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Sabe-se que a alimentação está intimamente relacionada com um bom estado nutricional, sendo essencial à obtenção e à manutenção da saúde.
Nesse sentido, em Portugal, a Direção-Geral da Saúde (DGS), apoiada por diversos parceiros, tem desenvolvido iniciativas promotoras de ambientes alimentares mais saudáveis e/ou que fomentem a literacia alimentar.
De forma a avaliar os níveis de literacia alimentar resultante dessas mesmas iniciativas, elegeram-se os alunos do ensino secundário como grupo controlo. Assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o nível de literacia alimentar dos alunos inscritos no ensino secundário regular nos Estabelecimentos de Educação e Ensino públicos do Alentejo Litoral, no ano letivo 2022/2023, e estabelecer correlações entre o estado nutricional e a aptidão física, e os indicadores de saúde previstos no Programa Nacional de Saúde Escolar vigente (PNSE de 2015) relacionados com a alimentação.
Os métodos utilizados tiveram como base a aplicação do General Nutrition Knowledge Questionnaire for Adolescents (GNKQA), validado para a população adolescente portuguesa, a análise dos indicadores de saúde previstos no PNSE e a avaliação da aptidão física, através dos resultados obtidos nos testes da Aplicação FITescola®.
Os resultados permitiram concluir que o nível de literacia alimentar no Alentejo Litoral é adequado, e que das variáveis em estudo, o mesmo varia de acordo com o género, sendo o feminino o que apresenta melhores resultados. Também se constatou melhores resultados no grupo que consome fruta e hortícolas diariamente.
O nível de literacia alimentar não varia em função do desempenho físico, em qualquer um dos testes aplicados.
It is known that food is closely related to a good nutritional status, being essential for obtaining and maintaining health. In Portugal, the Health Entity, supported by several partners, has developed initiatives to promote healthier eating environments and/or food literacy. To assess the levels of food literacy resulting from these same initiatives, high school students were chosen as the control group. Thus, the present study evaluated the level of food literacy of students enrolled in regular high school education at the Education and Public Teaching Establishments of Alentejo Litoral, in the academic year 2022/2023, and established correlations between nutritional status and physical fitness, and health indicators related to food. The methods used were based on applying the General Nutrition Knowledge Questionnaire for Adolescents (GNKQA), validated for the Portuguese adolescent population, analyzing the health indicators set out in the National School Health Plan (NSHP) and assessing physical fitness through the results obtained in the FITescola® tests. The results led to the conclusion that the level of food literacy in Alentejo Litoral is adequate and that, of the variables under study, it varies according to gender, with females showing the best results. Better results were also found in the group that consumed fruit and vegetables daily. It was also concluded that the level of food literacy does not vary according to physical performance in any of the tests applied.
It is known that food is closely related to a good nutritional status, being essential for obtaining and maintaining health. In Portugal, the Health Entity, supported by several partners, has developed initiatives to promote healthier eating environments and/or food literacy. To assess the levels of food literacy resulting from these same initiatives, high school students were chosen as the control group. Thus, the present study evaluated the level of food literacy of students enrolled in regular high school education at the Education and Public Teaching Establishments of Alentejo Litoral, in the academic year 2022/2023, and established correlations between nutritional status and physical fitness, and health indicators related to food. The methods used were based on applying the General Nutrition Knowledge Questionnaire for Adolescents (GNKQA), validated for the Portuguese adolescent population, analyzing the health indicators set out in the National School Health Plan (NSHP) and assessing physical fitness through the results obtained in the FITescola® tests. The results led to the conclusion that the level of food literacy in Alentejo Litoral is adequate and that, of the variables under study, it varies according to gender, with females showing the best results. Better results were also found in the group that consumed fruit and vegetables daily. It was also concluded that the level of food literacy does not vary according to physical performance in any of the tests applied.
Alimentação Aptidão física Estado nutricional Literacia alimentar e nutricional Ensino secundário Saúde Food Physical fitness Nutritional status Food literacy High school education Health
Faria, Dora Natália Baixinho Carvalho - Literacia alimentar dos alunos do ensino secundário no Alentejo Litoral [Em linha]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2024. 147 p.