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As assimetrias e o fraco crescimento económico em países de baixo rendimento têm arrastado milhares de pessoas para a atividade de comércio informal nas grandes cidades. A cidade de Maputo, capital de Moçambique, não foge à regra, possuindo um grande número de comerciantes informais, o que cria desafios de transitabilidade e saneamento do meio. De forma recorrente as autoridades competentes têm tentado removê-los e alocá-los em mercados, nos diversos pontos da cidade, mas sem sucesso. O retorno é justificado pela falta de clientes nos diversos mercados em que estão alocados. Com o surgimento de plataformas de comércio eletrónico o conceito de mercado físico tem vindo a ser substituído por mercados digitais. De forma intuitiva, se este conjunto de comerciantes informais pudesse aceder a este vasto mercado digital, poderia aliviar a pressão na cidade de Maputo, pelo que o presente trabalho procura olhar para o uso e adoção de plataformas de comércio eletrónico no segmento dos comerciantes informais nas artérias da cidade de Maputo, através da identificação de fatores que explicam a sua adoção e uso. Para analisar o processo de adoção e uso de tecnologias foram abordados vários modelos de adoção e uso de tecnologias olhando para o contexto de comerciantes informais, sendo que o mais adequado foi a Teoria Unificada de Aceitação e Uso da Tecnologia 2 (UTAUT 2) – Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2. Por forma a responder aos objetivos do estudo foram recolhidos dados primários de 613 comerciantes informais da cidade de Maputo através de um questionário, tendo sido analisados através de estatísticas descritivas, Análise Fatorial
Confirmatória e Modelagem de Equações Estruturais. Análises empíricas revelaram a importância de motivações hedónicas e hábito para explicar a intenção comportamental e, por sua vez, condições facilitadoras, intenção comportamental e hábito foram relevantes para explicar o comportamento de uso. O modelo UTAUT 2 conseguiu explicar 68% da variação do comportamento de uso e 73% da variação da intenção comportamental, apesar de o modelo final diferir significativamente do modelo original validado em Hong Kong. Foram identificadas como principais plataformas que os comerciantes acediam com o propósito de realizar atividades de comércio eletrónico, em ordem decrescente de importância o WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram e o site Mais Vendas.
Asymmetries and weak economic growth in low-income countries have dragged thousands of people into informal trade activities in large cities. The city of Maputo, capital of Mozambique, is no exception, it has many informal traders, which poses challenges in terms mobility and sanitation. Maputo city authorities have tried to remove them and allocate in markets, in different parts of the city, but without success. The return is justified by the lack of customers in the different markets in which they are allocated. With the emergence of ecommerce platforms, the concept of a physical market has been replaced by digital markets. Intuitively, if this group of informal traders could access these vast digital markets, it could relieve pressure in the city of Maputo, so the present work aims to understand the use and adoption of electronic commerce platforms in the segment of informal traders in the arteries of the city of Maputo, through the identification of factors that explain its adoption and use. To analyse the process of adoption and use of technologies, models of adoption and use of technologies were discussed, looking at the context of informal traders, and the most appropriate was the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT 2). Primary data were collected from 613 informal traders in the city of Maputo through a questionnaire, having been analysed using descriptive statistics, Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modelling. Empirical analyses revealed the importance of hedonic motivations and habit to explain behavioural intention and, in turn, facilitating conditions, behavioural intention and habit were relevant to explain use behaviour. The UTAUT 2 explained 68% of the variation in use behaviour and 73% of the variation in behavioural intention, although the final model differed significantly from the original model validated in Hong Kong. WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and the website Mais Vendas were identified as the main platforms, in a decrescent order, that merchants accessed for the purpose of carrying out electronic commercial activities.
Asymmetries and weak economic growth in low-income countries have dragged thousands of people into informal trade activities in large cities. The city of Maputo, capital of Mozambique, is no exception, it has many informal traders, which poses challenges in terms mobility and sanitation. Maputo city authorities have tried to remove them and allocate in markets, in different parts of the city, but without success. The return is justified by the lack of customers in the different markets in which they are allocated. With the emergence of ecommerce platforms, the concept of a physical market has been replaced by digital markets. Intuitively, if this group of informal traders could access these vast digital markets, it could relieve pressure in the city of Maputo, so the present work aims to understand the use and adoption of electronic commerce platforms in the segment of informal traders in the arteries of the city of Maputo, through the identification of factors that explain its adoption and use. To analyse the process of adoption and use of technologies, models of adoption and use of technologies were discussed, looking at the context of informal traders, and the most appropriate was the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT 2). Primary data were collected from 613 informal traders in the city of Maputo through a questionnaire, having been analysed using descriptive statistics, Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modelling. Empirical analyses revealed the importance of hedonic motivations and habit to explain behavioural intention and, in turn, facilitating conditions, behavioural intention and habit were relevant to explain use behaviour. The UTAUT 2 explained 68% of the variation in use behaviour and 73% of the variation in behavioural intention, although the final model differed significantly from the original model validated in Hong Kong. WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and the website Mais Vendas were identified as the main platforms, in a decrescent order, that merchants accessed for the purpose of carrying out electronic commercial activities.
Adoção e uso de tecnologias Comércio eletrónico UTAUT 2 (Teoria Unificada de Aceitação e Uso da Tecnologia 2) Maputo Moçambique Adoption and use of technologies Electronic commerce Mozambique UTAUT 2
Nhambi, Leonel Florêncio - Fatores que explicam a adoção e uso de plataformas do comércio eletrónico no sector do comércio informal na Cidade de Maputo, em Moçambique [Em linha]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], [2024], 110 p.