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A partir da hipótese de subutilização dos materiais didáticos no contexto educacional de
nível superior, propõe-se uma alternativa por meio do design educacional e da
hipertextualidade. Para fundamentar essa proposta, a dissertação explora a relação da
cibercultura com a leitura, destacando a hipertextualidade, a multimodalidade, a
participação ativa do leitor e a personalização dos conteúdos. Este estudo é conduzido
com base na abordagem do Design Science Research (DSR) (com a criação de um
artefato) (Carstensen, Bernhard, 2019; Dresch, 2015) e na pesquisa-formação na
cibercultura (Santos, 2019), valorizando a participação ativa e a colaboração dos
envolvidos durante o processo. A pesquisa culmina na proposta de um framework para
orientar o design educacional de forma crítica, complexa e que amplie as possibilidades
interação e colaboração. As principais conclusões desta dissertação destacam os desafios
relacionados às leituras rápidas e pouco profundas, características da cibercultura; a
importância de reconstruir habilidades de interpretação e aprofundamento de forma
crítica, explorando a hipertextualidade; e a reflexão sobre interfaces tecnológicas mais
atuais e seus impactos sobre os processos de autoria e abordagem crítica da informação.
Based on the hypothesis of underutilization of didactic materials in the University education context, an alternative is proposed through educational design and hypertextuality. To substantiate this proposal, the dissertation explores the relationship between cyberculture and reading, highlighting hypertextuality, multimodality, active reader participation and personalization of content. This study is conducted based on the Design Science Research (DSR) approach (with the creation of an artifact) (Carstensen, Bernhard, 2019; Dresch, 2015) and training research in cyberculture (Santos, 2019), valuing the active participation and collaboration of those involved during the process. The research culminates in the proposal of a framework to guide educational design in a critical, complex way that expands the possibilities for interaction and collaboration. The main conclusions of this dissertation highlight the challenges related to quick and shallow readings, characteristics of cyberculture; the importance of critically rebuilding interpretation and deepening skills, exploring hypertextuality; and reflection on more current technological interfaces and their impact on authorship processes and critical approach to information.
Based on the hypothesis of underutilization of didactic materials in the University education context, an alternative is proposed through educational design and hypertextuality. To substantiate this proposal, the dissertation explores the relationship between cyberculture and reading, highlighting hypertextuality, multimodality, active reader participation and personalization of content. This study is conducted based on the Design Science Research (DSR) approach (with the creation of an artifact) (Carstensen, Bernhard, 2019; Dresch, 2015) and training research in cyberculture (Santos, 2019), valuing the active participation and collaboration of those involved during the process. The research culminates in the proposal of a framework to guide educational design in a critical, complex way that expands the possibilities for interaction and collaboration. The main conclusions of this dissertation highlight the challenges related to quick and shallow readings, characteristics of cyberculture; the importance of critically rebuilding interpretation and deepening skills, exploring hypertextuality; and reflection on more current technological interfaces and their impact on authorship processes and critical approach to information.
Design educacional Materiais didáticos hipertextuais Estilos de leitura Hipertextualidade Educational design hypertext teaching materials Reading styles Hypertextuality
Vieira, Caroline - Design educacional de conteúdos em EAD no âmbito profissional [Em linha]: avaliação de um modelo. [S.l.]: [s.n.]. 2023. 202 p.