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Francisco Xavier Baptista é um dos compositores mais
marcantes do repertório português para tecla da segunda
metade do século XVIII. A sua coleção de doze sonatas
figura entre as raras obras para instrumentos de tecla
publicadas em Portugal nessa época. Além destas,
existem duas sonatas manuscritas da sua autoria e
outras duas indicando a autoria de Francisco Xavier
Bachixa, num manuscrito preservado na Bibliothèque
nationale de France. A partir de pesquisas biográficas e
do estudo de documentação da época, este vídeo-artigo
esclarece acerca do sobrenome Baxixa (ou Bachixa) e
da identidade deste músico e compositor português,
bem como do seu filho, Joaquim Félix Xavier.
Francisco Xavier Baptista is one of the most important composers of the Portuguese keyboard repertoire of the second half of the 18th century. His collection of twelve sonatas is among the rare keyboard works published in Portugal at that time. In addition to these, there are two manuscript sonatas by him and two others indicating the authorship of Francisco Xavier Bachixa, in a manuscript preserved at the Bibliothèque nationale de France. Based on biographical research and on the study of documentation from the time, this video-article clarifies about the surname Baxixa (or Bachixa) and the identity of this Portuguese musician and composer, as well as his son, Joaquim Félix Xavier.
Francisco Xavier Baptista is one of the most important composers of the Portuguese keyboard repertoire of the second half of the 18th century. His collection of twelve sonatas is among the rare keyboard works published in Portugal at that time. In addition to these, there are two manuscript sonatas by him and two others indicating the authorship of Francisco Xavier Bachixa, in a manuscript preserved at the Bibliothèque nationale de France. Based on biographical research and on the study of documentation from the time, this video-article clarifies about the surname Baxixa (or Bachixa) and the identity of this Portuguese musician and composer, as well as his son, Joaquim Félix Xavier.
Música portuguesa Biografia Francisco Xavier Baptista Joaquim Félix Xavier Baxixa Portuguese music Biography
Nejmeddine, Mafalda (2023). De Baptista a Baxixa: Percurso dos músicos Francisco Xavier e Joaquim Félix Xavier. Video Journal of Social and Human Research, 2(1), 1-12. v2i1.21
Universidade Aberta | Universidade Estadual do Maranhão