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Este estudo investiga a percepção dos alunos egressos dos cursos de graduação em
Educação Física a distância quanto à presença da missão institucional no seu processo de
formação universitária, sinalizando os elementos orientadores da formação humana, percebidos
como indicadores de qualidade para esta modalidade de ensino (e-learning). Neste contexto,
visa também buscar junto à referida população, saber qual a percepção desta quanto à
aprendizagem das práticas (focando as técnicas), levando-se em conta as exigências do mercado
de trabalho. Para tanto, foca especificamente a formação em Educação Física, explorando assim
uma área de forte exigência prática. A pesquisa estrutura-se baseada em revisão bibliográfica
sobre a formação humanística, a caracterização da Educação Física como campo de
conhecimento e de formação profissional, assim como em estudos voltados à metodologia de
ensino a distância. A coleta de dados se deu a partir de documentação institucional e mediante
inquéritos com aplicação de questionários com amostragem constituída por estudantes egressos
do curso de graduação em Educação Física do Claretiano – Centro Universitário, instituição de
ensino superior brasileira situada no município de Batatais, Estado de São Paulo. De caráter
confessional e com projetos de formação humanísticos, é atualmente uma das principais
instituições que atuam no e-learning no Brasil. Como principais resultados, o presente trabalho
trouxe evidências da evolução geracional quanto à aderência a cursos superiores oferecidos a
distância em Educação Física em contraponto à evasão. A Educação a Distância demonstrouse
como atrativa pelo poder de conciliação dos compromissos sociais dos estudantes com os
estudos, pela redução dos custos e pela transposição das barreiras do distanciamento. O estudo
aponta evidente tendência de maior capacidade de autonomia na apropriação da aprendizagem
por parte dos alunos nas futuras gerações, em que pesem o dimensionamento prático da área da
Educação Física e as exigências dos métodos de estudo a distância. A investigação apontou que
a dimensão humana desejada na missão e nos projetos educativos é muito percebida pelos
destinatários (alunos egressos), especialmente pelas forças expressas nos materiais didáticos e
na ação dos educadores. Há também evidências de que a valorização da formação humanística
se alinha às expectativas do mercado de trabalho no que se refere ao comportamento humano
nas relações de trabalho. A eficácia da metodologia de ensino e aprendizagem a Distância (elearning)
na formação superior em Educação Física se confirma por atender ou superar a
expectativa dos próprios estudantes egressos e do mercado de trabalho. O sucesso do método a
distância e a qualidade da formação apontam para indicadores representados por perfil dos
estudantes ingressantes; projeto pedagógico com valorização da formação humana e técnicaprofissional;
pertinência do currículo na interface com o método; seleção de conteúdos e
estratégias de utilização de recursos de aprendizagem; material didático mediacional; formação
continuada dos agentes educacionais; avaliação do desempenho dos estudantes e avaliação
institucional no âmbito do curso; acompanhamento dos egressos e estudos de tendências do
mercado de trabalho, entre outros.
This study investigates the perceptions of Physical Education distance education undergraduate students regarding the presence of the institutional mission in their university formation process, signaling the guiding elements of human formation, perceived as quality indicators for this modality of teaching (e-learning). In this context, it also aims at finding out the perception of these students regarding the learning of the practices (focusing on the techniques), taking into account the demands of the labor market. This study specifically focuses on Physical Education formation, thus exploring an area of strong practical demand. The study is based on a bibliographical review on humanistic education, the characterization of Physical Education as a field of knowledge and professional training, and on studies focused on distance learning methodology. The data collection was developed from institutional documentation and through surveys with application of questionnaires with sampling constituted by students graduating from the Physical Education course of Claretiano – Centro Universitário, a higher education institution located in the municipality of Batatais – São Paulo – Brazil, a confessional institution with humanistic training projects, being one of the main institutions that work with e-learning in Brazil. As main results, the research brought evidence of the generational evolution regarding the adherence to Physical Education superior courses offered on-line as a counterpoint to evasion. The distance education methodology was shown as attractive by the power to reconcile students' social commitments with studies, by reducing costs and by transposing the barriers of distance. The study points to an evident trend towards greater autonomy in students' appropriation of learning in future generations, despite the practical dimension of the area of Physical Education and the requirements of distance learning methods. Research has pointed out that the desired human dimension in the mission and educational projects are very much perceived by the recipients (alumni), especially by the forces expressed in the didactic materials and in the action of the educators. There is also evidence that the valuation of humanistic training is aligned with the expectations of the labor market with regard to human behavior in labor relations. The effectiveness of e-learning in higher education in Physical Education is confirmed by meeting or exceeding the expectations of the students themselves and the labor market. The success of the distance education method and the quality of training points to indicators represented by the profile of the incoming students; pedagogical project with valorization of the human and technical-professional formation; relevance of the curriculum in the interface with the method; selection of content and strategies for the use of learning resources; mediational didactic material; continuing education of educational agents; evaluation of student performance and institutional evaluation within the course; monitoring of graduates and studies of labor market trends, among others.
This study investigates the perceptions of Physical Education distance education undergraduate students regarding the presence of the institutional mission in their university formation process, signaling the guiding elements of human formation, perceived as quality indicators for this modality of teaching (e-learning). In this context, it also aims at finding out the perception of these students regarding the learning of the practices (focusing on the techniques), taking into account the demands of the labor market. This study specifically focuses on Physical Education formation, thus exploring an area of strong practical demand. The study is based on a bibliographical review on humanistic education, the characterization of Physical Education as a field of knowledge and professional training, and on studies focused on distance learning methodology. The data collection was developed from institutional documentation and through surveys with application of questionnaires with sampling constituted by students graduating from the Physical Education course of Claretiano – Centro Universitário, a higher education institution located in the municipality of Batatais – São Paulo – Brazil, a confessional institution with humanistic training projects, being one of the main institutions that work with e-learning in Brazil. As main results, the research brought evidence of the generational evolution regarding the adherence to Physical Education superior courses offered on-line as a counterpoint to evasion. The distance education methodology was shown as attractive by the power to reconcile students' social commitments with studies, by reducing costs and by transposing the barriers of distance. The study points to an evident trend towards greater autonomy in students' appropriation of learning in future generations, despite the practical dimension of the area of Physical Education and the requirements of distance learning methods. Research has pointed out that the desired human dimension in the mission and educational projects are very much perceived by the recipients (alumni), especially by the forces expressed in the didactic materials and in the action of the educators. There is also evidence that the valuation of humanistic training is aligned with the expectations of the labor market with regard to human behavior in labor relations. The effectiveness of e-learning in higher education in Physical Education is confirmed by meeting or exceeding the expectations of the students themselves and the labor market. The success of the distance education method and the quality of training points to indicators represented by the profile of the incoming students; pedagogical project with valorization of the human and technical-professional formation; relevance of the curriculum in the interface with the method; selection of content and strategies for the use of learning resources; mediational didactic material; continuing education of educational agents; evaluation of student performance and institutional evaluation within the course; monitoring of graduates and studies of labor market trends, among others.
Educação a distância Formação humana Formação técnica Educação física Aprendizagem online Distance education Human formation Technical graduation Physical education Virtual learning
Almeida, Luís Cláudio de - A formação humana e a formação técnica profissional nos processos de aprendizagem a distância [Em linha]: pesquisa com egressos dos cursos de graduação em Educação Física do Claretiano – Centro Universitário de Batatais (São Paulo – Brasil). Batatais: [s.n.], 2019. 221 p.