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O consumo desmesurado das últimas décadas é apontado como um dos principais fatores
do aquecimento global. Para que haja hipóteses de reverter as suas consequências, ou pelo
menos minimizá-las, torna-se imprescindível que sejam alterados os atuais hábitos de
consumo. A fim de atingir esse objetivo, torna-se necessário envolver as empresas,
instituições, assim como a sociedade em geral. É também crucial transmitir-lhes
informações e dar-lhes conhecimentos, salientando o que devem fazer e as razões porque
o devem fazer. No intuito de se poder contribuir para as alterações dos hábitos de consumo
da população em geral, relativamente aos padrões atuais, nada melhor do que envolver e
motivar os jovens para tentar corrigir esses comportamentos. É neste contexto que o
consumo sustentável se tornou num tema incontornável que está cada vez mais presente
nas preocupações de quem se dedica ao estudo do desenvolvimento sustentável. Assente
nesses pressupostos, o objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um projeto de
“sensibilização para a diminuição de consumos excessivos”, com alunos do 3.º ciclo, no
âmbito da Educação para a Sustentabilidade de uma escola no concelho de Palmela
(Setúbal). Através de várias ações, tentou-se implementar e aprofundar com os alunos, a
tomada de consciência sobre os consumos desmesurados dos dias de hoje. Conseguiu-se
como resultado, promover o interesse e a vontade de desenvolver conhecimentos e
competências necessárias à sua formação como cidadãos, capazes de participarem ativa e
civicamente nas tomadas de decisão na vida pública. O projeto foi baseado numa
metodologia investigação-ação que contemplou atividades realizadas pelos alunos,
algumas das quais em conjunto com as respetivas famílias. Foi essencial para se
aprofundarem conhecimentos de temas como a sustentabilidade, a economia circular, o
desenvolvimento sustentável e a evolução do consumo; foi ainda possível desenvolverem
capacidade de reflexão e de espírito crítico e também, as competências necessárias para
agirem ativamente na redução dos consumos, adotando comportamentos de estilos de
vida mais sustentáveis, através de escolhas mais conscientes. As propostas que os alunos
fizeram para estilos de vida mais sustentáveis nas suas Famílias, na Escola e no Concelho,
mostraram que não só estão disponíveis para reduzir consumos, mas também para serem
cidadãos ativos nas ações comunitárias imprescindíveis às mudanças que urgem.
The excessive consumption in the last decades is pointed out as one of the main factors of global warning. In order to reversed their consequences, or at least minimised them, it is essential to change the consumption practices. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to involve companies, institutions, as well as the society in general. It is also crucial transmit to them information and knowledge, highlighting what and why they should do. In order to change the consumption habits of the population in general, according to the current standards, nothing better than to involve and motivate the young people to attempt to correct these behaviours. In this context, the sustainable consumption has become an unavoidable topic that is increasingly present in the concerns of those dedicated to the study of sustainable development. Based on these assumptions, the aim of this research was to develop a project about “awareness for the reduction of excessive consumption” with students from 3rd cycle, within the scope of education for Sustainability. It was used students in a school belonging to the Municipality of Palmela Setúbal). Through several actions, it was intended to implement and deepen with the students, the awareness of the excessive consumption of today. As a result, it was promoted the interest and willingness to develop the knowledge and needed skills for their training as citizens able to participate actively and civically in decision making in public life. The project developed was based on an action research methodology that included activities carried out by the students, some of which together with the families. This was essential to deepening the knowledge of topics, such as sustainability, circular economy, sustainable development and consumption evolution; it was also possible to develop the ability for reflection and critical thinking, as well as the needed skills to actively act in the reduction of consumption, adopting more sustainable lifestyle behaviours through more conscious choices. The student’s proposals for sustainable lifestyles in their families, school and municipality, showed that they are available to reduce their consumptions as well as to be active citizens in the essential community actions to the urgent changes.
The excessive consumption in the last decades is pointed out as one of the main factors of global warning. In order to reversed their consequences, or at least minimised them, it is essential to change the consumption practices. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to involve companies, institutions, as well as the society in general. It is also crucial transmit to them information and knowledge, highlighting what and why they should do. In order to change the consumption habits of the population in general, according to the current standards, nothing better than to involve and motivate the young people to attempt to correct these behaviours. In this context, the sustainable consumption has become an unavoidable topic that is increasingly present in the concerns of those dedicated to the study of sustainable development. Based on these assumptions, the aim of this research was to develop a project about “awareness for the reduction of excessive consumption” with students from 3rd cycle, within the scope of education for Sustainability. It was used students in a school belonging to the Municipality of Palmela Setúbal). Through several actions, it was intended to implement and deepen with the students, the awareness of the excessive consumption of today. As a result, it was promoted the interest and willingness to develop the knowledge and needed skills for their training as citizens able to participate actively and civically in decision making in public life. The project developed was based on an action research methodology that included activities carried out by the students, some of which together with the families. This was essential to deepening the knowledge of topics, such as sustainability, circular economy, sustainable development and consumption evolution; it was also possible to develop the ability for reflection and critical thinking, as well as the needed skills to actively act in the reduction of consumption, adopting more sustainable lifestyle behaviours through more conscious choices. The student’s proposals for sustainable lifestyles in their families, school and municipality, showed that they are available to reduce their consumptions as well as to be active citizens in the essential community actions to the urgent changes.
Consumo sustentável Desenvolvimento sustentável Economia circular Educação ambiental Família Relações escola-comunidade Comunidade escolar Sustainable consumption Sustainable development Circular economy Environmental education Families School community
Carvalheiro, Maria de Fátima Gonçalves - Abordagem às boas práticas de consumo sustentável com alunos do 3º ciclo e suas famílias [Em linha]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2022. 155 p.