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Esta investigação pretende demonstrar os resultados da abordagem realizada sobre a
influência das tecnologias da informação como ferramenta facilitadora das atividades
administrativas e pedagógicas desenvolvidas pela equipe da escola pública estadual do
estado de Rondônia no Brasil. Este estudo realizou-se na escola estadual Marcos Bispo da
Silva, localizada no segundo distrito do bairro BNH1 na cidade de Ji-Paraná, estado de
Rondônia. A problemática que deu origem a esta investigação foi à implantação do
software diário eletrônico, desenvolvido pela equipe de TI2 do governo do estado e as
interferências deste software na rotina diária dos profissionais que trabalham na escola. A
metodologia aplicada nesta investigação foi a observação, entrevistas semi-estruturadas
e questionário na modalidade fechada. O ponto de partida da pesquisa foi à interferência
deste software no dia a dia da equipe da escola, diretores, secretário, equipe pedagógica
e professores. Ao final do processo de investigação, seguindo o roteiro metodológico e
fundamentado, pretendo apresentar os resultados deste trabalho, com base nas
hipóteses propostas e рог fim, demonstrar se houve ou não contribuição no ensino
aprendizado dos alunos da escola investigada. Este estudo de caso realizou-se na escola
estadual Marcos Bispo da Silva, localizada no segundo distrito do bairro BNH na cidade de
Ji-Paraná, estado de Rondônia.
This research intends to demonstrate the results of the approach carried out on the influence of information technologies as a facilitating tool of the administrative and pedagogical activities developed by the public school staff of the state of Rondônia in Brazil. This study was carried out at the state school Marcos Bispo da Silva, located in the second district of the BNH3 neighborhood in the city of Ji-Paraná, Rondônia State. The problem that gave rise to this investigation was the implementation of electronic diary software developed by the IT4 staff of the state government and the interferences of this software in the daily routine of professionals working in the school. The methodology applied in this investigation was observation, semi-structured interviews and closed-ended questionnaire. The starting point of the research was the interference of this software in the day to day of the school staff, principals, secretary, pedagogical team and teachers. At the end of the research process, following the methodological and reasoned script, I intend to present the results of this work, based on the hypotheses proposed and finally, to demonstrate whether or not there was a contribution in the teaching of the students of the investigated school. This case study was carried out at the state school Marcos Bispo da Silva, located in the second district of the BNH neighborhood in the city of Ji- Paraná, Rondônia State.
This research intends to demonstrate the results of the approach carried out on the influence of information technologies as a facilitating tool of the administrative and pedagogical activities developed by the public school staff of the state of Rondônia in Brazil. This study was carried out at the state school Marcos Bispo da Silva, located in the second district of the BNH3 neighborhood in the city of Ji-Paraná, Rondônia State. The problem that gave rise to this investigation was the implementation of electronic diary software developed by the IT4 staff of the state government and the interferences of this software in the daily routine of professionals working in the school. The methodology applied in this investigation was observation, semi-structured interviews and closed-ended questionnaire. The starting point of the research was the interference of this software in the day to day of the school staff, principals, secretary, pedagogical team and teachers. At the end of the research process, following the methodological and reasoned script, I intend to present the results of this work, based on the hypotheses proposed and finally, to demonstrate whether or not there was a contribution in the teaching of the students of the investigated school. This case study was carried out at the state school Marcos Bispo da Silva, located in the second district of the BNH neighborhood in the city of Ji- Paraná, Rondônia State.
Administração do ensino Tecnologia da informação Software Diário eletrónico Estabelecimentos de ensino público Estudo de casos Brasil School administration Tools technologies Education and research
Oliveira, Francisco das Chagas Ferreira de - Administração educacional da escola pública do estado de Rondônia [Em linha]: um estudo de caso do diário eletrônico. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2016. 95 p.