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O sistema educativo de Timor-Leste tem assistido, desde o momento da
independência do país, a uma reorganização e a um desenvolvimento no
sentido de aperfeiçoar os níveis de formação e de qualificação dos cidadãos
timorenses. A intencionalidade é a de permitir o progresso social, económico,
tecnológico e cultural de que o país precisa. Neste quadro, a formação inicial e
contínua de professores assume um papel fulcral para o cumprimento das
metas estabelecidas, sendo este o contexto principal onde a minha atividade
profissional se desenvolveu.
Este estudo situou-se na supervisão e colaboração de práticas letivas com uma
professora de ensino básico, do sexto ano, no ensino das ciências, tendo por
base os pressupostos teóricos da educação em ciências.
O estudo que foi desenvolvido numa Escola Básica Central, em Díli, Timor-
Leste, tem por base os pressupostos inerentes à supervisão, designadamente:
os encontros de pré observação, observação e pós-observação, sustentados
pela colaboração da investigadora no processo de desenvolvimento
profissional da professora participante
Os principais objetivos do estudo centraram-se em identificar e compreender
quais as conceções da professora participante no estudo relativamente ao
ensino das ciências e, simultaneamente, a implementação de práticas de
ensino relacionadas com a didática das ciências, assumindo como referencial
que as conceções em ciências que os professores possuem têm implicações
no modo como ensinam (Praia, Cachapuz & Pérez, 2002). Mais
especificamente, pretendeu-se analisar e compreender a forma como a
professora responsável pelo ensino da disciplina de estudo do meio no numa
turma do 6º ano desenvolve as suas atividades letivas . A disciplina de estudo
do meio contém conteúdos da área das ciências da natureza e das ciências
sociais, no entanto, este estudo desenvolveu-se apenas no âmbito das ciências
naturais, por se tratar da minha área específica de formação e aquela que
escolhi para aprofundar os meus conhecimentos.
A investigação desenvolvida assumiu o paradigma qualitativo/interpretativo e
enquadrou-se num design de estudo de caso. Para Coutinho & Chaves (2002),
um aluno, um professor, uma turma, uma escola, a prática de um professor ou
uma política educativa são apenas alguns exemplos de variáveis educativas
para as quais o estudo de caso é a metodologia que melhor se aplica. A
recolha de informação para a investigação realizou-se no decorrer dos
encontros de preparação das atividades letivas, da observação de aulas e do
registo realizado, dos encontros pós-observação, das entrevistas e da análise
documental de interesse sobre o tema.
The educational system of Timor-Leste, suffered a restructuration in order to improve the level of training and qualification of the Timorese people. The intention behind was to create economic and technological growth and to achieve social progress. In the educational context, both initial and continuing Teachers’ training assumes a central role in the attainment of the latter goals. I, as a teacher, developed my activity in the referred context. This study was situated in supervision and teaching practices collaboration with a primary school teacher, the sixth year in science education, based on the theoretical assumptions of science education. The study is based on the processes involved in supervision, namely the preobservation meeting, observation and post-observation. These processes were also supported with the collaboration of the researchers involved in the professional development of the teachers participating in the study. The study was conducted in a Central Primary School in Dili, in East Timor. The main objectives of the study focused on understanding the conceptions of the teacher in relation to teaching of science and, simultaneously, to implement new teaching practices related to the teaching of science for understanding. that teachers’ conceptions influence heavily the way the teachers teach (Praia, Cachapuz & Pérez, 2002). More specifically, we intend to analyze and understand how the teacher of Estudo do meio subject develops its teaching activities and, at the same time, try to improve its teaching practices through supervision and collaboration. The estudo do meio subject shares contents with the area of the natural and social sciences. However, this study was developed only in the natural sciences field. The research was mainly developed under the qualitative/interpretative paradigm and is related to the case study design. Based on Coutinho & Chaves (2002), a student, a teacher, a classroom, a school, the practice of a teacher or an education policy are just a few examples of educational variables for which the case study is the methodology that best applies. The gathering of information took place during the teaching practices and the meetings that both preceded and followed it; the observing classes and the investigator’s journal; meetings for discussion of practices; through semi-structured interviews and documentary analysis about the theme.
The educational system of Timor-Leste, suffered a restructuration in order to improve the level of training and qualification of the Timorese people. The intention behind was to create economic and technological growth and to achieve social progress. In the educational context, both initial and continuing Teachers’ training assumes a central role in the attainment of the latter goals. I, as a teacher, developed my activity in the referred context. This study was situated in supervision and teaching practices collaboration with a primary school teacher, the sixth year in science education, based on the theoretical assumptions of science education. The study is based on the processes involved in supervision, namely the preobservation meeting, observation and post-observation. These processes were also supported with the collaboration of the researchers involved in the professional development of the teachers participating in the study. The study was conducted in a Central Primary School in Dili, in East Timor. The main objectives of the study focused on understanding the conceptions of the teacher in relation to teaching of science and, simultaneously, to implement new teaching practices related to the teaching of science for understanding. that teachers’ conceptions influence heavily the way the teachers teach (Praia, Cachapuz & Pérez, 2002). More specifically, we intend to analyze and understand how the teacher of Estudo do meio subject develops its teaching activities and, at the same time, try to improve its teaching practices through supervision and collaboration. The estudo do meio subject shares contents with the area of the natural and social sciences. However, this study was developed only in the natural sciences field. The research was mainly developed under the qualitative/interpretative paradigm and is related to the case study design. Based on Coutinho & Chaves (2002), a student, a teacher, a classroom, a school, the practice of a teacher or an education policy are just a few examples of educational variables for which the case study is the methodology that best applies. The gathering of information took place during the teaching practices and the meetings that both preceded and followed it; the observing classes and the investigator’s journal; meetings for discussion of practices; through semi-structured interviews and documentary analysis about the theme.
Educação Ensino das ciências Supervisão Atividade escolar Professores Timor-Leste Science education Teaching practices Supervision and collaboration East Timor
Sousa, Ana Raquel Moreira de - Supervisão e colaboração no ensino das ciências [Em linha] : estudo de caso realizado numa escola do ensino básico em Díli. [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2016. 149 p.