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Taking as reference an oral corpus of radio phone-in programmes (Almeida, 2005), we will analyse the functioning of linguistic softener/mitigation and intensification devices that are performed under the frame of rhetorical strategies orientated towards interactional efficiency and argumentative activity. The occurrence of modal verbs, adverbs and adverbial locutions as fuzziness markers, the use of existential quantifiers that express vagueness and detachment are softeners used to persuade the hearer in interactive specific contexts. The repetition of assertions in negative form in agreement and disagreement sequences, the occurrence of universal quantifiers, the repetition of the justification sequence in the same intervention and the repeated use of adjectives in the superlative degree constitute intensifiers analysed in interactional context. We will verify that the co-occurrence of softener and intensification devices is used to signal emphatic agreement or disagreement. We will also consider the contexts where the strategic use of these mitigation devices constitutes an expression of politeness and we will identify the functioning of softeners in witty sequences of mitigation of potential conflict.
Mitigation Softeners Vagueness Rhetorical strategy Conversational involvement Extreme case formulations
Publicações da Faculdade de Axioma - Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais