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A comunicação, as suas dificuldades, problemas e consequências sempre foram um calcanhar de Aquiles na Educação a distância como é referido por inúmeros autores. Focar o Ensino a Distância (EaD) na disponibilização de informação e na distribuição de conteúdos, como tem sido a atitude mais generalizada, resolverá alguns problemas práticos das instituições de ensino, mas não resolve um dos problemas clássicos e mais importantes da Educação a distância que é o isolamento dos alunos com todos os efeitos negativos que isso tem na motivação e na desistência dos cursos. Por outro lado, a utilização das NTIC (Novas Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação) e especialmente o uso das plataformas de eLearning trouxe para a Educação a Distância novos problemas associados à sua utilização e nomeadamente a usabilidade. Nesta investigação enfrentámos, entre outros, estes dois grandes desafios do EaD actual, o isolamento dos alunos e a usabilidade dos sistemas e estudámos vias tecnológicas e metodológicas que, privilegiando o diálogo e a comunicação, nos permitam enfrentá-los e contribuam para a sua resolução, com a plena consciência de que as tecnologias e as metodologias ajudam a resolver problemas complexos, mas são ainda assim a parte estática da equação. É à parte dinâmica, aos actores educativos, que cabe incluí-las nas suas estratégias e pô-las em acção nos enquadramentos e momentos mais oportunos. A metodologia Odisseia e a plataforma que desenvolvemos para a suportar e exemplificar, não descurando a importância dos recursos e conteúdos de qualidade (em que também investe muito), procura responder àqueles dois grandes desafios (isolamento e usabilidade) deslocando o foco da educação a distância para a Comunicação e disponibilizando para isso processos de organização do ensino/aprendizagem, metodologias e tecnologias testadas com sucesso nos últimos anos.
Descobrimos que para promover a comunicação (formal e informal) e melhorar a usabilidade, do ponto de vista tecnológico, um elemento chave é a integração de um sistema de comunicação síncrona multiutilizador (um Chat, por exemplo) sempre visível na estrutura permanente da interface do sítio para que os utilizadores se possam ―ver‖ e comunicar quando estão ou entram nele, à semelhança do que acontece quando entramos numa sala e vemos de imediato quem lá está. Para além de reduzirem o isolamento do utilizador, os ―outros‖ visitantes tornam-se também num recurso e num precioso sistema de ajuda informal muito mais eficaz e interactivo do que qualquer help system automático. Foi assim possível concretizar uma metodologia geral para os sítios Web educacionais e as plataformas, segundo a qual um sítio educacional deve ser antes de mais um espaço de comunicação e socialização que, paralelamente, também tem os recursos, os conteúdos e os materiais de estudo.
Communication, its difficulties, problems and consequences had always been an Achilles' heel (weakness) in Distance Learning as it‘s being referred by innumerous authors and to focus Distance Learning (DL) on information delivery and content distribution will solve some institution's practical issues, but won't solve one of the classic and most important problems of Distance Learning which is the students' isolation, with all its negative effects upon motivation and course dropout. The use of NTIC (New Technologies of Information and Communication) and specially the use of eLearning platforms brought to Distance Learning new problems associated with its usage, namely usability. In this investigation we faced, among others, these two big challenges of current DL, students‘ isolation and systems' usability, and we studied technological and methodological ways that, giving privilege to dialogue and communication, will allow us to face them and contribute to their resolution, with full conscience that technologies and methodology help us solving complex problems, even though they're still the static part of the equation. It's the dynamic part, the actors of the educational process, that must include them in their strategies and put them in practice, in the right context and timing. The Odyssey methodology and the platform we've developed to support and exemplify it, not denying the importance of quality resources and contents (in which it also invests a lot), tries to answer those two important challenges mentioned above (isolation and usability) by moving the focus of Distance Learning to Communication and making available, for that purpose, organizational processes of education/learning, methodologies and technologies tested with success in recent years. We found that to promote communication (formal and informal) and improve usability, from the technological point of view a key element is the integration of a multi-user synchronous communication system (a Chat, for example) in the permanent and always visible interface structure of the site so users can see each other and communicate when they are in or enter the site. Besides reducing isolation, ―other‖ visitors also became a pedagogical resource and a precious informal help system much more efficient and interactive than any other automatic help. It was in this way possible to materialize a general methodology for educational sites and platforms, where an educational site should be primarily a communication and socialization place, secondarily supported by content pages, resources and study material.
Communication, its difficulties, problems and consequences had always been an Achilles' heel (weakness) in Distance Learning as it‘s being referred by innumerous authors and to focus Distance Learning (DL) on information delivery and content distribution will solve some institution's practical issues, but won't solve one of the classic and most important problems of Distance Learning which is the students' isolation, with all its negative effects upon motivation and course dropout. The use of NTIC (New Technologies of Information and Communication) and specially the use of eLearning platforms brought to Distance Learning new problems associated with its usage, namely usability. In this investigation we faced, among others, these two big challenges of current DL, students‘ isolation and systems' usability, and we studied technological and methodological ways that, giving privilege to dialogue and communication, will allow us to face them and contribute to their resolution, with full conscience that technologies and methodology help us solving complex problems, even though they're still the static part of the equation. It's the dynamic part, the actors of the educational process, that must include them in their strategies and put them in practice, in the right context and timing. The Odyssey methodology and the platform we've developed to support and exemplify it, not denying the importance of quality resources and contents (in which it also invests a lot), tries to answer those two important challenges mentioned above (isolation and usability) by moving the focus of Distance Learning to Communication and making available, for that purpose, organizational processes of education/learning, methodologies and technologies tested with success in recent years. We found that to promote communication (formal and informal) and improve usability, from the technological point of view a key element is the integration of a multi-user synchronous communication system (a Chat, for example) in the permanent and always visible interface structure of the site so users can see each other and communicate when they are in or enter the site. Besides reducing isolation, ―other‖ visitors also became a pedagogical resource and a precious informal help system much more efficient and interactive than any other automatic help. It was in this way possible to materialize a general methodology for educational sites and platforms, where an educational site should be primarily a communication and socialization place, secondarily supported by content pages, resources and study material.
Tese de Doutoramento em Informática na especialidade de Informática apresentada à Universidade Aberta
Universidade Aberta Ensino a distância Elearning Ensino virtual Comunidades virtuais Plataforma Odisseia Resource Based Learning Distance learning Elearning platforms Information systems Web Based Information Systems Virtual reality 3D sistems VRML Multiuser worlds Multiuser systems Communication systems Synchronous communication Asynchronous communication
Cardoso, Vitor - Aprender a inovar [Em linha] : contextos virtuais e ambientes inteligentes de aprendizagem. [Lisboa] : [s.n.], 2007. 387 p.