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A presente investigação adota uma perspectiva de gênero para examinar o
impacto da organização genderizada na carreira das magistradas do Tribunal
de Justiça do Estado do Paraná, Brasil. Adotando o conceito de gênero de
Joan Scott (1990), por meio dos estudos de Rosabeth Kanter (1977 e 1993)
de Joan Acker (1990) e Santos e Amâncio (2014) aborda o debate sobre a
desigualdade de gênero apresentando o conceito de tokenismo/sobreminoria
e de organização genderizada. A pesquisa analisa a teoria neutra das
organizações laborais que sustenta que a desigualdade nos locais de
trabalho é consequência da neutralidade atribuída às instituições que na
verdade são baseadas no gênero masculino, conhecida como genderização.
A segregação vertical é contextualizada por metáforas compiladas do Manual
"Gênero de Mudança Organizacional" (Casaca & Lortie, 2018), partindo do
conceito de "teto de vidro" (Steil, A. V. 1997), que simboliza as barreiras
invisíveis que dificultam a trajetória feminina até os cargos de maior poder.
Além disso, o trabalho examina a representação feminina nas Supremas
Cortes de países da América Latina (Comissão Econômica para a América
Latina e o Caribe - CEPAL, 2022), bem como, trabalhos recentes sobre a
presença das mulheres na magistratura brasileira (Bonelli & Oliveira, 2020;
Bonelli, 2011; Fragale Filho, 2015; Severi & Jesus Filho, 2022; Sciamarella,
2020; Yoshida & Held, 2019; Yoshida, 2022), juntamente com dados
disponíveis no país (Conselho Nacional de Justiça – CNJ e Associação
Juízes Federais - AJUFE). Nesta senda, este estudo tem como objetivo
investigar se as mulheres magistradas do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do
Paraná são afetadas pela organização de trabalho baseada no gênero
masculino, uma vez que ocupam posições de destaque na hierarquia da
instituição e são consideradas símbolos. Em virtude da escassez de
informações específicas sobre a temática no contexto do Tribunal em voga,
optou-se pela aplicação de um questionário, o qual obteve a participação de
74 juízas de direito da instituição num universo de 354 mulheres. Os
resultados da pesquisa indicam que as magistradas paranaenses enfrentam
obstáculos institucionais, preconceito e discriminação no seu percurso
profissional, desde o ingresso na carreira até a promoção e nas designações
para assumir cargos administrativos na instituição.
The present investigation adopts a gender perspective to examine the impact of gendered organization on the careers of female judges at the Court of Justice of the State of Paraná, Brazil. Drawing on Joan Scott's (1990) concept of gender and the studies of Rosabeth Kanter (1977 and 1993), Joan Acker (1990), and Santos and Amâncio (2014), the research addresses the debate on gender inequality, presenting the concept of tokenism/underrepresentation and gendered organization. The study analyzes the neutral theory of organizational labor that holds that workplace inequality is a consequence of the neutrality attributed to institutions that are, in fact, based on male gender, known as genderization. Vertical segregation is contextualized through metaphors compiled from the "Organizational Change Gender Manual" (Casaca & Lortie, 2018), starting from the concept of the "glass ceiling" (Steil, A. V. 1997), which symbolizes the invisible barriers that hinder women's trajectory to higher-ranking positions. Additionally, the work examines the female representation in the Supreme Courts of Latin American countries (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean - ECLAC, 2022), as well as recent studies on the presence of women in the Brazilian judiciary (Bonelli & Oliveira, 2020; Bonelli, 2011; Fragale Filho, 2015; Severi & Jesus Filho, 2022; Sciamarella, 2020; Yoshida & Held, 2019; Yoshida, 2022), along with available data in the country (National Council of Justice - CNJ and Federal Judges Association - AJUFE). In this regard, this study aims to investigate whether female judges at the Court of Justice of the State of Paraná are affected by the male gender-based organizational structure, given that they hold prominent positions in the institution's hierarchy and are considered symbols. Due to the scarcity of specific information on the subject in the context of the Court in question, a questionnaire was applied, which obtained the participation of 74 female judges in the institution out of a total of 354 women. The research results indicate that female judges from Paraná face institutional obstacles, prejudice, and discrimination in their professional path, from entry into the career to promotion and appointment to administrative positions in the institution.
The present investigation adopts a gender perspective to examine the impact of gendered organization on the careers of female judges at the Court of Justice of the State of Paraná, Brazil. Drawing on Joan Scott's (1990) concept of gender and the studies of Rosabeth Kanter (1977 and 1993), Joan Acker (1990), and Santos and Amâncio (2014), the research addresses the debate on gender inequality, presenting the concept of tokenism/underrepresentation and gendered organization. The study analyzes the neutral theory of organizational labor that holds that workplace inequality is a consequence of the neutrality attributed to institutions that are, in fact, based on male gender, known as genderization. Vertical segregation is contextualized through metaphors compiled from the "Organizational Change Gender Manual" (Casaca & Lortie, 2018), starting from the concept of the "glass ceiling" (Steil, A. V. 1997), which symbolizes the invisible barriers that hinder women's trajectory to higher-ranking positions. Additionally, the work examines the female representation in the Supreme Courts of Latin American countries (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean - ECLAC, 2022), as well as recent studies on the presence of women in the Brazilian judiciary (Bonelli & Oliveira, 2020; Bonelli, 2011; Fragale Filho, 2015; Severi & Jesus Filho, 2022; Sciamarella, 2020; Yoshida & Held, 2019; Yoshida, 2022), along with available data in the country (National Council of Justice - CNJ and Federal Judges Association - AJUFE). In this regard, this study aims to investigate whether female judges at the Court of Justice of the State of Paraná are affected by the male gender-based organizational structure, given that they hold prominent positions in the institution's hierarchy and are considered symbols. Due to the scarcity of specific information on the subject in the context of the Court in question, a questionnaire was applied, which obtained the participation of 74 female judges in the institution out of a total of 354 women. The research results indicate that female judges from Paraná face institutional obstacles, prejudice, and discrimination in their professional path, from entry into the career to promotion and appointment to administrative positions in the institution.
Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Paraná Desigualdades de género Magistratura Organização genderizada Barreiras invisíveis Brasil Paraná Gender inequality(-ies) Magistracy Gendered organization Invisible barriers Court of Justice of the State of Paraná
Zanetti, Luciene Oliveira Vizzotto - Desigualdade(s) de gênero na magistratura [Em linha]: impactos da organização de trabalho genderizada na carreira das mulheres magistradas do tribunal de justiça Estado do Paraná - Brasil. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2023. 121 p.