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A popularização dos jogos digitais tem promovido uma
série de experimentos e investigações de como esses
artefatos podem contribuir com a aprendizagem, além
de analisar seus limites. Nesse contexto, esse estudo
tem como objetivo analisar estratégias cognitivas e
metacognitivas de aprendizagem associadas ao uso
dos jogos digitais com estudantes universitários. A
metodologia de pesquisa utilizada foi ex post facto
com abordagem qualitativa, utilizando-se do software
Iramuteq para a análise dos dados. Participaram dessa
pesquisa 21 estudantes do Brasil e Portugal, matriculados
em cursos superiores. A coleta de dados ocorreu por
meio da de uma entrevista estruturada, com roteiro
previamente validado. Os resultados demonstraram
que os estudantes não tinham uma visão clara de que
os jogos podem ser usados no contexto educacional,
mas somente para entretenimento. Constata-se que
são usadas estratégias cognitivas e metacognitivas de
aprendizagem tanto quando se joga, como também em
outras atividades educacionais. Observa-se que os jogos
digitais não são sistematizados no currículo, e que há
uma necessidade de formação para os docentes.
The popularization of digital games has promoted a series of experiments and investigations on how these artifacts can contribute to learning, in addition to analyzing their limits. In this context, this study aims to analyze cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies associated with the use of digital games with college students. The research methodology used was ex post facto with a qualitative approach, using the Iramuteq software for data analysis. The participants of this research were 21 students from Brazil and Portugal, enrolled in higher education courses. The data collection occurred through a structured interview, with a previously validated script. The results showed that the students did not have a clear view that games can be used in the educational context, only for entertainment. It was found that cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies are used both when playing games and in other educational activities. It was observed that digital games are not systematized in the curriculum, and that there is a need for teacher training.
The popularization of digital games has promoted a series of experiments and investigations on how these artifacts can contribute to learning, in addition to analyzing their limits. In this context, this study aims to analyze cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies associated with the use of digital games with college students. The research methodology used was ex post facto with a qualitative approach, using the Iramuteq software for data analysis. The participants of this research were 21 students from Brazil and Portugal, enrolled in higher education courses. The data collection occurred through a structured interview, with a previously validated script. The results showed that the students did not have a clear view that games can be used in the educational context, only for entertainment. It was found that cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies are used both when playing games and in other educational activities. It was observed that digital games are not systematized in the curriculum, and that there is a need for teacher training.
Cognição Metacognição Ensino superior Autoavaliação Cognition Metacognition Higher education Self-assessment
Pimentel, F. S. C., Ramos, D. K., Marques, M. M., & Sales, V. B. de Jr. Estratégias de Aprendizagem com jogos digitais no contexto universitário: análise qualitativa descritiva, Video Journal of Social and Human Research, 1(1). 58-83. http//doi. org/10.18817/vjshr.v1i1.16.
Universidade Aberta | Universidade Estadual do Maranhão