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A presente pesquisa, intitulada A Wikipédia como recurso de ensino e aprendizagem no ensino superior em Moçambique: estudo de caso num curso de Biblioteconomia e Documentação, pressupõe sinalizar quer as perceções, quer as práticas de estudantes e professores do ensino superior em Moçambique, designadamente daquele curso da Escola Superior de Jornalismo, na Delegação de Manica, sobre a Wikipédia enquanto
recurso de ensino e de aprendizagem, nomeadamente como Recurso Educacional Aberto. Importa notar que a Wikipédia joga um papel preponderante na atual Sociedade da Informação, incluindo em Moçambique. Este facto pode ser explicado pela facilidade do seu acesso e gratuitidade, permitido, inclusivamente, trabalhar online e offline.
Metodologicamente, enveredou-se por um estudo misto, ou seja, a pesquisa combina o paradigma positivista com o paradigma qualitativo ou interpretativo. No estudo de caso levado a cabo recorreu-se ao inquérito por questionário como instrumento de recolha de dados. Assim, foram implementados dois questionários, disponibilizados online, um dirigido aos professores e outro aos estudantes. Para o tratamento e a análise dos
dados foi utilizada sobretudo a estatística descritiva.
Da análise de dados recolhidos pode concluir-se que tanto professores como estudantes consideram que a Wikipédia é um projeto que permite o acesso de todos à informação.
Contudo, denota-se ainda que há a necessidade de que a informação da Wikipédia seja suportada por outras fontes. Além disso, consideram que em comparação com há cinco anos a Wikipédia é atualmente mais utilizada, evidenciando-se alguma abertura na sua utilização enquanto recurso de ensino e de aprendizagem. Por sua vez, nem professores nem estudantes do curso de Biblioteconomia e Documentação da Delegação Académica da Escola Superior de Jornalismo em Manica se têm destacado na criação e/ou atualização de artigos na Wikipédia, o que sugere a pertinência de lhes proporcionar formação para o efeito.
This research, entitled Wikipedia as a Teaching and Learning Resource in Higher Education in Mozambique: case study in a Library and Documentation graduation degree program, aims to highlight both the perceptions and practices of Higher Education students and teachers in Mozambique, namely of that programme at the Higher School of Journalism, in the Manica Delegation, regarding Wikipedia as a teaching and learning resource, namely as an Open Educational Resource. It is important to note that Wikipedia plays a preponderant role in the current Information Society, including in Mozambique. This fact is can be explained by the easiness of its access and because i tis free of charge, as well as allowing to work online and offline. Methodologically, a mixed study was adopted, that is, the research combines the positivist paradigm with the qualitative or interpretative paradigm. In the case study carried out, a questionnaire survey was used as a data collection instrument. Thus, two questionnaires were implemented and made available online, one aimed at teachers and the other at students. Descriptive statistics were mainly used for data processing and analysis. From the analysis of the data collected, we can conclude that both teachers and students consider Wikipedia to be a project that allows everyone to access information. However, it is also clear that there is a need for Wikipedia information to be supported by other sources. Furthermore, they consider that Wikipedia is currently used more than it was five years ago, showing some openness in its use as a teaching and learning resource. In turn, neither teachers nor students of the Librarianship and Documentation degree program of the Academic Delegation of the Higher School of Journalism in Manica, Mozambique, have stood out in the creation and/or updating of articles on Wikipedia, which suggests the relevance of training them for this purpose.
This research, entitled Wikipedia as a Teaching and Learning Resource in Higher Education in Mozambique: case study in a Library and Documentation graduation degree program, aims to highlight both the perceptions and practices of Higher Education students and teachers in Mozambique, namely of that programme at the Higher School of Journalism, in the Manica Delegation, regarding Wikipedia as a teaching and learning resource, namely as an Open Educational Resource. It is important to note that Wikipedia plays a preponderant role in the current Information Society, including in Mozambique. This fact is can be explained by the easiness of its access and because i tis free of charge, as well as allowing to work online and offline. Methodologically, a mixed study was adopted, that is, the research combines the positivist paradigm with the qualitative or interpretative paradigm. In the case study carried out, a questionnaire survey was used as a data collection instrument. Thus, two questionnaires were implemented and made available online, one aimed at teachers and the other at students. Descriptive statistics were mainly used for data processing and analysis. From the analysis of the data collected, we can conclude that both teachers and students consider Wikipedia to be a project that allows everyone to access information. However, it is also clear that there is a need for Wikipedia information to be supported by other sources. Furthermore, they consider that Wikipedia is currently used more than it was five years ago, showing some openness in its use as a teaching and learning resource. In turn, neither teachers nor students of the Librarianship and Documentation degree program of the Academic Delegation of the Higher School of Journalism in Manica, Mozambique, have stood out in the creation and/or updating of articles on Wikipedia, which suggests the relevance of training them for this purpose.
Wikipédia Ensino-aprendizagem Recursos Ensino superior Biblioteconomia Documentação Moçambique Teaching and learning resource Higher education Mozambique Librarianship and Documentation
Muandichalira, Marcelino Dias - A Wikipédia como recurso de ensino e aprendizagem no ensino superior em Moçambique [Em linha]: estudo de caso num curso de biblioteconomia e documentação. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2024. 166 p.