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Um dos maiores desafios do ensino, hoje, nas escolas portuguesas prende-se com a
universalidade do mesmo. Educar todos, é, ao mesmo tempo, o estímulo e a dificuldade. O
processo de ensino implica responder a necessidades, objetivos e personalidades díspares
que encetam variados perfis de funcionalidade, pelo que urge adequar o ensino à
individualidade. Desta forma, a educação inclusiva afigura-se como um desígnio para solver
este desiderato na medida em que não categoriza alunos antes pelo contrário, pretende dar
enquadramento a todos, possibilitando aprendizagens significativas e valorizando as
potencialidades individuais.
Se em condições regulares, o processo de ensino e aprendizagem se envolve de tamanha
complexidade, no contexto de um confinamento geral provocado por uma pandemia global,
em que as escolas deixaram de poder cumprir plenamente com todos os seus propósitos,
tornou a inclusão um desafio maior que obrigou as lideranças a mobilizar ferramentas,
estratégias e recursos para minorar as assimetrias.
Neste sentido, o presente estudo pretende contribuir para a manutenção e fortificação da
educação inclusiva em situações de calamidade designadamente na atual crise pandémica e,
em possíveis, crises futuras. Para o efeito, foi adotada uma metodologia qualitativa
recorrendo-se à aplicação de entrevistas semiestruturadas a dois Diretores de Agrupamentos
de Escolas de um concelho do Barlavento Algarvio e à análise documental sendo,
posteriormente, utilizada a técnica de análise de conteúdo.
Dos grandes ajustes realizados para continuar a cumprir com o processo educativo inclusivo,
resultou que, apesar das limitações com que os Agrupamentos em estudo se depararam, foi
dada continuidade ao processo, ainda que em moldes alternativos.
É imperioso reforçar que, não apenas em situações como a originada pela pandemia por
COVID-19, mas reiteradamente os processos educativos inclusivos devem ser constituídos
por adaptação e readaptação, num contínuo evolutivo em que deverá ser atendida a
diversidade e, simultaneamente, a individualidade.
One of the greatest challenges of teaching today in Portuguese schools is the universality of education. Educating everyone is, at the same time, the stimulus and the difficulty. The teaching process involves responding to disparate needs, objectives and personalities that lead to various profiles of functionality, so it is urgent to adapt education to individuality. Thus, inclusive education appears as a way to solve this desideratum in that it does not categorize students but provides a framework for all, enabling meaningful learning and valuing individual potential. If under regular conditions, the teaching and learning process is so complex, in the context of a general confinement caused by a global pandemic, in which schools are no longer able to accomplish all their purposes, inclusion has become a greater challenge that has forced leaders to mobilize tools, strategies and resources to minimize asymmetries. In this sense, this study aims to contribute to the maintenance and strengthening of inclusive education in disaster situations, namely in the current pandemic crisis and, in possible future crises. For this purpose, a qualitative methodology was adopted by applying semi-structured interviews to two Directors of School of a municipality in the Western Algarve and document analysis and, subsequently, used the technique of content analysis. From the major adjustments made to continue to comply with the inclusive education process, it resulted that, despite the limitations faced by the Schools under study, the process was continued, albeit in alternative ways. It is imperative to reinforce that, not only in situations such as the one caused by the pandemic of COVID-19, but repeatedly inclusive educational processes should consist of adaptation and re-adaptation, in an evolutionary continuum in which diversity and, simultaneously, individuality should be attended to.
One of the greatest challenges of teaching today in Portuguese schools is the universality of education. Educating everyone is, at the same time, the stimulus and the difficulty. The teaching process involves responding to disparate needs, objectives and personalities that lead to various profiles of functionality, so it is urgent to adapt education to individuality. Thus, inclusive education appears as a way to solve this desideratum in that it does not categorize students but provides a framework for all, enabling meaningful learning and valuing individual potential. If under regular conditions, the teaching and learning process is so complex, in the context of a general confinement caused by a global pandemic, in which schools are no longer able to accomplish all their purposes, inclusion has become a greater challenge that has forced leaders to mobilize tools, strategies and resources to minimize asymmetries. In this sense, this study aims to contribute to the maintenance and strengthening of inclusive education in disaster situations, namely in the current pandemic crisis and, in possible future crises. For this purpose, a qualitative methodology was adopted by applying semi-structured interviews to two Directors of School of a municipality in the Western Algarve and document analysis and, subsequently, used the technique of content analysis. From the major adjustments made to continue to comply with the inclusive education process, it resulted that, despite the limitations faced by the Schools under study, the process was continued, albeit in alternative ways. It is imperative to reinforce that, not only in situations such as the one caused by the pandemic of COVID-19, but repeatedly inclusive educational processes should consist of adaptation and re-adaptation, in an evolutionary continuum in which diversity and, simultaneously, individuality should be attended to.
Educação inclusiva Práticas inclusivas COVID-19 Liderança Pandemia Inclusive education Inclusive practices Leadership Pandemic
Alves, Ana Rita Gomes Cardoso - Reabertura escolar em tempo de COVID-19 [Em linha]: práticas inclusivas em escolas no Barlavento Algarvio. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2022. 104 p.