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A emergência da noção de competência no sistema educativo tem vindo a ser reconhecido como um recurso importante na construção de um novo modelo de ensino aprendizagem no ensino básico. No estudo que vamos desenvolver procura-se refletir sobre a forma como se têm organizado para responder às orientações do currículo nacional que visam a mudança de paradigma de um ensino centrado nos objetivos e conteúdos para um ensino centrado no desenvolvimento de competências. O currículo exige nova postura dos professores, alunos e da própria escola, o desenvolvimento de competências valoriza a capacidade de resolver situações complexas pelos alunos e não a memorização de informação. Nesse estudo procura-se refletir sobre a forma com os professores do ensino básico da escola ‘Quintino Ribeiro’ em Cabo Verde, se
têm compreendido e operacionalizam a orientação do Ministério de educação sobre a abordagem por competências no ensino Básico.
Metodologicamente recorremos a um estudo de caso, que integra questionário por inquérito a uma amostra de professores da escola ‘Quintino Ribeiro’ e inquéritos aplicado pais e encarregados de educação envolvidos na conceção, organização e desenvolvimento do novo modelo de ensino-aprendizagem. O tema escolhido é pertinente, com a renovação curricular, assente numa abordagem por competências, os docentes apresentam desorientados, por causa de fraca formação neste domínio. O estudo pensa em contribuir com a identificação das conceções que os professores têm acerca da abordagem por competências no currículo, e ainda o estudo trará melhor entendimento desta abordagem na prática do ensino/aprendizagem.
The emergence of the idea of competence in the educational system has been recognized as an essential resource in the construction of a new teaching and learning model in primary schools. In the study that we will develop, we intend to think about the manner how it is organized to respond the orientations of the national curriculum which aim to the changing of the teaching paradigm focus on the objectives and contents to a teaching centered on the development of competence. The curriculum demands a new attitude from the teachers, students and school itself. The development of competence focus on the students’ aptitude or capacity to solve complex situations instead of memorization of information. in this study, the aim is to think over the way’ Quintino Ribeiro’ primary teachers in Cape Verde, has worked and followed the orientation of Ministry of Education about the competence approach in the primary school level. Methodologically, we resort to a case study, which comprises questionnaires through inquiry targeting a sample of teachers at ‘Quintino Ribeiro’ primary school and inquiries applied to the parents and the educational carers involved on the planning, organization and development of a new teaching and learning model. The chosen topic is pertinent, for with the curricular restoration based on the competence approach, the teachers seem disoriented, because of the weak training in this domain. This study aims to contribute to the identification of conceptions that teachers have about the competence approach in the curriculum, it also aims to bring a better understanding of this approach in the teaching practice.
The emergence of the idea of competence in the educational system has been recognized as an essential resource in the construction of a new teaching and learning model in primary schools. In the study that we will develop, we intend to think about the manner how it is organized to respond the orientations of the national curriculum which aim to the changing of the teaching paradigm focus on the objectives and contents to a teaching centered on the development of competence. The curriculum demands a new attitude from the teachers, students and school itself. The development of competence focus on the students’ aptitude or capacity to solve complex situations instead of memorization of information. in this study, the aim is to think over the way’ Quintino Ribeiro’ primary teachers in Cape Verde, has worked and followed the orientation of Ministry of Education about the competence approach in the primary school level. Methodologically, we resort to a case study, which comprises questionnaires through inquiry targeting a sample of teachers at ‘Quintino Ribeiro’ primary school and inquiries applied to the parents and the educational carers involved on the planning, organization and development of a new teaching and learning model. The chosen topic is pertinent, for with the curricular restoration based on the competence approach, the teachers seem disoriented, because of the weak training in this domain. This study aims to contribute to the identification of conceptions that teachers have about the competence approach in the curriculum, it also aims to bring a better understanding of this approach in the teaching practice.
Competências Abordagem por competências Ensino básico Cabo Verde Competence Competence approach Primary school in Cape Verde
Rosa, Eurídice Ester dos Santos Rosa - Abordagem por competência no ensino básico [Em linha]: estudo de caso realizado na escola “Quintino Ribeiro” Cabo-Verde. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2019. 108 p.