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A presente dissertação procura “Compreender de que forma as Equipas Educativas de uma escola estruturam e promovem as suas práticas de trabalho colaborativo”. Após um enquadramento teórico relativo à(s) cultura(s) docentes e ao conceito de Equipas Educativas, desde a sua génese até aos normativos legais que suportam a sua existência na atualidade, recorremos a uma metodologia de investigação de cariz misto (aplicação de técnicas de recolha de dados qualitativas - análise documental e inquérito por entrevista,
aplicado aos coordenadores das Equipas Educativas e técnicas de recolha de dados quantitativas - inquéritos por questionário, aplicados aos professores que integraram as Equipas Educativas). Como principais técnicas de análise dos dados, socorremo-nos da análise estatística simples para tratar os dados quantitativos e da análise de conteúdo para tratar os dados qualitativos.
Alguns dos principais resultados do estudo indicam que as práticas de trabalho ao nível das Equipas Educativas resultam da realização de reuniões, que decorrem de acordo com o definido pela organização escolar, embora sem a presença de todos os elementos do conselho de turma, onde são abordados essencialmente casos individuais de alunos e situações de indisciplina. São apontadas como barreiras à colaboração docente, a constituição da própria equipa ou as atitudes dos professores e, como facilitadores, o facto de existir um tempo previsto para as reuniões, a estabilidade do corpo docente e a relação entre os professores. Na perceção dos professores, a colaboração docente nas Equipas Educativas é benéfica para os alunos, para os professores e para a escola em geral.
Perante estes resultados, e com vista a uma colaboração mais profunda, ousamos propor uma maior flexibilidade no funcionamento das Equipas, bem como uma planificação e monitorização do trabalho realizado.
The present research seeks to ‘Understand how the Educational Teams of a school structure and promote their collaborative work practices’. After a theoretical framework, related to teaching culture(s) and the concept of Educational Teams, from its genesis to the legal documents that define its existence nowadays, we adopted a mixed research methodology (application of qualitative data collection instruments - documental analysis of the interview survey, applied to Educational Team coordinators and school's guiding documents, and quantitative data collection instruments- questionnaire surveys, applied to teachers who were part of the Educational Teams). As the main data analysis techniques, we used simple statistical analysis to handle quantitative data and content analysis to handle qualitative data. Some of the main results of the study indicate that work practices of Educational Teams result from holding meetings, which take place according to what was defined by the school organization, although without the presence of all members of the class council, where they deal mainly with individual cases of students and situations of indiscipline. The constitution of the team itself or the attitudes of teachers are highlighted as barriers to teaching collaboration. As facilitators, the study points out the fact that there is a set time for meetings, the stability of the teaching staff and the relationship between teachers. In the teachers' perception, teaching collaboration in Educational Teams is beneficial for students, teachers and the school in general. According to these results, and in order to a deeper collaboration, we dare to propose greater flexibility in the functioning of the Teams, as well as planning and monitoring of the work carried out.
The present research seeks to ‘Understand how the Educational Teams of a school structure and promote their collaborative work practices’. After a theoretical framework, related to teaching culture(s) and the concept of Educational Teams, from its genesis to the legal documents that define its existence nowadays, we adopted a mixed research methodology (application of qualitative data collection instruments - documental analysis of the interview survey, applied to Educational Team coordinators and school's guiding documents, and quantitative data collection instruments- questionnaire surveys, applied to teachers who were part of the Educational Teams). As the main data analysis techniques, we used simple statistical analysis to handle quantitative data and content analysis to handle qualitative data. Some of the main results of the study indicate that work practices of Educational Teams result from holding meetings, which take place according to what was defined by the school organization, although without the presence of all members of the class council, where they deal mainly with individual cases of students and situations of indiscipline. The constitution of the team itself or the attitudes of teachers are highlighted as barriers to teaching collaboration. As facilitators, the study points out the fact that there is a set time for meetings, the stability of the teaching staff and the relationship between teachers. In the teachers' perception, teaching collaboration in Educational Teams is beneficial for students, teachers and the school in general. According to these results, and in order to a deeper collaboration, we dare to propose greater flexibility in the functioning of the Teams, as well as planning and monitoring of the work carried out.
Práticas de trabalho colaborativo Culturas docentes Equipas educativas Collaborative work practices Teaching cultures Educational teams
Pedro, Sónia Maria dos Santos - Práticas de trabalho colaborativo nas equipas educativas [Em linha]: perspetivas dos professores. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2024. 132 p.