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A atual conjuntura social, cultural e económica, não enfraqueceu, de
modo algum, o papel da leitura no mundo do conhecimento, pelo contrário,
tornou-a uma atividade essencial na vida do cidadão do século XXI. Estamos
conscientes do quão fundamental é a leitura, enquanto ferramenta que
possibilita o acesso ao saber e ao conhecimento do Eu, do Outro e do Mundo,
que possibilita o desenvolvimento de um caminho de liberdade, de abertura ao
conhecimento e à reflexão, que conduz à formação de cidadãos críticos e
interventivos. Assim, reconhecemos ser importante desencadear meios e
implementar estratégias que permitam promover nos nossos alunos hábitos de
leitura e, sobretudo, o gosto pela leitura.
O ponto de partida para o estudo em curso prende-se com a intenção de
refletir sobre a problemática da leitura, dado que a leitura se apresenta como
um dos desafios da sociedade, em geral, e da Escola e da Biblioteca Escolar,
em particular. A leitura é encarada como tema que nos permite conciliar uma
abordagem de duas vertentes essenciais no contexto de trabalho da biblioteca
escolar: o seu papel na motivação e promoção da leitura e os contributos na
formação cidadã dos alunos.
Nesta investigação analisou-se a abordagem a uma estratégia em
particular: a implementação do Projeto Voluntários de Leitura “Amigos a ler”
que tem como atores principais os próprios alunos. Na base da implementação
deste projeto está a intenção de cativar, partilhar, envolver e comprometer, que
são, em suma, conceitos que vemos como pilares fundamentais para a cultura
do prazer de ler em articulação com os propósitos mais gerais do voluntariado.
The current social, cultural and economic situation didn’t weaken, in any way, the role of reading in the world of knowledge. On the contrary, it made it an essential activity in the life of the twenty-first century citizen. Conscious of the fact that reading is essential as a tool which allows the access to Knowledge in general and to the Knowledge of the World, the Other and of Yourself, that enables the development of a path of freedom, of opening to knowledge and refelction, that allows the upbringing of critical and active citizens, we recognise the importance of creating means and setting strategies which can promote reading habits among our students, mainly the joy of reading. The starting point for the current study is related to the intention of reflecting about the issue of reading, since reading is presented as one of the challenges of society in general and of school and the school library in particular. Reading is faced as a theme that allows us to conciliate an approach of two essential areas in the school library's work context: its role in motivating and promoting reading and its contributions to students' citizenship formation. In this investigation we analysed the approach of a strategy in particular: the setting of the Project Reading Volunteers called “Friends reading”. In the foundation of this project is the intention of captivate, share, involve and promise, which are, basically, the concepts that we see as the essential pillars for the pleasure of reading in conjunction with the more general purposes of volunteering.
The current social, cultural and economic situation didn’t weaken, in any way, the role of reading in the world of knowledge. On the contrary, it made it an essential activity in the life of the twenty-first century citizen. Conscious of the fact that reading is essential as a tool which allows the access to Knowledge in general and to the Knowledge of the World, the Other and of Yourself, that enables the development of a path of freedom, of opening to knowledge and refelction, that allows the upbringing of critical and active citizens, we recognise the importance of creating means and setting strategies which can promote reading habits among our students, mainly the joy of reading. The starting point for the current study is related to the intention of reflecting about the issue of reading, since reading is presented as one of the challenges of society in general and of school and the school library in particular. Reading is faced as a theme that allows us to conciliate an approach of two essential areas in the school library's work context: its role in motivating and promoting reading and its contributions to students' citizenship formation. In this investigation we analysed the approach of a strategy in particular: the setting of the Project Reading Volunteers called “Friends reading”. In the foundation of this project is the intention of captivate, share, involve and promise, which are, basically, the concepts that we see as the essential pillars for the pleasure of reading in conjunction with the more general purposes of volunteering.
Bibliotecas escolares Promoção da leitura Voluntariado Voluntários de leitura (projetos) School library Reading promotion Volunteering Reading volunteers
Matos, Marta - O papel da biblioteca escolar na promoção e motivação da leitura [Em linha]: implementação do projeto Voluntários de Leitura. Lisboa: [s.n.], 2020. 153 p.