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Souto, Egidia
Les toiles de Graça Morais offrent un parcours initiatique où chaque secret doit être mérité. Il ne s’agit pas simplement d’une expérience esthétique, mais d’une quête cathartique où la peinture devient un antidote contre l’oubli. L’artiste cartographie son village d’enfance à travers un regard sociologique et ethnographique, en mettant l’accent sur les femmes qui ont marqué son passé. Cet article cherchera à comprendre si l’enfance n’est pas le tout premier musée vivant que le peintre a visité. Il analysera comment il transforme le paysage et dans quelle mesure ce paysage le transforme à son tour.
Graça Morais’ paintings offer an initiatory journey where each secret must be earned. It is not merely an aesthetic experience, but a cathartic quest where painting becomes an antidote against forgetfulness. The artist maps her childhood village through a sociological and ethnographic lens, focusing on the women who have marked her past. This article will seek to understand whether childhood is, in fact, the very first living museum that the painter visited. It will analyze how she transforms the landscape and to what ex-tent this landscape, in turn, transforms her.
Graça Morais’ paintings offer an initiatory journey where each secret must be earned. It is not merely an aesthetic experience, but a cathartic quest where painting becomes an antidote against forgetfulness. The artist maps her childhood village through a sociological and ethnographic lens, focusing on the women who have marked her past. This article will seek to understand whether childhood is, in fact, the very first living museum that the painter visited. It will analyze how she transforms the landscape and to what ex-tent this landscape, in turn, transforms her.
Graça Morais, 1948- Enfance Catharsis Femmes Childhood Catharsis Women
Souto, Egídia - Le secret du conte initiatique : peindre la généalogie d’une culture. "e-LCV" [Em linha]. ISSN 2184-4097. Nº 13 (julho-dez. 2024), p. 87-101
Centro de Estudos Globais da Universidade Aberta (CEG/UAb) | Instituto Europeu de Ciências da Cultura Padre Manuel Antunes (IECCPMA) | Associação Internacional de Estudos Ibero-Eslavos (CompaRes)