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A dissertação que aqui se apresenta resulta de um trabalho de investigação junto de um Agrupamento de Escolas que adotou, a partir do ano letivo 2011/2012, como medida de promoção de sucesso educativo, o Projeto Fénix.
Teoricamente, este estudo pretendeu analisar a escola enquanto organização social em que a comunidade escolar e social são partes interessadas na inovação e na mudança; esclarecer o conceito de projeto nos quadros dos novos regimes de autonomia e de gestão das escolas; compreender a importância e o papel dos projetos educacionais como fatores promotores de mudança e inovação pedagógica nas organizações escolares. Assim, adotando uma metodologia de trabalho de caráter qualitativo, descritivo e interpretativo procurou-se, através de um estudo de caso, analisar as medidas organizacionais que a escola assumiu para dar um apoio mais personalizado aos alunos que evidenciavam dificuldades de aprendizagem, nomeadamente, na disciplina de português; de que forma se procedeu à sua implementação na prática diária e o impacto do projeto nos professores e alunos; e, ao mesmo tempo analisar a relevância e o sentido da avaliação no decorrer e no término de um projeto, como importante processo de apoio à transformação, à melhoria, à transparência, no desenvolvimento de projetos educativos. A concretização destes objetivos só foi possível graças à colaboração da direção do agrupamento que autorizou a consulta de vários documentos essenciais e de todos os outros intervenientes no processo (alunos, professores, diretora, coordenadores e encarregados de educação), que prontamente se disponibilizaram para responderem às entrevistas.
Sucintamente pode dizer-se que o estudo permitiu perceber que a implementação do Projeto Fénix, no geral, foi bem aceite por toda a comunidade educativa, mesmo tratando-se de um desafio ambicioso que exigiu determinação, rigor e trabalho de equipa, no qual alunos, professores e pais se comprometeram a melhorar o sucesso educativo. Apesar dos entraves que surgiram em consequência das políticas economicistas e de contenção, do quadro político atual, e da falta de recursos humanos (bolsa de professores de apoio), a nova organização pedagógica fundamentada pelo Projeto Fénix conseguiu melhorar o clima de aprendizagem, recuperar os alunos com mais dificuldades de aprendizagem e aprimorar as excelências.
This dissertation is the result of a research work in a School who has been adopting the Phoenix Project from since the year 2011/2012 as a measure, to promote educational success. Theoretically, this study intended to analyze the school as a social organization in which the educational and social community are stakeholders in innovation and change; to clarify the concept of the project within the frames of the new regimes of autonomy and management of schools; understand the importance and the role of educational projects as promotional factors of change and pedagogical innovation in school organizations. To do so, a working methodology of a qualitative, descriptive and interpretative nature was sought, through a case study; to investigate the organizational measures that the school has taken to give a more personalized support to those students who demonstrated learning difficulties, especially in the discipline of Portuguese, how the school proceeded to implemente them in daily practice and the impact of the project on teachers and students; at the same time, the study wants to analyse the importance of the evaluation during the projetct implementation, as an important process of transformation.. Achieving these objectives was only possible thanks to the collaboration of the direction of the school, who allowed the consultation of various essential documents, and all other stakeholders in the process (students, teachers, coordinators and parents), who promptly made themselves available to answering to the interviews. Briefly it can be said that the study allowed us to perceive that the implementation of the Phoenix Project was, overall, well accepted throughout the educational community, even though this was an ambitious challenge that required determination, rigor and teamwork, in which students , teachers and parents were committed to improving educational success. Despite the obstacles that have arisen as a result of an economistic and containment policy, the current policy framework, and the lack of human resources (support teachers), the new teaching organization founded by Phoenix Project allowed an improvement in the learning atmosphere, helping to aid more students with learning difficulties and enhance excellence.
This dissertation is the result of a research work in a School who has been adopting the Phoenix Project from since the year 2011/2012 as a measure, to promote educational success. Theoretically, this study intended to analyze the school as a social organization in which the educational and social community are stakeholders in innovation and change; to clarify the concept of the project within the frames of the new regimes of autonomy and management of schools; understand the importance and the role of educational projects as promotional factors of change and pedagogical innovation in school organizations. To do so, a working methodology of a qualitative, descriptive and interpretative nature was sought, through a case study; to investigate the organizational measures that the school has taken to give a more personalized support to those students who demonstrated learning difficulties, especially in the discipline of Portuguese, how the school proceeded to implemente them in daily practice and the impact of the project on teachers and students; at the same time, the study wants to analyse the importance of the evaluation during the projetct implementation, as an important process of transformation.. Achieving these objectives was only possible thanks to the collaboration of the direction of the school, who allowed the consultation of various essential documents, and all other stakeholders in the process (students, teachers, coordinators and parents), who promptly made themselves available to answering to the interviews. Briefly it can be said that the study allowed us to perceive that the implementation of the Phoenix Project was, overall, well accepted throughout the educational community, even though this was an ambitious challenge that required determination, rigor and teamwork, in which students , teachers and parents were committed to improving educational success. Despite the obstacles that have arisen as a result of an economistic and containment policy, the current policy framework, and the lack of human resources (support teachers), the new teaching organization founded by Phoenix Project allowed an improvement in the learning atmosphere, helping to aid more students with learning difficulties and enhance excellence.
Educação Projetos de educação Trabalho colaborativo Inovações educativas Autonomia Sucesso educativo 1º Ciclo Estudo de casos School Innovation Autonomy Projects and Phoenix Project
Fernandes, Cármen Vanda Machado - Projeto Fénix [Em linha] : inovação na organização pedagógica no 1º ciclo : estudo de caso. [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2015. 241 p.