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O interesse pela análise de espaços urbanos através de dispositivos comunicacionais móveis (de meios digitais) – perspetivando a sua transformação contando com a participação colaborativa da população – traduz o enquadramento geral da investigação. As práticas artísticas, complementadas por métodos de estudo de cidades (capazes de abordarem a respetiva complexidade de modo multioperativo e flexível), foram integradas na pesquisa tendo em linha de conta o acentuado desenvolvimento que as mesmas têm conhecido para a compreensão da atual condição urbana. O resultado foca a hibridização de processos que permitem acrescentar conhecimento coletivo sobre estruturas urbanas, expresso em mapeamentos dinâmicos que promovem leituras aumentadas de realidades urbanas.
Assente no enquadramento teórico e respetiva revisão da literatura (abrangendo áreas disciplinares da média-arte locativa, da análise urbana e dos mapeamentos dinâmicos), procedeu-se ao desenvolvimento de dois artefactos complementares, cuja elaboração implicou três fases: i) pré-produção; ii) produção; iii) pós-produção. Na primeira, conceptualizaram-se os artefactos, definindo-se critérios e especificando parâmetros de análise. Complementarmente, consideraram-se softwares a utilizar bem como a seleção de atores urbanos que participaram em experiências associadas à investigação. No que se refere à produção, encetaram-se diversas ações de apropriação e apreensão de espaços urbanos selecionados na Vila de Caminha, recorrendo à técnica do caminhar mediado pela tecnologia. Na terceira fase, a informação resultante foi analisada, comparada e sistematizada através de uma reflexão final.
Registaram-se marcas e apropriações na Vila de Caminha, integrando abordagens da média-arte locativa, da morfologia urbana e tecnologias digitais. A partir desta metodologia, a resposta aos objetivos da investigação contribui para a colmatação da lacuna identificada no estado arte, dado demonstrar-se a relevância da convergência operativa entre a apreensão urbana e os fluxos informacionais e comunicacionais para o revelar de vivências espaciais urbanas quotidianas (passadas e presentes) que ocorrem sobre a estrutura física das cidades. Em síntese, as práticas artísticas, provindas da média-arte locativa, expressam – em mapeamentos dinâmicos e através de realidade aumentada – o devir coletivo de experiências individuais nos espaços das cidades, acrescentando histórias à sua memória e história urbana.
The interest for the analysis of urban spaces through communicational mobile devices (digital means) aiming their transformation with the collaborative participation of the population- is the general framework of the investigation. The artistic practices, complemented with cities’ studying methods (capable of approaching its complexity in a multi-operative and flexible way) were inserted in the research keeping in mind the marked development those have known for the actual understanding of the urban condition. The result focus the hybridization of processes that allow the addition of collective knowledge about urban structures, expressed in dynamic maps that promote enlarged readings of urban realities. Based on theoretical framing and subsequent revision of literature (including subject areas of locative media art, urban analysis and dynamic map) the development of two complementary artefacts occurred, which elaboration implied three stages: i) pre-production; ii) production; iii) post-production. On the first, the artefacts were conceptualized, defining criteria and specifying analysis parameters. The Programs/software to be used was also taken into consideration, as well as the selection of urban actors that participated in experiences associated to the investigation. In what production is concerned, several actions of appropriation and apprehension of urban spaces selected in the Vila of Caminha, using the technique of walking mediated by technology were used. On the third stage, the information obtained was structured, analyzed, compared and systematized. Marks and appropriations were identified in the Vila of Caminha, integrating approaches of locative media art, of urban morphology and digital technologies. Using this methodology, the response to the objectives of the investigation contributes to the correction of the gap of the art state, due to the relevant demonstration of the operative convergence between urban apprehension and informational and communicational fluxes for the revealing of everyday spacing urban experiences (past and present) that occur concerning the physical structure of the cities. Summing up, artistic practices, derived from locative media art, express - in dynamic map and through the enlarged reality- the collective devir of urban experiences in the spaces of the city, adding up stories to its memory and urban history.
The interest for the analysis of urban spaces through communicational mobile devices (digital means) aiming their transformation with the collaborative participation of the population- is the general framework of the investigation. The artistic practices, complemented with cities’ studying methods (capable of approaching its complexity in a multi-operative and flexible way) were inserted in the research keeping in mind the marked development those have known for the actual understanding of the urban condition. The result focus the hybridization of processes that allow the addition of collective knowledge about urban structures, expressed in dynamic maps that promote enlarged readings of urban realities. Based on theoretical framing and subsequent revision of literature (including subject areas of locative media art, urban analysis and dynamic map) the development of two complementary artefacts occurred, which elaboration implied three stages: i) pre-production; ii) production; iii) post-production. On the first, the artefacts were conceptualized, defining criteria and specifying analysis parameters. The Programs/software to be used was also taken into consideration, as well as the selection of urban actors that participated in experiences associated to the investigation. In what production is concerned, several actions of appropriation and apprehension of urban spaces selected in the Vila of Caminha, using the technique of walking mediated by technology were used. On the third stage, the information obtained was structured, analyzed, compared and systematized. Marks and appropriations were identified in the Vila of Caminha, integrating approaches of locative media art, of urban morphology and digital technologies. Using this methodology, the response to the objectives of the investigation contributes to the correction of the gap of the art state, due to the relevant demonstration of the operative convergence between urban apprehension and informational and communicational fluxes for the revealing of everyday spacing urban experiences (past and present) that occur concerning the physical structure of the cities. Summing up, artistic practices, derived from locative media art, express - in dynamic map and through the enlarged reality- the collective devir of urban experiences in the spaces of the city, adding up stories to its memory and urban history.
Tecnologia digital Arte digital Artefactos digitais Espaços urbanos Dispositivos móveis Locative media art Digital media art Dynamic maps in urban analyses Augmented reality
Carvalho, Isabel Cristina - Média-arte locativa e mapeamentos dinâmicos na compreensão de fluxos urbanos [Em linha] : o contributo do dispositivo móvel na atividade do caminhar como prática artística. [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2016. 215 p.