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Na presente dissertação, elegemos como temática de investigação a adaptação literária enquanto modalidade da literatura infanto-juvenil, e fazemos a sua abordagem em três vertentes complementares: a de um conceito com história, a da análise textual e a investigação de campo.
Primeiro, exploramos o conceito de adaptação enquanto modalidade que procura resolver a assimetria existente entre um texto de origem (emitido por um adulto para um público também adulto) e um receptor infanto-juvenil, com natural expressão ao nível da intencionalidade comunicativa. Depois, traçamos o seu percurso na História da Literatura infanto-juvenil em Portugal, observando que a tónica no receptor parece estar relacionada com o surgimento do próprio género.
Segundo, identificamos os procedimentos adaptativos paratextuais e os intra-textuais de simplificação e redução de extensão mais comuns numa adaptação infanto-juvenil (substituições, transformações, resumos), embora adstritos ao corpus seleccionado para investigação: a obra Seis Contos de Eça de Queirós, recontados por Luísa Ducla Soares. Reflectimos ainda sobre as políticas editoriais e educativas que subjazem à realização de adaptações de obras consideradas de referência.
Por último, analisamos a forma como a adaptação pode concorrer para a motivação e formação de leitores infanto-juvenis, sob a perspectiva da recepção do texto, com base numa investigação de campo sobre a leitura do corpus seleccionado, que incidiu sobre um grupo de alunos de sétimo ano de escolaridade.
In this dissertation we have chosen the theme of literary adaptation as a modality of children‘s literature, and we have approached it in three complementary strands: definition of concepts and history, text analysis and action-research. Firstly, we explore the concept of adaptation as a way of dealing with the asymmetry between a source text (written by and for an adult) and its reception by children and youngsters, with natural reflection on the communicative intents. Then, we settle the route of adaptation in the history of children‘s literature in Portugal, recognizing that the emphasis on the young public may be related with the emergence of the children‘s literature gender itself. Secondly, we identify the more common para-text and intra-text adaptation procedures of simplification and reduction of length (by replacing, transforming, summarizing). We analyze these procedures using a selected corpus - Seis Contos de Eça de Queirós, from Ducla Soares. We also consider how educational and editorial policies can determine and benefit from adapting a canon. Last, we analyze how an adaptation can contribute to the motivation and development of new juvenile readers, supported by the Literary Reception Theories. This study relies on a reading experience of the selected corpus by a seventh form class audience.
In this dissertation we have chosen the theme of literary adaptation as a modality of children‘s literature, and we have approached it in three complementary strands: definition of concepts and history, text analysis and action-research. Firstly, we explore the concept of adaptation as a way of dealing with the asymmetry between a source text (written by and for an adult) and its reception by children and youngsters, with natural reflection on the communicative intents. Then, we settle the route of adaptation in the history of children‘s literature in Portugal, recognizing that the emphasis on the young public may be related with the emergence of the children‘s literature gender itself. Secondly, we identify the more common para-text and intra-text adaptation procedures of simplification and reduction of length (by replacing, transforming, summarizing). We analyze these procedures using a selected corpus - Seis Contos de Eça de Queirós, from Ducla Soares. We also consider how educational and editorial policies can determine and benefit from adapting a canon. Last, we analyze how an adaptation can contribute to the motivation and development of new juvenile readers, supported by the Literary Reception Theories. This study relies on a reading experience of the selected corpus by a seventh form class audience.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Estudos Portugueses Multidisciplinares apresentada à Universidad Aberta
Soares, Luísa Ducla, 1939- Queirós, Eça de, 1845-1900 Literatura portuguesa Adaptação Literatura infantil Literatura juvenil Conto Receção Leitores Literary adaptation Reception Children’s literature Eça de Queirós‘short stories Luísa Ducla Soares