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Numa sociedade em constante transformação, as escolas enfrentam enormes desafios.
Nesse sentido, emerge o Projeto Coopera que pretende impulsionar a transformação de práticas pedagógicas diferenciadoras. Este projeto tem como modelo teórico e pedagógico a Aprendizagem Cooperativa (AC), desafiando professores e alunos a vivenciarem experiências pedagógicas, que trazem identidade às escolas. O Projeto Coopera integra a Estratégia Nacional da Educação para a Cidadania, a Avaliação Pedagógica, a Educação Inclusiva, o Plano de Transição Digital, o Ensino Experimental das Ciências e o Bem-Estar Social e
Emocional, indo ao encontro das competências inscritas no Perfil dos Alunos à saída da Escolaridade Obrigatória (PASEO).
O projeto Coopera desenvolve diferentes ações, investindo na reconfiguração das práticas pedagógicas (incluindo não só o local onde os alunos aprendem, mas também e principalmente a forma como professores e alunos trabalham; como os professores desenvolvem as suas práticas pedagógicas, bem como as relações que estabelecem com os seus alunos). O principal enfoque do projeto é a formação docente.
O estudo incidiu sobre o desenvolvimento do trabalho docente, numa turma de uma ação de formação dinamizada pelo Projeto Coopera Escola+ 21|23, designada por “Comunidades Cooperativas de Aprendizagem Profissional” (CCAP), nível 1. A investigação centra-se, exclusivamente, nos 13 formandos que frequentaram a CCAP, pertencentes a um Agrupamento de Escolas da zona norte, de diferentes níveis de ensino (pré-escolar, 1.º e 3.º ciclos do Ensino Básico), tendo em conta as sessões presenciais, em que os professores, em grupos cooperativos experienciam os métodos de AC. O trabalho autónomo implica a
implementação desses métodos junto dos alunos. Com esta investigação, ambiciona-se compreender em que medida os efeitos da oficina de formação (Projeto Coopera Escola+ 21-23), no âmbito do trabalho presencial e do trabalho autónomo, se refletem na promoção e utilização da AC em contexto educativo.
Atendendo às características do estudo em questão, optou-se por uma metodologia qualitativa. Como técnicas de recolha de dados recorreu-se à entrevista na modalidade de grupo focal e a documentos estruturantes ao desenvolvimento da CCAP. A técnica de análise de dados utilizada nesta investigação foi a análise de conteúdo. Os resultados obtidos nesta investigação permitiram concluir que os formandos manifestam que a implementação da AC promoveu uma efetiva articulação curricular promovendo a inclusão de todos os alunos e que a CCAP lhes trouxe aprendizagem/atualização de conhecimentos contribuindo o seu desenvolvimento profissional.
In a society facing constant changes, schools face overwhelming challenges. It is in such a context that the Coopera Project emerges with the main purpose of transforming pedagogical practices in the classroom. Having its roots in the practical and theoretical methodology of Cooperative Learning, it defies not only teachers but also students to perform authentic pedagogical experiences bringing a new school culture to the stage; enhancing a more vivid school identity. The Coopera Project integrates the National Strategy for Education, Citizenship; Classroom Assessment, Inclusive Education, the Digital Transition Plan, Experimental Science teaching and favors Social and Emotional Well-being. In fact it meets the competences proposed in the profile of the “Students at the End of the Compulsory Education” (PASEO), in Portugal. The Coopera Project develops different actions, proposing the reconfiguration of the classroom (including not only the place students learn, but also and mainly the way teachers and students work; how teachers develop their pedagogical practices as well as the relationships they establish with their students). This study focused on the development of a group of teachers attending training sessions, implemented during a school year as part of the Coopera Escola+ 21|23 Project. These sessions are part of what we call "Professional Communities of Cooperative Learning", (CCAP), level 1. The research focuses exclusively on the 13 trainees who attended CCAP. They all belong to a Schools Grouping in the northern region of Portugal. They represent different levels of education (preschool, 1st and 3rd cycles of Basic Education); they had the opportunity to experience Cooperative methods which they later would extend to their students (using the pedagogical isomorphism). This means the work and training starts in the CCAP and is then part of the autonomous work developed by the teachers in their working context (using the same methodology of Cooperative Learning). This investigation wants to understand the short-term effects of the CCAP upon students and classes, taking into account not only the work during the CCAP sessions, but further within the autonomous work. Due to the characteristics of the ongoing study, we decided to use a qualitative methodology. Data collection techniques included focus group interviews and documents structuring the development of the CCAP. The data analysis technique used in this research was content analysis. The results obtained with this investigation brought us to the conclusion that the use of Cooperative Learning promotes an effective curriculum articulation, strengthening the Inclusion of all students, and contributing effectively to prepare students for the future. And above all, teachers consider the CCAP brought them updated professional knowledge contributing for their personal as well as professional development.
In a society facing constant changes, schools face overwhelming challenges. It is in such a context that the Coopera Project emerges with the main purpose of transforming pedagogical practices in the classroom. Having its roots in the practical and theoretical methodology of Cooperative Learning, it defies not only teachers but also students to perform authentic pedagogical experiences bringing a new school culture to the stage; enhancing a more vivid school identity. The Coopera Project integrates the National Strategy for Education, Citizenship; Classroom Assessment, Inclusive Education, the Digital Transition Plan, Experimental Science teaching and favors Social and Emotional Well-being. In fact it meets the competences proposed in the profile of the “Students at the End of the Compulsory Education” (PASEO), in Portugal. The Coopera Project develops different actions, proposing the reconfiguration of the classroom (including not only the place students learn, but also and mainly the way teachers and students work; how teachers develop their pedagogical practices as well as the relationships they establish with their students). This study focused on the development of a group of teachers attending training sessions, implemented during a school year as part of the Coopera Escola+ 21|23 Project. These sessions are part of what we call "Professional Communities of Cooperative Learning", (CCAP), level 1. The research focuses exclusively on the 13 trainees who attended CCAP. They all belong to a Schools Grouping in the northern region of Portugal. They represent different levels of education (preschool, 1st and 3rd cycles of Basic Education); they had the opportunity to experience Cooperative methods which they later would extend to their students (using the pedagogical isomorphism). This means the work and training starts in the CCAP and is then part of the autonomous work developed by the teachers in their working context (using the same methodology of Cooperative Learning). This investigation wants to understand the short-term effects of the CCAP upon students and classes, taking into account not only the work during the CCAP sessions, but further within the autonomous work. Due to the characteristics of the ongoing study, we decided to use a qualitative methodology. Data collection techniques included focus group interviews and documents structuring the development of the CCAP. The data analysis technique used in this research was content analysis. The results obtained with this investigation brought us to the conclusion that the use of Cooperative Learning promotes an effective curriculum articulation, strengthening the Inclusion of all students, and contributing effectively to prepare students for the future. And above all, teachers consider the CCAP brought them updated professional knowledge contributing for their personal as well as professional development.
Aprendizagem cooperativa Formação Formação docente Desenvolvimento profissional docente Cooperative learning Teacher training Teacher professional development
Mendes, Vanessa - O Projeto Coopera Escola+ 21-23 na promoção e utilização da aprendizagem cooperativa [Em linha]: efeitos de uma oficina de formação. [S.l.]: s.n.], 2024. 150 p.