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Através do nosso estudo, pretendemos investigar os contornos e as particularidades
de algumas facetas da escrita literária de Ana Hatherly, comprovando que constituem
novos caminhos que originam uma escrita singular, com criações originais e registos
híbridos, em constante reinvenção. Como corpus literário, selecionamos três obras
hatherlyanas que se apresentam mais representativas da temática em estudo e que abarcam
a variedade da sua escrita: O Mestre (1963), na linha da narrativa de ficção experimental,
Anacrusa – 68 sonhos (1983), enquanto escrita onírica, e 463 Tisanas (2006), compilação
das suas criações poéticas em prosa.
Ambicionamos confirmar que as palavras na obra literária hatherlyana tomam
diferentes formas e sentidos e, nesta perspetiva, destacamos os processos de
experimentação discursiva e as reinvenções da linguagem em sintonia com a Autora que vê
a escrita como o seu território de investigação e de improvisação. No nosso ponto de vista,
a escrita hatherlyana visa criar outras escritas, fornecendo pistas para desvendar o
conhecimento e a aprendizagem.
Tal como Ariadne dá o fio a Teseu para este encontrar a saída do labirinto, também
Ana Hatherly, através do ato criador/criativo da sua escrita/das suas palavras, dá ao leitor a
ponta do novelo para encontrarmos o sentido labiríntico da escrita, uma escrita com muitas
vertentes e riquezas. Ao dar-nos o fio, a Autora concede-nos igualmente a memória (o
passado) e, portanto, o reconhecimento do caminho para a sua escrita enquanto território
fértil de desafios e reinvenções. Assim, o nosso desejo é encontrar o sentido em aberto que
une os fios/as linhas da escrita/dos textos à semelhança de Ariadne.
Through our study, we intend to investigate the contours and particularities of some aspects of Ana Hatherly's literary writing, proving that they constitute new paths that originate a singular writing, with original creations and hybrid records, in constant reinvention. As a literary corpus, we selected three Hatherlyan works that are more representative of the theme under study and that encompass the variety of their writing: O Mestre (1963), in line with the experimental fiction narrative, Anacrusa - 68 dreams (1983), while oniric writing, and 463 Tisanas (2006), compilation of his poetic creations in prose. We aim to confirm that the words in the literary of Hatherlyan work take different forms and meanings and, in this perspective, we highlight the processes of discursive experimentation and the reinventions of language in line with the Author who sees writing as her territory of investigation and improvisation. In our point of view, Hatherlyan writing aims to create other writings, providing clues to unveil knowledge and learning. Just as Ariadne gives Theseus the thread to find the way out of the labyrinth, so Ana Hatherly, through the creative / creative act of her writing / her words, gives the reader the tip of the ball in order to find the labyrinthic sense of writing, a written with many strands and riches. By giving us the thread, the Author also grants us memory (the past) and, therefore, the reknowledge of the path to her writing as a fertile territory for challenges and reinventions. Thus, our desire is to find the open sense that unites the threads / lines of writing / texts in the likeness of Ariadne.
Through our study, we intend to investigate the contours and particularities of some aspects of Ana Hatherly's literary writing, proving that they constitute new paths that originate a singular writing, with original creations and hybrid records, in constant reinvention. As a literary corpus, we selected three Hatherlyan works that are more representative of the theme under study and that encompass the variety of their writing: O Mestre (1963), in line with the experimental fiction narrative, Anacrusa - 68 dreams (1983), while oniric writing, and 463 Tisanas (2006), compilation of his poetic creations in prose. We aim to confirm that the words in the literary of Hatherlyan work take different forms and meanings and, in this perspective, we highlight the processes of discursive experimentation and the reinventions of language in line with the Author who sees writing as her territory of investigation and improvisation. In our point of view, Hatherlyan writing aims to create other writings, providing clues to unveil knowledge and learning. Just as Ariadne gives Theseus the thread to find the way out of the labyrinth, so Ana Hatherly, through the creative / creative act of her writing / her words, gives the reader the tip of the ball in order to find the labyrinthic sense of writing, a written with many strands and riches. By giving us the thread, the Author also grants us memory (the past) and, therefore, the reknowledge of the path to her writing as a fertile territory for challenges and reinventions. Thus, our desire is to find the open sense that unites the threads / lines of writing / texts in the likeness of Ariadne.
Ana Hatherly, 1929-2015 Escrita Literatura Reinvenção Singularidade Inovação Writing Innovation Reinvention Singularity
Milheiro, Dalila Maria Teixeira - A escrita poliédrica de Ana Hatherly [Em linha]: caminhos de um território reinventado. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2021. 213 p.