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A midiatização da interação educacional, em especial a de tutor a distância e aluno, por meio de ferramentas web assíncronas ou síncronas gera uma gama de informações e conhecimentos para tomada de decisão a nível micro e macro da organização. Uma abordagem eficiente para resolver problemas de gerenciamento do conhecimento em uma organização consiste na elaboração de uma memória organizacional e uma excelente forma de representação da memória organizacional é por meio da construção de uma Ontologia. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa é desenvolver uma ontologia para representação da memória organizacional da midiatização da interação educacional. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto foram realizados levantamento bibliográfico e pesquisa participante no Programa de Capacitação em Redes: ciclo de desenvolvimento de inovações. A ontologia desenvolvida contou com a identificação de cenários possíveis: compartilhamento e reutilização do conhecimento derivado da Midiatização da Interação Educacional, medidas de apoio a aprendizagem, medidas de apoio administrativo e medidas de apoio técnico. Com base nesses cenários foi realizado o processo de seleção dos termos mais apropriados para o domínio, a hierarquia dos termos e a relação binária entre eles. Além disso, foram criados axiomas e regras lógicas para a automação da ontologia proposta. Ao final das etapas foi possível fazer os testes nos cenários de interesse na qual a ontologia deveria responder. Os resultantes foram positivos, ou seja, a ontologia atende de maneira eficiente o compartilhamento e a reutilização de conhecimentos gerados da interação entre tutor a distância e aluno, bem como, o apoio a tomada de decisão nas situações de aprendizagem, administrativas e técnicas que envolvem a rotina de trabalho de um tutor a distância em um curso de EaD.
The mediatization of educational interaction, in particularly distance tutor and student through asynchronous or synchronous web tools, generates a range of information and knowledge for decision making at the micro and macro organization. An efficient approach to solve knowledge management in an organization is the development of an organizational memory and an excellent representation of the organizational memory is through the construction of an Ontology. The objective of this research is to develop an ontology for the representation of organizational memory mediatization of educational interaction. To achieve the proposed objective were performed bibliographic research and participating in Training Program Networks: development cycle innovations. The ontology developed included the identification of possible scenarios: sharing and reusing knowledge derived from MIE, measures to support learning, administrative support and technical support measures. Based on these scenarios was conducted the process of selecting the most appropriate terms for the field, the hierarchy and the binary relationship between the terms. Moreover, were created axioms and logical rules for the automation of the proposed ontology. At the end of the steps was possible to do the tests in the scenarios of interest in which the ontology should answer. The result were positive, i.e., the ontology serves efficiently sharing and reuse of knowledge generated from the interaction between tutor and pupil distance, as well as support for decision making in learning situations, and administrative techniques that involve routine work of a tutor distance in a distance education course.
The mediatization of educational interaction, in particularly distance tutor and student through asynchronous or synchronous web tools, generates a range of information and knowledge for decision making at the micro and macro organization. An efficient approach to solve knowledge management in an organization is the development of an organizational memory and an excellent representation of the organizational memory is through the construction of an Ontology. The objective of this research is to develop an ontology for the representation of organizational memory mediatization of educational interaction. To achieve the proposed objective were performed bibliographic research and participating in Training Program Networks: development cycle innovations. The ontology developed included the identification of possible scenarios: sharing and reusing knowledge derived from MIE, measures to support learning, administrative support and technical support measures. Based on these scenarios was conducted the process of selecting the most appropriate terms for the field, the hierarchy and the binary relationship between the terms. Moreover, were created axioms and logical rules for the automation of the proposed ontology. At the end of the steps was possible to do the tests in the scenarios of interest in which the ontology should answer. The result were positive, i.e., the ontology serves efficiently sharing and reuse of knowledge generated from the interaction between tutor and pupil distance, as well as support for decision making in learning situations, and administrative techniques that involve routine work of a tutor distance in a distance education course.
Memória organizacional Ontologia Ensino a distância Midiatização da interação educacional Organizational memory Ontologies Distance education Mediatization of educational interaction III Colóquio Luso-Brasileiro de Educação a Distância e Elearning
Borges, Michele Andréia; Morales, Aran Bey Tcholakian - Representação ontológica da memória organizacional da midiatização da interação educacional [Em linha]. In Colóquio Luso-Brasileiro de Educação a Distância e Elearning, 3, Lisboa, 2013. "Colóquio Luso-Brasileiro...: atas". Lisboa: Universidade Aberta. LEAD, 2014. ISBN 978-972-674-738-3. p. 1-18
Universidade Aberta