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A adolescência é uma das fases da vida onde existem as maiores mudanças físicas e
psicológicas no organismo do ser humano. São um grupo populacional vulnerável e de
grande importância nos estudos de Insegurança e Consumo alimentar, associadas aos seus
comportamentos, ao perfil dos jovens, a sua alimentação e ao seu desenvolvimento no
contexto de gênero e na sua vida quotidiana familiar. Por esta razão, existiu a necessidade
de estudar um grupo de jovens adolescentes da Região Autónoma da Madeira, no sentido
de avaliar os indicadores que permitem analisar o grau de insegurança alimentar e ingestão
de nutrientes.
Neste sentido foram objetivos do estudo medir o grau de insegurança alimentar em jovens
que praticam desporto, bem como quantificar a ingestão nutricional deste grupo. Foi
realizado um estudo transversal com adolescentes que praticam desporto num clube da
RAM entre julho e outubro de 2021. A recolha dos dados foi feita através de um
questionário estruturado online distribuído aos jovens e que continha: i) questões para a
caracterização sociodemográfica e antropométrica; ii) questões acerca da modalidade
desportiva; iii) a Escala de Experiência da Insegurança Alimentar (Food Insecurity
Experiencie Scale - FIES); e iv) Inquérito semi-quantitativo de Frequência de Consumo de
Alimentos. Os dados alimentares foram analisados e convertidos em nutrientes usando o
Software Food Processor. Usou-se SPSS para Windows versão 27.0 após a verificação de
valores ausentes e valores discrepantes. Considerou-se, nos testes de hipóteses
desenvolvidos, uma significância de 5%, ou seja, a hipótese nula considerou-se rejeitada
sempre que p<0,05.
A população em estudo tem em média de idades 13,89 ± 2,322 anos, verificando-se que 84
eram do sexo masculino (75%) e 28 eram do sexo feminino (25%), os jovens residem na sua
maioria na cidade do Funchal (63,4%) e praticam como modalidade desportiva o futebol
(80,2%). Foi verificado que 89,3% dos jovens tem segurança alimentar, 8,9% dos jovens tem
insegurança alimentar ligeira e apenas 1,8 % dos jovens se encontravam na classe de
insegurança alimentar moderada. No que se refere as classes de percentis de IMC,
observou-se que 76,8% da amostra se encontra numa faixa de baixo peso e normoponderal, e 23,3% encontram-se em sobrecarga ponderal e obesidade. Em relação
ao consumo alimentar destes jovens em todos os nutrientes se verificaram participantes
com ingestão inadequada a exceção dos ácidos gordos trans.
Adolescence is one of the stages of life where there are the greatest physical and psychological changes in the human body. Young adolescents are a vulnerable population group in studies of Food Insecurity and Consumption, associated with behaviors, profile of young people, their diet and adolescent development in the context of gender and their daily family life. For this reason, there was a need to study this group of young adolescents from the Autonomous Region of Madeira, in order to assess the indicators that allow analyzing the degree of food insecurity and nutrient intake. In this sense, the objectives of the study were to measure the degree of food insecurity in adolescents who practice sports, as well as to quantify the nutritional intake of this group of young people. A cross-sectional study was carried out with adolescents who play sports in a club in RAM between July and October 2021. Data collection was carried out through a structured online questionnaire distributed to young people and containing: i) questions for sociodemographic and anthropometric characterization; ii) questions about the sport; iii) the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES); and iv) Semi-quantitative Food Consumption Frequency Survey. Food data were analyzed and converted into nutrients using the Food Processor Software. SPSS for Windows version 27.0 was used after checking for missing values and outliers. In the developed hypothesis tests, a significance of 5% was considered, that is, the null hypothesis was considered rejected whenever p<0.05. The population under study has an average age of 13.89 ± 2.322 years, with 84 being male (75%) and 28 female (25%), most of the young people live in the city of Funchal (63,2%) and practice football as a sport (80,2%). It was found that 89.3% of young are food insecure, 8.9% of young people are mildly food insecure and only 1.8% of young people were in the moderately food insecure class. Regarding the BMI percentile classes, it was observed that 76.8% of the sample is in a low weight and normal weight range, and 23.3% are overweight and obese. Regarding the food consumption of these young people in all nutrients, participants with inadequate intake, with the exception of trans fatty acids, were observed.
Adolescence is one of the stages of life where there are the greatest physical and psychological changes in the human body. Young adolescents are a vulnerable population group in studies of Food Insecurity and Consumption, associated with behaviors, profile of young people, their diet and adolescent development in the context of gender and their daily family life. For this reason, there was a need to study this group of young adolescents from the Autonomous Region of Madeira, in order to assess the indicators that allow analyzing the degree of food insecurity and nutrient intake. In this sense, the objectives of the study were to measure the degree of food insecurity in adolescents who practice sports, as well as to quantify the nutritional intake of this group of young people. A cross-sectional study was carried out with adolescents who play sports in a club in RAM between July and October 2021. Data collection was carried out through a structured online questionnaire distributed to young people and containing: i) questions for sociodemographic and anthropometric characterization; ii) questions about the sport; iii) the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES); and iv) Semi-quantitative Food Consumption Frequency Survey. Food data were analyzed and converted into nutrients using the Food Processor Software. SPSS for Windows version 27.0 was used after checking for missing values and outliers. In the developed hypothesis tests, a significance of 5% was considered, that is, the null hypothesis was considered rejected whenever p<0.05. The population under study has an average age of 13.89 ± 2.322 years, with 84 being male (75%) and 28 female (25%), most of the young people live in the city of Funchal (63,2%) and practice football as a sport (80,2%). It was found that 89.3% of young are food insecure, 8.9% of young people are mildly food insecure and only 1.8% of young people were in the moderately food insecure class. Regarding the BMI percentile classes, it was observed that 76.8% of the sample is in a low weight and normal weight range, and 23.3% are overweight and obese. Regarding the food consumption of these young people in all nutrients, participants with inadequate intake, with the exception of trans fatty acids, were observed.
Insegurança alimentar Jovens adolescentes Frequência alimentar Ingestão alimentar Madeira Food insecurity Young adolescents Food frequency Food intake
Pereira, Suhail Ramos Nascimento - Insegurança e consumo alimentar em jovens praticantes de modalidade desportiva na Região Autónoma da Madeira [Em linha]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2023. 99 p.