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O presente estudo apresenta uma revisão de literatura com o objetivo de conhecer e mapear o estado do conhecimento na área da literacia da informação, incidindo em particular nos modelos apresentados na década de 2000 por Christine Bruce e Carol Kulthau. Adotámos o modelo metodológico da Investigação Analítica, uma modalidade de investigação secundária ou de síntese, cujo trabalho de campo é baseado na análise de documentos escritos, e baseámo-nos no modelo Methodologically Inclusive Research Synthesis (MIRS).
Neste percurso, refletimos sobre a definição de informação e conhecimento e sobre a forma como estes conceitos moldam a sociedade contemporânea.
Mapeámos a evolução do conceito de literacia da informação, distinguindo três vertentes – científica, institucional e prática -, onde se enquadram os documentos internacionais que formalizam a literacia da informação como um direito humano e os referenciais e modelos que influenciam a ação a desenvolver no contexto da educação formal. Considerámos igualmente a literacia da informação no contexto das novas literacias e debruçámo-nos sobre a evolução do conceito de literacia, incidindo em particular nas propostas que agregam duas ou mais literacias, nomeadamente, a literacia para os media e informação e a transliteracia.
Abordámos, finalmente, os modelos de literacia da informação de Bruce e Kulthau e analisámos um conjunto de artigos destas autoras para identificar os fatores que podem influenciar decisivamente a aplicação dos seus modelos em contexto educativo. Para concluir, comparámos os modelos e procurámos perceber o seu impacto na realidade portuguesa.
In this study we conducted a comprehensive literature review, with the aim of identifying and mapping the existing knowledge in the field of information literacy. Our focus was on the information literacy models proposed by Christine Bruce and Carol Kulthau in the 2000s. We adopted the methodological model of Analytical Research, a type of secondary research or synthesis, whose fieldwork is based on analysing written documents, and we used the Methodologically Inclusive Research Synthesis (MIRS) model. Along the way, we reflected on the definition of information and knowledge and how these concepts shape contemporary society. We mapped the evolution of the concept of information literacy, distinguishing between three strands: scientific, institutional, and practical. These strands include the international documents that formalize information literacy as a human right and the frameworks and models that influence the action to be taken in the context of formal education. We have also considered information literacy in the context of the new literacies and examined the evolution of the concept of literacy. We focused on proposals that bring together two or more literacies, namely media and information literacy and transliteracy. We analysed Bruce and Kulthau's models of information literacy and a series of articles written by these authors to identify the factors that can decisively influence the application of their models in an educational context. Finally, we conducted a comparative analysis of the models to ascertain their potential impact on the portuguese educational context.
In this study we conducted a comprehensive literature review, with the aim of identifying and mapping the existing knowledge in the field of information literacy. Our focus was on the information literacy models proposed by Christine Bruce and Carol Kulthau in the 2000s. We adopted the methodological model of Analytical Research, a type of secondary research or synthesis, whose fieldwork is based on analysing written documents, and we used the Methodologically Inclusive Research Synthesis (MIRS) model. Along the way, we reflected on the definition of information and knowledge and how these concepts shape contemporary society. We mapped the evolution of the concept of information literacy, distinguishing between three strands: scientific, institutional, and practical. These strands include the international documents that formalize information literacy as a human right and the frameworks and models that influence the action to be taken in the context of formal education. We have also considered information literacy in the context of the new literacies and examined the evolution of the concept of literacy. We focused on proposals that bring together two or more literacies, namely media and information literacy and transliteracy. We analysed Bruce and Kulthau's models of information literacy and a series of articles written by these authors to identify the factors that can decisively influence the application of their models in an educational context. Finally, we conducted a comparative analysis of the models to ascertain their potential impact on the portuguese educational context.
Biblioteca escolar Literacia da informação Guided Inquiry Informed Learning School library Information literacy
Castro, Helena Madureira e - A experiência da informação [Em linha]: contributos da pesquisa desenvolvida por Carol Kuhlthau e Christine Bruce. Lisboa: [s.n.], 2024. 177 p.