar, o consumidor sente uma ansiedade crescente fruto dos incidentes relacionados com a segurança alimentar.
Esta investigação pretende avaliar o modo como o diário português Jornal de Notícias trata as notícias associadas ao risco alimentar, mais propriamente os títulos das suas capas que mencionem os perigos alimentares, para o período de 2000 a 2017.
Para o efeito, analisaram-se os títulos das capas do Jornal de Notícias, considerando as seguintes variáveis: código; título; subtítulo; destaque; cores; recurso; origem do género alimentício; alimento; tipo de perigo; perigo; território envolvido.
Das 335 capas analisadas, confirmou-se que os perigos alimentares tiveram cobertura nas capas do Jornal de Notícias, representando cerca de 5,1% das capas noticiadas durante o período em estudo, sendo que o tipo de perigo mais difundido foi o biológico, seguido do tipo de perigo estilo de vida. Individualmente, os perigos mais abordados foram a obesidade, a gripe das aves e a BSE. Verificou-se ainda que a BSE assumiu particular importância por ser o perigo que constituiu um maior número de manchetes. Por sua vez, não houve divulgação de qualquer tipo de perigo físico. Finalmente, a maioria das capas analisadas sobre perigos alimentares dizia respeito ao território português.
Considering that we live in a society of risk and information, the mass media, especially the printed media, plays a critical role in the dissemination of risk information and can amplify or mitigate the risk reported. This is all more remarkable, in a way that the consumer reactions to risk, particularly the ones related to food risk, can be understood by considering their psychological and social characteristics. In fact, the food hazards are also addressed by the mass media, and during a food crisis the consumer experiences increasing anxiety due to incidents regarding food safety. This research intends to evaluate how the Portuguese daily newspaper Jornal de Notícias portrays the news associated to the food risk, more properly the titles from its covers that mention the food hazards, for the period between 2000 and 2017. For this purpose, there were analyzed titles from the covers of Jornal de Notícias, considering the following variables: code; title; subhead; highlight; colors; resource; nature of the food; food; type of hazard; hazard, region involved. From the 335 covers analyzed, it was confirmed that the food hazards were portrayed in the covers of Jornal de Notícias, representing about 5.1% of the covers reported during the study period, and that the most widespread type of hazard was the biological type, followed by the lifestyle type of hazard. Individually, the most commonly reported hazards were obesity, avian flu and BSE. It was also found that BSE was particularly important because it was the hazard that made up the biggest number of headlines. On the other hand, there was no spreading of any kind of physical hazard. Finally, most of the covers analyzed about food hazards were related to the Portuguese territory.
Considering that we live in a society of risk and information, the mass media, especially the printed media, plays a critical role in the dissemination of risk information and can amplify or mitigate the risk reported. This is all more remarkable, in a way that the consumer reactions to risk, particularly the ones related to food risk, can be understood by considering their psychological and social characteristics. In fact, the food hazards are also addressed by the mass media, and during a food crisis the consumer experiences increasing anxiety due to incidents regarding food safety. This research intends to evaluate how the Portuguese daily newspaper Jornal de Notícias portrays the news associated to the food risk, more properly the titles from its covers that mention the food hazards, for the period between 2000 and 2017. For this purpose, there were analyzed titles from the covers of Jornal de Notícias, considering the following variables: code; title; subhead; highlight; colors; resource; nature of the food; food; type of hazard; hazard, region involved. From the 335 covers analyzed, it was confirmed that the food hazards were portrayed in the covers of Jornal de Notícias, representing about 5.1% of the covers reported during the study period, and that the most widespread type of hazard was the biological type, followed by the lifestyle type of hazard. Individually, the most commonly reported hazards were obesity, avian flu and BSE. It was also found that BSE was particularly important because it was the hazard that made up the biggest number of headlines. On the other hand, there was no spreading of any kind of physical hazard. Finally, most of the covers analyzed about food hazards were related to the Portuguese territory.
Jornal de Notícias Imprensa Notícias Cidadania ambiental Segurança alimentar Alimentação Risco 2000-2017 Estudo de casos Food Food hazard Food risk Portuguese press
Azevedo, Rosa Sofia Neves - Amplificação do risco alimentar [Em linha]: estudo de caso no Jornal de Notícias impresso para o período 2000-2017. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2018. 142 p.