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A preocupação com a qualidade da organização escolar (e os seus fracos resultados)
já vem de longa data. Esta preocupação levou à instituição da avaliação das escolas.
No nosso país o processo, no seu formato presente, iniciou-se com a publicação da Lei
nº31/2002, porém, só em 2006 foi implementado um projeto-piloto, desenvolvido por
um Grupo de Trabalho. Em 2007, finalmente, começou o primeiro ciclo da avaliação
externa das escolas, orientado e executado pela IGE. O Decreto-Lei 75/2008, veio
aprovar o regime de autonomia, administração e gestão dos estabelecimentos públicos
da educação pré-escolar e dos ensinos básico e secundário. Com este normativo
pretendia-se tornar as escolas mais eficazes e eficientes. Segundo o legislador, a
melhoria passaria, por reforçar as lideranças das escolas, sendo criado, assim, o cargo
de diretor. As lideranças intermédias viram-se também valorizadas.
O 2.º ciclo avaliativo das escolas iniciou-se sem realizar-se a meta avaliação do 1.º
processo avaliativo. Assim sendo, entendemos que seria pertinente investigar os
impactos do 1.º ciclo avaliativo nas práticas de liderança de escolas /agrupamentos.
Com este estudo, que se centrou num agrupamento de escolas de um concelho de
Viseu, pretendeu-se compreender como se posicionaram os vários agentes da
comunidade educativa, à data, sobre os impactos da avaliação externa das escolas
(AEE) ao nível das lideranças. São objetivos do presente estudo:
1 - Compreender como se posicionaram os vários agentes da comunidade educativa,
sobre os impactos da AEE, após o primeiro ciclo avaliativo, no que toca:
a) à visão estratégica e fomento do sentido de pertença e de identificação com o
agrupamento de escolas; b) à valorização das lideranças intermédias do agrupamento
de escolas; c) ao desenvolvimento de projetos, parcerias e soluções inovadoras do
agrupamento de escola; d) à motivação das pessoas e gestão de conflitos do
agrupamento; e) à mobilização dos recursos da comunidade educativa do agrupamento
de escolas;
2 - Compreender as circunstâncias/razões subjacentes ao posicionamento da
comunidade educativa sobre o impacto do 1.º ciclo avaliativo nas lideranças do
Na investigação, de cariz qualitativa, realizou-se uma entrevista, a dezassete
indivíduos da comunidade associados a papeis de liderança. Recorremos,
posteriormente, à análise documental de atas do Conselho Pedagógico, bem como o
projeto educativo do agrupamento e o relatório da AEE do 1º ciclo de avaliação. Os
resultados encontrados vão no sentido de uma apropriação superficial do processo
avaliativo, por parte dos docentes e não docentes da comunidade educativa. A maioria
dos entrevistados reconheceram que a AEE (1ºciclo) causou impacto no que diz
respeito a cinco das dezassete questões que lhes colocamos acerca de fatores que
caraterizam o domínio Liderança. Para os fatores em que consideraram não ter havido
impacto a AEE, dão como justificação a cultura da escola, a liderança do diretor e a
maturidade e profissionalismo docente.
Concerns about the quality of school organization (and its poor results) have been a long time coming. These concerns have led to the inception of school evaluation. In Portugal, the process, in its current format, began with the publication of Law nº21/2002; however, it was only in 2006 that a pilot project was implemented, developed by a Work Group. The first cycle of external school evaluation started in 2007, guided and executed by IGE. Law-Decree 75/2008 would approve the framework for autonomy, administration, and management of public education establishments of pre-school, basic, and secondary levels. The objective of these norms was to make schools more efficient and effective. According to the legislator, improvements would be made through the reinforcement of school leadership, thus creating the position of school director. Intermediate leadership also found itself to be valued. The second evaluation cycle for schools began without the performance of a metaevaluation of the first evaluation process. Thus, it was deemed to be pertinent to research the impacts of the first evaluation cycle on leadership practices of schools and school groupings. The intention of this study, focused on a school grouping of a municipality in the Viseu district, was to understand how the various agents of the educational community positioned themselves on the subject of external school evaluation (AEE) at the leadership level. The goals of this study are: 1 – To understand how the various agents of the educational community positioned themselves on the impacts of AEE after the first evaluation cycle, regarding: a) the strategic vision and enhancement of the sense of belonging and identification with the school grouping; b) the valuing of intermediate leadership of school groupings; c) the development of projects, partnerships, and innovative solutions with the school grouping; d) the motivation and conflict resolution within the grouping; e) the mobilization of resources of the educational community of the school grouping; 2 – To understand the underlying circumstances and reasons for the positioning of the community regarding the first evaluation cycle on the grouping leadership. For the qualitative evaluation, seventeen interviews were conducted to members of the community with leadership roles. Afterwards, a document analysis was performed on minutes of the Pedagogical Council, as well as on the educational project of the school grouping and on AEE reports from the first evaluation cycle. The results found show a superficial appropriation of the evaluation process by the teaching and non-teaching members of the educational community. Most interviewees acknowledged that AEE (first cycle) had caused an impact upon factors that characterize the Leadership domain on five of the seventeen questions posed. On factors considered not to have been impacted by AEE, they justify it with school culture, the school director’s leadership, and teachers’ professionalism and maturity.
Concerns about the quality of school organization (and its poor results) have been a long time coming. These concerns have led to the inception of school evaluation. In Portugal, the process, in its current format, began with the publication of Law nº21/2002; however, it was only in 2006 that a pilot project was implemented, developed by a Work Group. The first cycle of external school evaluation started in 2007, guided and executed by IGE. Law-Decree 75/2008 would approve the framework for autonomy, administration, and management of public education establishments of pre-school, basic, and secondary levels. The objective of these norms was to make schools more efficient and effective. According to the legislator, improvements would be made through the reinforcement of school leadership, thus creating the position of school director. Intermediate leadership also found itself to be valued. The second evaluation cycle for schools began without the performance of a metaevaluation of the first evaluation process. Thus, it was deemed to be pertinent to research the impacts of the first evaluation cycle on leadership practices of schools and school groupings. The intention of this study, focused on a school grouping of a municipality in the Viseu district, was to understand how the various agents of the educational community positioned themselves on the subject of external school evaluation (AEE) at the leadership level. The goals of this study are: 1 – To understand how the various agents of the educational community positioned themselves on the impacts of AEE after the first evaluation cycle, regarding: a) the strategic vision and enhancement of the sense of belonging and identification with the school grouping; b) the valuing of intermediate leadership of school groupings; c) the development of projects, partnerships, and innovative solutions with the school grouping; d) the motivation and conflict resolution within the grouping; e) the mobilization of resources of the educational community of the school grouping; 2 – To understand the underlying circumstances and reasons for the positioning of the community regarding the first evaluation cycle on the grouping leadership. For the qualitative evaluation, seventeen interviews were conducted to members of the community with leadership roles. Afterwards, a document analysis was performed on minutes of the Pedagogical Council, as well as on the educational project of the school grouping and on AEE reports from the first evaluation cycle. The results found show a superficial appropriation of the evaluation process by the teaching and non-teaching members of the educational community. Most interviewees acknowledged that AEE (first cycle) had caused an impact upon factors that characterize the Leadership domain on five of the seventeen questions posed. On factors considered not to have been impacted by AEE, they justify it with school culture, the school director’s leadership, and teachers’ professionalism and maturity.
Avaliação externa de escolas Agrupamento de escolas Liderança Práticas de liderança Lideranças intermédias Organização escolar Estudo de casos School external evaluation Leadership Intermediate leadership