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A inclusão da avaliação de componentes não materiais da sustentabilidade de uma determinada região é considerada, por diversos autores, uma lacuna, com a consequente necessidade de investigação. Este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver um sistema de avaliação da sustentabilidade incorporando componentes não materiais, através de um estudo de caso, às escalas regional - local: o estado de Alagoas e o município de Maceió – Brasil. Foi utilizada uma estratégia metodológica baseada num estudo de caso, fazendo uso de métodos mistos (qualitativo e quantitativo) e recorrendo a inquéritos por entrevistas, a atores-chave e a grupos focais, representativos de segmentos sociais. A componente não material foi conceptualmente definida como o conjunto de elementos intangíveis, que fazem parte da visão de mundo das pessoas e que deve ser avaliada através da opinião por elas expressa. Uma revisão bibliográfica sobre indicadores de sustentabilidade precede esta definição e levou a uma proposta de reconfiguração das dimensões da sustentabilidade, com o estabelecimento de duas macrodimensões: ambiental e cultural. É concebido que parte da macrodimensão ambiental (capital natural) não é apropriada pela macrodimensão cultural (capital humano, incluindo as dimensões social e económica), a qual também tem espaço próprio, exclusivo de elementos intangíveis. Ainda através da revisão, foi gerada uma lista preliminar de temas não materiais, os quais foram submetidos a atores-chave do processo de desenvolvimento em Alagoas e Maceió. Em entrevistas, os temas não materiais foram discutidos, assim como aspectos conceituais e de envolvimento com o DS. Temas e indicadores tradicionais, assim como as dimensões da sustentabilidade, também foram discutidos e, a partir da análise das contribuições, foi elaborada uma primeira proposta do sistema de avaliação, incluindo um questionário, através do qual serão avaliados conhecimentos, atitudes e opiniões sobre cada tema. Esse material foi apresentado e discutido em reuniões de grupos focais permitindo ajustar a proposta de reconfiguração das dimensões da sustentabilidade, refinar o desenho do sistema de avaliação e reestruturar o questionário à população. Indicadores tradicionais, fazendo uso de dados oficiais disponíveis, irão complementar o sistema de avaliação. O estudo apresenta, ainda, diretrizes para a aplicação do sistema, incluindo um roteiro geral, as informações e fontes dos indicadores e orientações para a comunicação e monitorização dos resultados, sugerindo a adoção de um painel de avaliação, com a supervisão de um Fórum Estadual de Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Este sistema de avaliação poderá, com adequações originadas em processo participativo específico, ser adotado em outras regiões e localidades e em organizações, como empresas e universidades. Este trabalho pretendeu contribuir para a melhoria dos sistemas de avaliação da sustentabilidade de uma dada região onde a componente não material e seus elementos intangíveis poderão ter um importante papel, disponibilizando informações sobre o envolvimento e a mobilização das pessoas.
The inclusion of the evaluation of non-material components of the sustainability of a given region is considered a gap by several authors, with the consequent need for research. The objective of this work was to develop a sustainability assessment system incorporating non - material components, through a case study, to both regional and local scales: the state of Alagoas and the municipality of Maceió - Brazil. A methodological strategy was used based on a case study, employing mixed methods (qualitative and quantitative) and using surveys by means of interviewing key actors and focus groups, representative of social segments. The non-material component was conceptually defined as the set of intangible elements which are part of the world view of people in general and that should be evaluated through their opinion as expressed by them. A bibliographic review on sustainability indicators precedes this definition and has led to a proposal to reconfigure the dimensions of sustainability, with two macro dimensions being established: environmental and cultural. This study conceives that part of the environmental macro dimension (the natural capital) is not appropriated by the cultural macro dimension (the human capital, including both social and economic dimensions), which also has its own space, exclusive of intangible elements. Also through the bibliographical review, a preliminary list of non-material themes was generated, which were submitted to key actors of the development process in Alagoas and Maceió. In interviews, the non-material themes were discussed, as well as conceptual and involvement aspects with DS. Traditional themes and indicators, as well as the dimensions of sustainability, were also discussed and, based on the analysis of the interviewees’ contributions, a first proposal of an evaluation system was developed, including a questionnaire which will evaluate knowledge, attitudes and opinions on each theme. This material was presented and discussed in focus group meetings, allowing for the adjustment of the proposed reconfiguration of the dimensions of sustainability, refining the design of the evaluation system and restructuring the questionnaire to the general population. Traditional indicators, making use of available official data, will complement the assessment system. The study also presents guidelines for the application of the system, including a general road map, information and sources of indicators and guidelines for communication and monitoring of results, suggesting the adoption of an evaluation panel, with the supervision of a State Forum of Sustainable Development. This evaluation system may be adopted, with adaptations originated in a specific participatory process, in other regions and localities as well as in organizations such as companies and universities. This work has aimed at contributing to the improvement of sustainability assessment systems of any given region where the non-material component and its intangible elements could play an important role by providing information on the involvement and mobilization of people.
The inclusion of the evaluation of non-material components of the sustainability of a given region is considered a gap by several authors, with the consequent need for research. The objective of this work was to develop a sustainability assessment system incorporating non - material components, through a case study, to both regional and local scales: the state of Alagoas and the municipality of Maceió - Brazil. A methodological strategy was used based on a case study, employing mixed methods (qualitative and quantitative) and using surveys by means of interviewing key actors and focus groups, representative of social segments. The non-material component was conceptually defined as the set of intangible elements which are part of the world view of people in general and that should be evaluated through their opinion as expressed by them. A bibliographic review on sustainability indicators precedes this definition and has led to a proposal to reconfigure the dimensions of sustainability, with two macro dimensions being established: environmental and cultural. This study conceives that part of the environmental macro dimension (the natural capital) is not appropriated by the cultural macro dimension (the human capital, including both social and economic dimensions), which also has its own space, exclusive of intangible elements. Also through the bibliographical review, a preliminary list of non-material themes was generated, which were submitted to key actors of the development process in Alagoas and Maceió. In interviews, the non-material themes were discussed, as well as conceptual and involvement aspects with DS. Traditional themes and indicators, as well as the dimensions of sustainability, were also discussed and, based on the analysis of the interviewees’ contributions, a first proposal of an evaluation system was developed, including a questionnaire which will evaluate knowledge, attitudes and opinions on each theme. This material was presented and discussed in focus group meetings, allowing for the adjustment of the proposed reconfiguration of the dimensions of sustainability, refining the design of the evaluation system and restructuring the questionnaire to the general population. Traditional indicators, making use of available official data, will complement the assessment system. The study also presents guidelines for the application of the system, including a general road map, information and sources of indicators and guidelines for communication and monitoring of results, suggesting the adoption of an evaluation panel, with the supervision of a State Forum of Sustainable Development. This evaluation system may be adopted, with adaptations originated in a specific participatory process, in other regions and localities as well as in organizations such as companies and universities. This work has aimed at contributing to the improvement of sustainability assessment systems of any given region where the non-material component and its intangible elements could play an important role by providing information on the involvement and mobilization of people.
Meio ambiente Desenvolvimento sustentável Indicadores Avaliação Bens intangíveis Aspeto cultural Brasil Sustainability assessment Cultural macro dimension Non-material component Intangible elements Indicators at regional-local scales
Viégas, Osvaldo - Integração da componente não material na avaliação da sustentabilidade regional - local [Em linha]: o caso de Alagoas e Maceió - Brasil. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2017. 334 p.