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A consciência da impossibilidade de um crescimento contínuo num planeta finito e a
necessidade de preservar os recursos naturais e ambientais, de modo a que as gerações
futuras disponham do máximo de opções para maximizar o seu bem-estar e qualidade
de vida, fez emergir a noção de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (DS). Isto pressupõe uma
mudança de valores e atitudes em relação ao ambiente e ao progresso, tendo a educação
um papel primordial nessa mudança. É neste contexto que surge a noção de Educação
para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (EDS).
O DS possui várias dimensões, sendo a dimensão ambiental uma delas e que se encontra
mais directamente relacionada com as Ciências Naturais.
Sabendo ainda, que os professores de Ciências, na sua prática pedagógica, são
influenciados pelo manual escolar e que este é um dos recursos mais acessíveis ao
aluno, decidimos efectuar um estudo sobre a forma como a EDS é abordada nos
manuais escolares de Ciências da Natureza no 2º ciclo e de Ciências Naturais do 3º
ciclo. Como dispúnhamos de pouco tempo, optámos por analisar os dois manuais de
cada ano escolar mais adoptados em 2008-2009.
A metodologia utilizada foi a análise de conteúdo e os resultados a que chegámos
indicam que há a preocupação de introduzir temas de EDS nos manuais e de ir ao
encontro do Currículo Nacional do Ensino Básico (CNEB) que preconiza essa
introdução. Porém, verifica-se alguma discrepância entre manuais do mesmo ano
escolar no que diz respeito à frequência com que são referidos os temas de EDS.
Constatámos também que em todos os manuais é dado um destaque maior à dimensão
ambiental em detrimento das restantes dimensões do DS (social, económica e
institucional). Verifica-se ainda que a abordagem dos temas de EDS não está bem
distribuída pelos anos escolares dos dois últimos ciclos do ensino básico.
The awareness of the impossibility of continued growth on a finite planet and the need to conserve natural resources and environment, so that future generations have the most options to maximize their well-being and quality of life, reveals the concept of Sustainable Development (SD). This requires a change in values and attitudes towards the environment and progress, and education has a key role in this change. It is in this context that arises the concept of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). The DS has several dimensions, and the environmental is one of them that is most directly related to the Natural Sciences. Knowing also that the science teachers in their teaching, are influenced by textbook and this is one of the most accessible to the student, we decided to conduct a study on how the ESD is discussed in the textbooks of Natural Sciences the 2nd cycle and Natural Sciences of the 3rd cycle. As we had little time, we have chosen to analyze the two manuals of each school year adopted in 2008-2009. The methodology used was content analysis and the results that we have achived, indicate that there is a concern to introduce themes of ESD in the manuals and to meet the National Curriculum for Basic Education (CNEB) advocating the introduction. However, there is some discrepancy between manuals of the same school year as regards the frequency with which these are the themes of ESD. We noted also that in all the manuals are given a greater emphasis on the environmental dimension to the detriment of other dimensions of the DS (social, economic and institutional). There is also the approach of the themes of ESD is not evenly distributed by the school years of the last two cycles of basic education.
The awareness of the impossibility of continued growth on a finite planet and the need to conserve natural resources and environment, so that future generations have the most options to maximize their well-being and quality of life, reveals the concept of Sustainable Development (SD). This requires a change in values and attitudes towards the environment and progress, and education has a key role in this change. It is in this context that arises the concept of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). The DS has several dimensions, and the environmental is one of them that is most directly related to the Natural Sciences. Knowing also that the science teachers in their teaching, are influenced by textbook and this is one of the most accessible to the student, we decided to conduct a study on how the ESD is discussed in the textbooks of Natural Sciences the 2nd cycle and Natural Sciences of the 3rd cycle. As we had little time, we have chosen to analyze the two manuals of each school year adopted in 2008-2009. The methodology used was content analysis and the results that we have achived, indicate that there is a concern to introduce themes of ESD in the manuals and to meet the National Curriculum for Basic Education (CNEB) advocating the introduction. However, there is some discrepancy between manuals of the same school year as regards the frequency with which these are the themes of ESD. We noted also that in all the manuals are given a greater emphasis on the environmental dimension to the detriment of other dimensions of the DS (social, economic and institutional). There is also the approach of the themes of ESD is not evenly distributed by the school years of the last two cycles of basic education.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Cidadania Ambiental e Participação apresentada à Universidade Aberta
Educação ambiental Desenvolvimento sustentado Ensino das ciências Ensino básico 2º Ciclo 3º Ciclo Manuais escolares
Alves, Fátima da Ascenção Medeiros Botelho - A educação para o desenvolvimento sustentável em manuais escolares da área científica de ciências da natureza [Em linha] : um estudo transversal (2º e 3º ciclos do Ensino Básico). [Lisboa] : [s.n.], 2009. 106 p.