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Os três sítios muralhados de primeira grandeza em que o signatário dirigiu escavações arqueológicas: Leceia (Oeiras), entre 1983 e 2002; Moita da Ladra (Vila Franca de Xira), entre 2003 e 2006; e Outeiro Redondo (Sesimbra), entre 2005 e 2016, produziram um conjunto de informações de relevância incontornável para o conhecimento das arquitecturas, das estratigrafias, e da cronologia absoluta, tornados assim essenciais para o conhecimento da economia e organização social das populações que ocuparam aquela vasta região, com significado cultural próprio: o chamado “Calcolítico da Estremadura”. A esta notável informação, somou-se a respeitante aos espólios arqueológicos exumados, os quais se encontram presentemente totalmente estudados e publicados de forma detalhada.
Nesta comunicação, depois de se apresentarem as principais características arquitectónicas, de natureza defensiva e habitacional, respeitantes a cada um deles, valorizaram-se os espólios arqueológicos a partir da identificação dos artefactos susceptíveis, pela sua tipologia, de fornecerem informação objectiva acerca das actividades económicas mais importantes desenvolvidas pelos respectivos habitantes. Tais conclusões, articuladas com as características dos próprios sítios, incluindo a sua implantação geográfica e dimensões, conduziu, pela primeira vez, a conclusões sobre natureza funcional de cada um deles e quanto à forma como os mesmos se integravam no tecido demográfico e económico das penínsulas de Lisboa/Setúbal no decurso do 3.º milénio a.C., região já então densamente povoada.
The three first-rate walled sites where the author directed archaeological excavations: Leceia (Oeiras), between 1983 and 2002; Moita da Ladra (Vila Franca de Xira), between 2003 and 2006; and Outeiro Redondo (Sesimbra), between 2005 and 2016, produced a set of information of unavoidable relevance about architectures, stratigraphies, and absolute chronology, thus becoming essential for the knowledge of the economy and social organization of the populations that occupied the region, with its own cultural significance: the so-called “Chalcolithic of Extremadura”. To this remarkable information, was added that concerning the archaeological remains, which are currently fully studied and published in detail. In this communication, after presenting the main architectural characteristics, stratigraphic sequence and absolute chronology of each of them, the archaeological remains were valued by identifying the artefacts that, due to their typology, provide objective information about the most relevant activities developed by the respective inhabitants. Such conclusions, articulated with the characteristics of the sites themselves, including their geographic location and dimensions, led, for the first time, to conclusions about its functionality and the way in which they were part of the demographic and economic fabric of the peninsulas of Lisbon/ Setúbal during the 3rd millennium BC, already densely populated at that time.
The three first-rate walled sites where the author directed archaeological excavations: Leceia (Oeiras), between 1983 and 2002; Moita da Ladra (Vila Franca de Xira), between 2003 and 2006; and Outeiro Redondo (Sesimbra), between 2005 and 2016, produced a set of information of unavoidable relevance about architectures, stratigraphies, and absolute chronology, thus becoming essential for the knowledge of the economy and social organization of the populations that occupied the region, with its own cultural significance: the so-called “Chalcolithic of Extremadura”. To this remarkable information, was added that concerning the archaeological remains, which are currently fully studied and published in detail. In this communication, after presenting the main architectural characteristics, stratigraphic sequence and absolute chronology of each of them, the archaeological remains were valued by identifying the artefacts that, due to their typology, provide objective information about the most relevant activities developed by the respective inhabitants. Such conclusions, articulated with the characteristics of the sites themselves, including their geographic location and dimensions, led, for the first time, to conclusions about its functionality and the way in which they were part of the demographic and economic fabric of the peninsulas of Lisbon/ Setúbal during the 3rd millennium BC, already densely populated at that time.
Leceia Moita da Ladra Outeiro Redondo Arquitecturas Espólios Funcionalidades “Calcolítico da Estremadura” Portugal Architectures Spoils Functionalities “Chalcolithic of Extremadura”
UNIARQ/FL-UL (Centro de Arqueologia da Universidade de Lisboa)