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A Wikipédia é um dos projetos que mais concorre para a democratização do acesso à informação, podendo, consequentemente, e apesar dos seus limites e contradições, ser enquadrada na educação enquanto fenómeno social, assim contribuindo para os seus avanços. Neste sentido, revisitamos os princípios da
Educação Aberta, focando, nomeadamente, as Práticas e os Recursos Educacionais Abertos, que teoricamente fundamentam a integração curricular que testámos daquela enciclopédia online, num contexto de Educação de Adultos (EA), no âmbito de um Curso de Alfabetização e Desenvolvimento Pessoal que decorreu numa IPSS, Instituição Particular de Solidariedade Social, do distrito de Lisboa (em Portugal). Depois, apresentamos a fase de pré-diagnóstico do nosso estudo, em que procuramos indagar se a integração curricular da enciclopédia da atualidade, como a Wikipédia é também designada, poderia ser equacionada naquele contexto específico de EA. Posteriormente, explicitamos atividades realizadas, enfatizando no caso uma direcionada para a problemática do abandono escolar das meninas de etnia cigana. Concluímos, pelas evidências recolhidas, que foi bem acolhida a integração curricular da Wikipédia por nós proposta, e, por outro lado, que as estratégias identificadas, concretamente as relativas às temáticas e respetivas abordagens, tiveram sucesso no desenvolvimento pessoal dos adultos envolvidos. Em suma, a utilização de Recursos Educacionais Abertos globalmente, e particularmente da Wikipédia, tornou-se relevante para promover, com impacte social, o debate sobre uma das questões fraturantes na comunidade de etnia cigana.
Wikipedia is one of the projects that most contributes to the democratization of access to information. Despite its limits and contradictions, it can, consequently, be framed in education as a social phenomenon, thus contributing to its advances. Hence, we revisit the principles of Open Education, focusing, in particular, on Open Educational Practices and Resources, which theoretically support the curricular integration that we tested of that online encyclopedia, in a context of Adult Education (AE), within the scope of a Course of Literacy and Personal Development that took place at a Private Institution of Social Solidarity, in the district of Lisbon (in Portugal). Then, we present the pre-diagnosis phase of our study, in which we seek to confirm if the curricular integration of the current encyclopedia, as Wikipedia is also called, could be considered in that specific context of AE. Subsequently, we explain activities carried out, emphasizing one directed to the problem of school dropout of Gypsy girls. We conclude, based on the evidence gathered, that the curricular integration of Wikipedia proposed by us was welcomed, and, on the other hand, that the strategies selected, specifically those related to the themes and corresponding approaches, were successful in the personal development of the adults involved. In short, the use of Open Educational Resources globally, and particularly Wikipedia, has become relevant to promote, with social impact, the debate about one of the fracturing issues in the Roma community.
Wikipedia is one of the projects that most contributes to the democratization of access to information. Despite its limits and contradictions, it can, consequently, be framed in education as a social phenomenon, thus contributing to its advances. Hence, we revisit the principles of Open Education, focusing, in particular, on Open Educational Practices and Resources, which theoretically support the curricular integration that we tested of that online encyclopedia, in a context of Adult Education (AE), within the scope of a Course of Literacy and Personal Development that took place at a Private Institution of Social Solidarity, in the district of Lisbon (in Portugal). Then, we present the pre-diagnosis phase of our study, in which we seek to confirm if the curricular integration of the current encyclopedia, as Wikipedia is also called, could be considered in that specific context of AE. Subsequently, we explain activities carried out, emphasizing one directed to the problem of school dropout of Gypsy girls. We conclude, based on the evidence gathered, that the curricular integration of Wikipedia proposed by us was welcomed, and, on the other hand, that the strategies selected, specifically those related to the themes and corresponding approaches, were successful in the personal development of the adults involved. In short, the use of Open Educational Resources globally, and particularly Wikipedia, has become relevant to promote, with social impact, the debate about one of the fracturing issues in the Roma community.
Integrado em investigação da Rede Académica WEIWER, e no âmbito de projeto da UID4372-LE@D, Laboratório de Educação a Distância e Elearning (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior).
Educação aberta Wikipédia Competências digitais Educação de adultos Etnia cigana Open education Wikipedia Digital skills Adult education Romany populations
Cardoso, T. & Pestana, F. (2022). Práticas e Recursos Educacionais Abertos na Educação de Adultos: um Projeto Inovador com Mulheres de Etnia Cigana. Américo Silva & Ariana Silva (Org.) A educação enquanto fenômeno social: avanços, limites e contradições, Capítulo 3, pp. 28-42. Ponta Grossa: Atena Editora.
ATENA Editora