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Em contexto educativo, a supervisão presume a construção e manutenção de cenários de
formação e desenvolvimento profissional docente que acolham e alentem a miríade de
dimensões relativas à identidade profissional e à profissionalidade docente. Sucede que,
no Ensino Superior português, não é requerida formação didático-pedagógica de base ou
a participação em ações de formação continuada por parte das/dos docentes – nem para
a sua contratação, nem para o exercício da docência, nem para a avaliação do
desempenho e promoção interna ou progressão na carreira. Fruindo do impulso da atual
conjuntura favorável, na qual é incontestável que a melhoria da qualidade dos processos
de ensino e aprendizagem e a promoção da inovação pedagógica e da aprendizagem ativa
se encontram, ditosamente, na agenda das Instituições de Ensino Superior, importa
acompanhar docentes em processos de (auto)reflexão, formação e transformação, em
benefício do seu desenvolvimento profissional e das aprendizagens das/dos estudantes.
Uma das práticas favoráveis ao desenvolvimento profissional docente, não largamente
disseminada, é a Indagação da Pedagogia. O presente estudo pretende explorar que
incentivos são relevantes para que docentes do Ensino Superior pratiquem a Indagação
da Pedagogia. Neste estudo fenomenológico, ancorado no paradigma interpretativo e de
natureza qualitativa, entrevistaram-se três docentes que participaram em processos de
Indagação da Pedagogia, para auscultá-las acerca de experiências e vivências,
procedendo-se à análise temática dos dados. Apesar das inconveniências associadas,
conclui-se que os benefícios da Indagação da Pedagogia são mais expressivos; porém, é
necessário construir, facilitar e reconhecer o espaço da Indagação da Pedagogia enquanto
área de supervisão pedagógica galvanizadora da formação e do desenvolvimento
profissional, a partir de incentivos como a possibilidade de aliar investigação e docência, e
a existência de estruturas institucionais apoiantes. Ambiciona-se que o estudo contribua
para a valorização da (Indagação da) Pedagogia no Ensino Superior, em Portugal.
In the educational context, supervision presumes building and maintaining scenarios of faculty professional training and development that welcome and encourage the plethora of dimensions pertaining to professional identity and faculty professionalization. It turns out that, in the Portuguese Higher Education, faculty are not required initial didacticpedagogical training nor the participation in continuous training – neither for being hired, nor to teach, nor to have their performance assessed and to be promoted or progress in their career. Making the most of the current favorable scenario, in which it is undeniable that the improvement of the teaching and learning processes and the promotion of pedagogical innovation and active learning are, fortunately, in the agenda of Higher Education Institutions, it is important to accompany faculty in processes of (self)reflection, training, and transformation, to the benefit of their professional development and students’ learning. One of the practices that is favorable to faculty professional development, not yet widely disseminated, is Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. This study explores what incentives are relevant so that faculty practice Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. In this phenomenological study, grounded on the interpretative paradigm and of a qualitative nature, three faculty who participated in processes of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning were interviewed about their experiences and perceptions, and these data were analyzed using a thematic analysis. Despite the associated inconveniences, we conclude that the benefits of Scholarship of Teaching and Practice are more significant; however, it is necessary to build, facilitate, and recognize the space of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning as an area of pedagogical supervision that can galvanize training and professional development, through incentives such as the possibility to ally research and teaching, and supportive institutional structures. We hope that this study contributes to the appreciation of Pedagogy (via Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) in Higher Education, in Portugal.
In the educational context, supervision presumes building and maintaining scenarios of faculty professional training and development that welcome and encourage the plethora of dimensions pertaining to professional identity and faculty professionalization. It turns out that, in the Portuguese Higher Education, faculty are not required initial didacticpedagogical training nor the participation in continuous training – neither for being hired, nor to teach, nor to have their performance assessed and to be promoted or progress in their career. Making the most of the current favorable scenario, in which it is undeniable that the improvement of the teaching and learning processes and the promotion of pedagogical innovation and active learning are, fortunately, in the agenda of Higher Education Institutions, it is important to accompany faculty in processes of (self)reflection, training, and transformation, to the benefit of their professional development and students’ learning. One of the practices that is favorable to faculty professional development, not yet widely disseminated, is Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. This study explores what incentives are relevant so that faculty practice Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. In this phenomenological study, grounded on the interpretative paradigm and of a qualitative nature, three faculty who participated in processes of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning were interviewed about their experiences and perceptions, and these data were analyzed using a thematic analysis. Despite the associated inconveniences, we conclude that the benefits of Scholarship of Teaching and Practice are more significant; however, it is necessary to build, facilitate, and recognize the space of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning as an area of pedagogical supervision that can galvanize training and professional development, through incentives such as the possibility to ally research and teaching, and supportive institutional structures. We hope that this study contributes to the appreciation of Pedagogy (via Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) in Higher Education, in Portugal.
Indagação da pedagogia Desenvolvimento profissional Docentes Pedagogia no ensino superior Estudo fenomenológico Supervisão pedagógica Scholarship of teaching and learning Faculty professional development Pedagogy in higher education Phenomenological study Pedagogical supervision
Franco, Amanda Helena Rodrigues - Ode à pedagogia no ensino superior [Em linha]: a indagação da pedagogia ao serviço do desenvolvimento profissional docente. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2023. 152 p.