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Embora as origens de pesquisas na área de estilos e estratégias de aprendizagem datem de longa data, diversos autores têm criticado uma certa indefinição conceitual, definições contrariadas, mensuração deficiente e falta de validade dos resultados obtidos. Além de compreender essas características individuais, um dos principais desafios da aprendizagem online é incentivar a participação dos alunos envolvidos e nesse sentido, o objetivo principal deste estudo foi compreender as relações entre estilos de aprendizagem, as abordagens ao estudo e a participação online de alunos de educação profissional e tecnológica. Para isso, o Questionário Honey-Alonso de Estilos de Aprendizagem (CHAEA) e o Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students (ASSIST, versão portuguesa) foram aplicados a alunos da Rede Nacional de Educação a Distância Senac e realizou-se a análise de conteúdo para discussões assíncronas online, na perspectiva de Gerbic & Stacey. Embora esses inventários pareçam fornecer resultados válidos para alguns contextos, seu uso na orientação de alunos é bem mais questionável e carece de uma complementação dos resultados, por meio de entrevistas individuais, antes de propor quaisquer alterações na abordagem pedagógica escolhida pelo curso. Quanto à participação online de alunos, concluímos que não basta que a análise de conteúdo se centralize apenas em indicadores quantitativos, como o número de logs efetuados, pois deve ser complementada por uma análise de conteúdo qualitativa, cuja importância reside na descrição da natureza e abrangência dos fóruns de discussão em pauta. A análise de interações online mostrou que a comunicação mediada por computadores tem o potencial de se tornar uma metodologia pedagógica enriquecedora, mas, para que isso ocorra, recomendamos que os designers educacionais responsáveis pelos cursos de e-Learning forneçam uma variedade de estratégias pedagógicas em fóruns online e explorem suas limitações e possibilidades.
Although origins of research in the area of learning styles and strategies date back a long time, many authors have criticized a certain conceptual indefinition, contradicting definitions, poor measurement procedures and lack of research validity. Apart from the abovementioned individual characteristics, it is commonly argued that a key challenge for studying online is to encourage learner participation and hence, the main purpose of this study is to understand the relationships between learning styles, approaches to studying and online participation of students in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). To this end, two sets of questionnaires were applied in order to identify Senac National e-Learning Network students’ learning styles (Honey Alonso Learning Styles Questionnaire) and approaches to learning (Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students – ASSIST), completed by a content analysis framework for online, asynchronous discussions (Gerbic & Stacey). Although these inventories seem to provide valid results for certain research contexts, their use in student orientation is much more questionable and lacks supplementing individual interviews before recommending whatever possible changes in the adopted pedagogical approach. Regarding the online participation of students, a content analysis centralized only on quantitative indicators, such as the number of logs, is considered insufficient, and should therefore be complemented by a qualitative content analysis, whose importance resides in the description of the nature and scope of the discussion forums at stake. The analysis of online interactions revealed that computer-mediated communication (CMC) has the potential to become an enriching pedagogical methodology, but for this to occur, we recommend that educational designers responsible for e-Learning courses provide a variety of pedagogical strategies in online forums and explore their limitations and possibilities.
Although origins of research in the area of learning styles and strategies date back a long time, many authors have criticized a certain conceptual indefinition, contradicting definitions, poor measurement procedures and lack of research validity. Apart from the abovementioned individual characteristics, it is commonly argued that a key challenge for studying online is to encourage learner participation and hence, the main purpose of this study is to understand the relationships between learning styles, approaches to studying and online participation of students in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). To this end, two sets of questionnaires were applied in order to identify Senac National e-Learning Network students’ learning styles (Honey Alonso Learning Styles Questionnaire) and approaches to learning (Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students – ASSIST), completed by a content analysis framework for online, asynchronous discussions (Gerbic & Stacey). Although these inventories seem to provide valid results for certain research contexts, their use in student orientation is much more questionable and lacks supplementing individual interviews before recommending whatever possible changes in the adopted pedagogical approach. Regarding the online participation of students, a content analysis centralized only on quantitative indicators, such as the number of logs, is considered insufficient, and should therefore be complemented by a qualitative content analysis, whose importance resides in the description of the nature and scope of the discussion forums at stake. The analysis of online interactions revealed that computer-mediated communication (CMC) has the potential to become an enriching pedagogical methodology, but for this to occur, we recommend that educational designers responsible for e-Learning courses provide a variety of pedagogical strategies in online forums and explore their limitations and possibilities.
Estilos de aprendizagem Aprendizagem online Educação a distância Elearning Interatividade Análise interacional Estudo de casos Brasil Online learning Learning styles Approaches to learning Online participation
Giebelen, Jacobus B. M. Edwin - Estilos de aprendizagem, abordagens ao estudo e a participação na aprendizagem online [Em linha] : a Rede Nacional de Educação a Distância Senac. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2018. 320 p.