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As Tecnologias e os Sistemas de Informação vieram dotar os profissionais
de logística com meios digitais e computorizados, capazes de agregar dados de
todas as transações diárias para suportar as atividades e melhorar o processo de
tomada de decisão. Neste sentido, a utilização destas ferramentas deverá refletirse na eficiência e na produtividade organizacional.
Esta investigação pretende contribuir para a compreensão dos processos de
logística que decorrem no Hospital Particular da Madeira (HPM), aferindo de que
forma o sistema de informação disponibilizado impacta as atividades do
departamento. Para atingir este objetivo, foi seguida a metodologia de Estudo de
Caso e adotado o referencial teórico publicado por DeLone & McLean (1992, 2003),
no qual os autores relacionam o sucesso de um Sistema de Informação com seis
dimensões, admitindo que a satisfação do utilizador é fundamental.
Para coletar os dados essenciais à aplicação do modelo recorreu-se, como
método principal, ao questionário, que foi distribuído por todos os colaboradores do
departamento de logística.
As conclusões desta investigação apontam para a necessidade de melhorias
no sistema de informação disponibilizado, evidenciando que os utilizadores estão,
de forma geral, insatisfeitos com o suporte providenciado. Porém, os inquiridos
acreditam que o sistema tem algum potencial que se encontra desaproveitado e
que, se explorado, poderia impactar positivamente as atividades diárias. São
apresentadas sugestões de melhoria, com base nas opiniões expressadas pelo
Technologies and Information Systems have provided logistics professionals with digital and computerized means, capable of aggregating data from all daily transactions to support activities and improve the decision-making process. In this sense, the use of these tools should be reflected in organizational efficiency and productivity. This investigation aims to contribute to the understanding of the logistics processes that take place at the Hospital Particular da Madeira (HPM), assessing how the information system made available impacts the department's activities. To achieve this objective, the Case Study methodology was followed, and the theoretical framework published by DeLone & McLean (1992, 2003) was adopted, in which the authors relate the success of an Information System with six dimensions, admitting that user satisfaction is fundamental. To collect the essential data to the application of the model, the questionnaire was used as the main driver, which was distributed to all employees of the logistics department. The conclusions of this investigation point to the need for improvements in the available information system, showing that users are, in general, dissatisfied with the support provided. However, users believe that the information system has some potential that is untapped and, if exploited, could positively impact daily activities. Suggestions for improvement are presented, based on the opinions expressed by the department.
Technologies and Information Systems have provided logistics professionals with digital and computerized means, capable of aggregating data from all daily transactions to support activities and improve the decision-making process. In this sense, the use of these tools should be reflected in organizational efficiency and productivity. This investigation aims to contribute to the understanding of the logistics processes that take place at the Hospital Particular da Madeira (HPM), assessing how the information system made available impacts the department's activities. To achieve this objective, the Case Study methodology was followed, and the theoretical framework published by DeLone & McLean (1992, 2003) was adopted, in which the authors relate the success of an Information System with six dimensions, admitting that user satisfaction is fundamental. To collect the essential data to the application of the model, the questionnaire was used as the main driver, which was distributed to all employees of the logistics department. The conclusions of this investigation point to the need for improvements in the available information system, showing that users are, in general, dissatisfied with the support provided. However, users believe that the information system has some potential that is untapped and, if exploited, could positively impact daily activities. Suggestions for improvement are presented, based on the opinions expressed by the department.
Logística hospitalar Profissionais de logística Hospitais Utentes Avaliação Satisfação Sistemas de informação Madeira Hospital logistics Information systems Evaluation of the user satisfaction of the information systems
Silva, Francisco Nuno Ferreira da - Avaliação de sistemas de informação de logística hospitalar [Em linha]: estudo do Hospital Particular da Madeira. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2021. 143 p.