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Os formatos virtuais para o processo de ensino e aprendizagem tanto formal como informal passam por mudanças e a
construção de designs didáticos para ambientes online tornando-se um desafio para o trabalho educacional. O problema de investigação da pesquisa em desenvolvimento que nos motiva a analisar esta temática
está exatamente em propor reflexões sobre as novas bases para se pensar um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem sob a perspectiva da
educação aberta e colaborativa convergida com possibilidades de interação e comunicação inovadoras. O objetivo está em apresentação de novas perspectivas de referenciais para inovar na construção de
ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem abertos. Os procedimentos metodológicos utilizados são qualitativos e descritivos com base em
teorias da educação colaborativa, aberta, o paradigma do virtual, os estilos de aprendizagem e aprendizagem situada. Os resultados preliminares do estudo em desenvolvimento destacam elementos de base para reflexão sobre a temática.
the virtual formats for formal as well as informal teaching and learning process pass by changes and, the construction of didactic designs for environments online become a challenge for the educational work. The problem of inquiry of the research in development that motivates us to analyze such thematic is truly in considering reflections over the new basis in order to think about virtual environment of learning under the perspective of open and cooperative education, converged with new possibilities of interaction and communication. The objective is in presenting new perspectives of references to innovate in building open virtual environments for learning. The methodological procedures are qualitative and descriptive based on theories of open cooperative education, paradigm of virtual, learning styles and situated learning. The preliminary results of the study in development detach elements of basis for reflection about the thematic.
the virtual formats for formal as well as informal teaching and learning process pass by changes and, the construction of didactic designs for environments online become a challenge for the educational work. The problem of inquiry of the research in development that motivates us to analyze such thematic is truly in considering reflections over the new basis in order to think about virtual environment of learning under the perspective of open and cooperative education, converged with new possibilities of interaction and communication. The objective is in presenting new perspectives of references to innovate in building open virtual environments for learning. The methodological procedures are qualitative and descriptive based on theories of open cooperative education, paradigm of virtual, learning styles and situated learning. The preliminary results of the study in development detach elements of basis for reflection about the thematic.
Ambiente virtual de aprendizagem Estilos de aprendizagem Educação aberta Paradigma do virtual Aprendizagem situada e educação a distância Virtual environments for learning Open education Paradigm of virtual Learning styles Situated learning and distance education
Okada, Alexandra; Barros, Daniela Melaré Vieira - Ambientes de aprendizagem aberta [Em linha] : bases para uma nova tendência. "Revista Digital de Tecnologias Cognitivas". ISSN 1984-3585. Vol. 3 (Jan.-Jun. 2010), p. 20-35