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Considerada a terceira maior ilha do MediterrĆ¢neo, a seguir Ć SicĆlia e Ć Sardenha, com uma Ć”rea total de 9.521 km2 e uma populaĆ§Ć£o estimada em 1.138.071 habitantes (WorldFactBook da CIA para 2012), Chipre viu satisfeito o seu pedido de adesĆ£o Ć UniĆ£o Europeia, apesar de se saber que esta, atĆ© entĆ£o, era āavessaā Ć entrada de um paĆs dividido e, sobretudo, com a presenƧa de uma ForƧa das NaƧƵes Unidas (UNIFICYP).
O conflito em Chipe, conhecido como āa questĆ£o de Chipreā, surgiu em 1974, com a invasĆ£o da ilha pelas forƧas militares turcas sob o pretexto de que a comunidade turca aĆ existente estaria a ser alvo de represĆ”lias por parte do governo cipriota grego. Este conflito levou Ć divisĆ£o da ilha em duas partes, uma sob a administraĆ§Ć£o de NicĆ³sia ā a RepĆŗblica de Chipre ā e a RepĆŗblica Turca de Chipre do Norte, apenas reconhecida por Ancara.
Apesar da sua entrada na UniĆ£o Europeia, a ilha de Chipre ainda possui o estigma de uma divisĆ£o que Ć© o resultado de longos perĆodos de colonizaƧƵes.
Por seu turno, a Turquia, cuja mesma pretensĆ£o de adesĆ£o Ć UniĆ£o Europeia foi formalizada em 1987, tem visto a mesma ser constantemente adiada, com o veto de Chipre.
Considered the third largest island in the Mediterranean, after Sicily and Sardinia, with a total area of 9,521 km2 and a total population estimated of 1,138,071 inhabitants (CIA WorldFactBook for 2012), Cyprus has satisfied its request for Accession to the European Union, even though it is known that the European Union was against the access of a divided country and, above all, with the presence of the United Nations Force (UNIFICYP). The conflict at Cyprus began in 1974, when Turkish military forces invaded the island under the pretext that the Turkish community at the island had been subjected to pressures by the Greek Cypriot government. This conflict led to the division of the island: the southern area became under the administration of Nicosia - the Republic of Cyprus - and the northern area under the administration of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, this one is only recognized by Turkey. Despite its access to the European Union, the island of Cyprus still has the stigma of a divided island as a result of its the colonization for several centuries. The agreements of 1960, clearly shows that the Cyprus conflict is not only the problem between the two communities on the island, it is also an international matter which has important effects on political positions of many states. Because of the necessity to provide security and balance of power in the region, the conflict became an international concern with the involvement of external powers. Although Turkey has formalized its request for accession the European Union, in 1987, it is always vetoed by Cyprus and, for this reason, constantly postponed.
Considered the third largest island in the Mediterranean, after Sicily and Sardinia, with a total area of 9,521 km2 and a total population estimated of 1,138,071 inhabitants (CIA WorldFactBook for 2012), Cyprus has satisfied its request for Accession to the European Union, even though it is known that the European Union was against the access of a divided country and, above all, with the presence of the United Nations Force (UNIFICYP). The conflict at Cyprus began in 1974, when Turkish military forces invaded the island under the pretext that the Turkish community at the island had been subjected to pressures by the Greek Cypriot government. This conflict led to the division of the island: the southern area became under the administration of Nicosia - the Republic of Cyprus - and the northern area under the administration of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, this one is only recognized by Turkey. Despite its access to the European Union, the island of Cyprus still has the stigma of a divided island as a result of its the colonization for several centuries. The agreements of 1960, clearly shows that the Cyprus conflict is not only the problem between the two communities on the island, it is also an international matter which has important effects on political positions of many states. Because of the necessity to provide security and balance of power in the region, the conflict became an international concern with the involvement of external powers. Although Turkey has formalized its request for accession the European Union, in 1987, it is always vetoed by Cyprus and, for this reason, constantly postponed.
UniĆ£o Europeia AdesĆ£o ReunificaĆ§Ć£o Chipre GrĆ©cia Turquia European Union Reunification Cyprus Greece Turky
Pereira, Teresinha da Silva - Chipre na UniĆ£o Europeia: uma ilha ainda dividida. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2017. 128 p.