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Em uma sociedade que está sempre mais integrada com as experiências de educação online e em constante evolução através das interações e conexões em rede, importa refletir a forma como se ensina e se aprende, pois, cada vez mais, as rápidas mudanças no mundo afetam a todos nós. Assim, sob as perspectivas dos princípios pedagógicos do Microlearning, a aquisição de conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes, em doses pequenas e repetidas, é um enfoque eficaz no processo de ensino e aprendizagem, a fim de estabelecer estratégias bem definidas de qualidade da atenção, retenção de conceitos, maior motivação e engajamento na aprendizagem colaborativa, além de melhorar o desempenho, com o propósito de desenvolver novas competências cognitivas e digitais na formação ad continuum da docência digital. Deste modo, este estudo tem como objetivo principal analisar as percepções e os níveis de satisfação de um grupo de professores que
frequentou o curso de formação para a Docência Digital em Rede, do Ensino Superior, tendo como base os referenciais teóricos do Microlearning. Foi privilegiada uma investigação de natureza mista, baseada no modelo Design-Based Research (DBR) e a técnica utilizada para a recolha de dados foi o inquérito online, elaborado com base em questões quantitativas e qualitativas, visando analisar os resultados e os níveis de
satisfação dos professores que atuaram nesta formação como formandos. Observou-se que a abordagem envolvendo o Microlearning pode ser adotado eficientemente no âmbito educacional, pois através do design da sua concepção e com o avanço das tecnologias digitais, em ritmo veloz e móvel, comprovou-se ser eficaz o desenvolvimento das competências digitais da docência. Salientando-se que, atualmente, se intensifica a
necessidade contínua de desenvolvimento de novas competências, em razão dos docentes precisarem se requalificar no âmbito da educação digital. E a variável “tempo” para atualização de competências se impõe como um dos maiores desafios para um efetivo e constante desenvolvimento de suas qualificações. Logo, se antes já era preciso refletir sobre as mudanças na Educação, importa constatar a imensa transformação digital que está progressivamente mais presente no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, suportado pelas tecnologias da informação e comunicação que, indubitavelmente, deixarão uma marca permanente de como se ensina e aprende no século XXI. Posto isto, é fundamental a necessidade de se experienciar emergentes paradigmas educacionais.
In a society that is increasingly integrated with online education experiences and constantly evolving through network interactions and connections, it is important to reflect on how we teach and learn, as rapid changes in the world increasingly affect us all. Thus, under the perspectives of the pedagogical principles of Microlearning, the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and attitudes in small and repeated doses is an effective approach in the teaching and learning process, aimed at establishing well-defined strategies for quality attention, retention of concepts, increased motivation, and engagement in collaborative learning, as well as improving performance, to develop new cognitive and digital competencies in the continuous training of digital teaching. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the perceptions and levels of satisfaction of a group of teachers who attended a training course for Digital Teaching in Higher Education, based on the theoretical frameworks of Microlearning. A mixed-method investigation was privileged, based on the Design-Based Research (DBR) model, and the technique used for data collection was an online survey, developed based on quantitative and qualitative questions, aiming to analyze the results and satisfaction levels of the teachers who participated in this training as trainees. It was observed that the approach involving Microlearning can be efficiently adopted in the educational context, as through the design of its conception and with the advancement of digital technologies, at a fast and mobile pace, it has proved to be effective in developing digital teaching competencies. It is noteworthy that the continuous need for the development of new competencies is intensifying, as teachers need to requalify in the field of digital education. The variable "time" for updating competencies is one of the greatest challenges for the effective and constant development of their qualifications. Therefore, if it was already necessary to reflect on changes in Education before, it is important to note the immense digital transformation that is increasingly present in the teaching-learning process, supported by information and communication technologies that will undoubtedly leave a permanent mark on how we teach and learn in the 21st century. Having said that, it is essential to experience emerging educational paradigms.
In a society that is increasingly integrated with online education experiences and constantly evolving through network interactions and connections, it is important to reflect on how we teach and learn, as rapid changes in the world increasingly affect us all. Thus, under the perspectives of the pedagogical principles of Microlearning, the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and attitudes in small and repeated doses is an effective approach in the teaching and learning process, aimed at establishing well-defined strategies for quality attention, retention of concepts, increased motivation, and engagement in collaborative learning, as well as improving performance, to develop new cognitive and digital competencies in the continuous training of digital teaching. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the perceptions and levels of satisfaction of a group of teachers who attended a training course for Digital Teaching in Higher Education, based on the theoretical frameworks of Microlearning. A mixed-method investigation was privileged, based on the Design-Based Research (DBR) model, and the technique used for data collection was an online survey, developed based on quantitative and qualitative questions, aiming to analyze the results and satisfaction levels of the teachers who participated in this training as trainees. It was observed that the approach involving Microlearning can be efficiently adopted in the educational context, as through the design of its conception and with the advancement of digital technologies, at a fast and mobile pace, it has proved to be effective in developing digital teaching competencies. It is noteworthy that the continuous need for the development of new competencies is intensifying, as teachers need to requalify in the field of digital education. The variable "time" for updating competencies is one of the greatest challenges for the effective and constant development of their qualifications. Therefore, if it was already necessary to reflect on changes in Education before, it is important to note the immense digital transformation that is increasingly present in the teaching-learning process, supported by information and communication technologies that will undoubtedly leave a permanent mark on how we teach and learn in the 21st century. Having said that, it is essential to experience emerging educational paradigms.
Competências digitais Educação digital Formação para a docência digital em rede Microlearning Digital competencies Digital education Digital teaching training in networks
Negrão, Ana Maria Kruel Cassano - Níveis de satisfação e perceções de professores do ensino superior acerca de um curso de formação para a docência digital em rede sob a perspectiva dos princípios do Microlearning [Em linha]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2024. 154 p.