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Os Jogos Digitais são recursos que podem ser utilizados para promover competências, prevenir comportamentos ou sensibilizar populações em risco de exclusão social, especialmente jovens. A dificuldade em conjugar as particularidades dos contextos de intervenção, as necessidades e preferências dos possíveis beneficiários, a falta de recursos em Língua Portuguesa, a necessidades de se ter de adaptar constantemente o recurso e a falta de verbas para se pagar a empresas da especialidade sempre que se quer construir um jogo, são alguns dos entraves na implementação deste tipo de estratégias. Neste estudo propusemo-nos tentar compreender melhor a forma como professores, formadores, psicólogos, assistentes sociais, pedagogos, animadores de rua e outros técnicos sociais, nomeadamente que intervêm com jovens que se encontram em risco ou em situação de exclusão social, podem desenvolver e/ou implementar intervenções sociais e/ou educativas que se baseiam em Jogos Digitais. Para tal, verificamos que seria necessária a criação de uma metodologia que permitisse que estes profissionais fossem capazes de desenvolver, adaptar e implementar recursos adequados aos seus reais contextos de intervenção. Alicerçados no paradigma de investigação Design-Based Research, mais especificamente no modelo Integrative Learning Design, tentamos criar, implementar, avaliar e refinar artefactos educativos baseados em tecnologia, neste caso uma “Metodologia de Desenvolvimento e Implementação de Jogos Digitais Socioeducativos de Produção Simplificada” e um Jogo Digital com objetivos interventivos. O estudo dividiu-se em três grandes partes, a avaliação inicial de um problema localizado; o desenvolvimento, implementação, avaliação e reformulação de um jogo digital aplicado por técnicos sociais junto de jovens em risco ou em situação de exclusão social e a realização de um conjunto de ações de formação com o objetivo de promover e testar esta metodologia de desenvolvimento de Jogos Digitais Simples junto de um conjunto de profissionais, principalmente das áreas da educação/formação e intervenção social. Identificamos que a maioria dos profissionais que participaram no estudo consideram possível a utilização de jogos digitais como ferramentas para desenvolver competências e demostram motivação para a utilização de Jogos
Digitais de Produção Simplificada em intervenções sociais/comunitárias, como forma de incluir socialmente jovens em situação ou em risco de exclusão. As limitações inerentes ao software de edição utilizado e a falta de tempo parecem limitar o desenvolvimento destes recursos por parte destes profissionais. Já os jovens consideram ser possível aprender através destes recursos, evidenciando que gostariam de futuramente participar noutras intervenções semelhantes em que fossem utilizados jogos digitais, nomeadamente no ensino formal. Em síntese, apesar de um conjunto de limitações, parece ser possível implementar intervenções sociais e educativas relevantes baseadas em Jogos Digitais de Produção Simplificada desenvolvidos por profissionais não especialistas em programação.
Digital Games are resources that can be used to promote skills, prevent behaviour or sensitize populations at risk of social exclusion, especially young people. The difficulty in combining the particularities of the intervention contexts, the needs and preferences of the potential beneficiaries, the lack of resources in Portuguese, the need to constantly adapt the resource and the lack of funds to pay the specialty companies whenever someone wants to build a game, are some of the obstacles in the implementation of this type of strategies. In this study we attempted to better understand how teachers, trainers, psychologists, social workers, pedagogues, street workers and other social workers, in particularly, those who intervene with young people who are at risk or in situations of social exclusion, can develop and / or implement social and / or educational interventions that are based on Digital Games. In order to do so, it was necessary to create a methodology that would enable these professionals to be able to develop, adapt and implement adequate resources for their real intervention contexts. Based on the Design-Based Research paradigm, more specifically in the Integrative Learning Design model, we try to create, implement, evaluate and refine technology-based educational artefacts, in this case a "Methodology for the Development and Implementation of Socio-Educational Digital Games of Simple Production" and a Digital Game with interventional goals. The study was divided into three major parts, the initial assessment of a localized problem; the development, implementation, evaluation and reformulation of a digital game applied by social workers to young people at risk or in a situation of social exclusion and the accomplishment of a set of training actions with the objective of promoting and testing this methodology of development of Simple Digital Games to a set of professionals, mainly in the areas of education / training and social intervention. We identified that the majority of the professionals who participated in the study consider possible the use of digital games as tools to develop skills and demonstrate motivation for the use of Digital Games of Simplified Production in social / community interventions, as a way to socially include young people in situation or at risk of exclusion. The limitations regarding the editing software used and the lack of time seems to limit the development of these resources by these professionals. Young people, on the other hand, consider that it is possible to learn from these resources, pointing out that they would like to participate in other similar interventions in the future using digital games, particularly in formal education. In summary, despite a set of limitations, it seems possible to implement relevant social and educational interventions based on Digital Games of Simple Production developed by professionals who are not programming specialists.
Digital Games are resources that can be used to promote skills, prevent behaviour or sensitize populations at risk of social exclusion, especially young people. The difficulty in combining the particularities of the intervention contexts, the needs and preferences of the potential beneficiaries, the lack of resources in Portuguese, the need to constantly adapt the resource and the lack of funds to pay the specialty companies whenever someone wants to build a game, are some of the obstacles in the implementation of this type of strategies. In this study we attempted to better understand how teachers, trainers, psychologists, social workers, pedagogues, street workers and other social workers, in particularly, those who intervene with young people who are at risk or in situations of social exclusion, can develop and / or implement social and / or educational interventions that are based on Digital Games. In order to do so, it was necessary to create a methodology that would enable these professionals to be able to develop, adapt and implement adequate resources for their real intervention contexts. Based on the Design-Based Research paradigm, more specifically in the Integrative Learning Design model, we try to create, implement, evaluate and refine technology-based educational artefacts, in this case a "Methodology for the Development and Implementation of Socio-Educational Digital Games of Simple Production" and a Digital Game with interventional goals. The study was divided into three major parts, the initial assessment of a localized problem; the development, implementation, evaluation and reformulation of a digital game applied by social workers to young people at risk or in a situation of social exclusion and the accomplishment of a set of training actions with the objective of promoting and testing this methodology of development of Simple Digital Games to a set of professionals, mainly in the areas of education / training and social intervention. We identified that the majority of the professionals who participated in the study consider possible the use of digital games as tools to develop skills and demonstrate motivation for the use of Digital Games of Simplified Production in social / community interventions, as a way to socially include young people in situation or at risk of exclusion. The limitations regarding the editing software used and the lack of time seems to limit the development of these resources by these professionals. Young people, on the other hand, consider that it is possible to learn from these resources, pointing out that they would like to participate in other similar interventions in the future using digital games, particularly in formal education. In summary, despite a set of limitations, it seems possible to implement relevant social and educational interventions based on Digital Games of Simple Production developed by professionals who are not programming specialists.
Jogos digitais Educação Game Based Learning (GBL) Serious games Game design Intervenção educativa Intervenção social Formação Exclusão social Social exclusion Formation Game design Teachers Social workers
Lopes, Nuno - Intervenções educativas e sociais baseadas em jogos digitais de produção simplificada [Em linha]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2018. 2 vols.