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A presente tese questiona se as Leis 10.639/2003 e 11.645/2008 enquadram-se em um perfil epistemológico decolonial ou descolonial. Tais legislações impõem o ensino da história e cultura africana, afro-brasileira e
indígenas nas escolas brasileiras. Sendo assim, a hipótese, aqui defendida, gira em torno da afirmação de que o espírito das legislações é decolonial, ao passo que sua aplicação e efetivação, na prática pedagógica, estão direcionadas à descolonialidade. Adotamos, como bases teóricas, além dos conceitos e diferenciações acerca das epistemologias descoloniais e decoloniais, os estudos relacionados às Epistemologia do Sul, de Boaventura de Sousa Santos, acrescentando a eles a definição metafórica correspondente ao suleamento de
saberes, inspirados nos brasileiros Márcio Campos e Paulo Freire.
Como estudo de caso, que nos permitiu verificar indícios de tais abordagens, utilizamos as tecnologias educacionais, como instrumentos que auxiliam na prática educativa de escolas baianas, nomeadamente conteúdos digitais produzidos pela Rede Anísio Teixeira, programa de tecnologias educacionais do Instituto Anísio Teixeira, Secretaria da Educação da Bahia. Para tanto, foram analisadas fotografias still das produções de conteúdos da TV AT (Anísio Teixeira), realizadas entre os anos de 2009 e 2014, utilizando a Análise do Discurso, baseada nas teorias de Michail Backtin, e realizámos 20 entrevistas, sendo 10 com pessoas envolvidas na sua produção e 10 com educadores que atuam hoje na Rede Anísio Teixeira.
A partir dos dados obtidos, no percurso metodológico, constatou-se que a aplicação e efetividade das referidas legislações na prática educativa do caso estudado, ainda trilha o caminho da descolonialidade.
This thesis questions whether Laws 10,639/2003 and 11,645/2008 fit into a descolonial or decolonial epistemological profile. Such legislation imposes the teaching of African, Afro-Brazilian and indigenous history and culture in Brazilian schools. Therefore, the hypothesis defended here revolves around the statement that the spirit of that legislation is decolonial, while its application and implementation, in pedagogical practice, are directed towards decoloniality. We adopted, as theoretical bases, in addition to the concepts and differentiations about decolonial and decolonial epistemologies, studies related to the Epistemology of the South, by Boaventura de Sousa Santos, adding to them the metaphorical definition corresponding to the southernization of knowledge, inspired by the Brazilians Márcio Campos and Paulo Freire. As a case study, which allows us to verify evidence of such approaches, we use educational technologies, as instruments that assist in the educational practice of schools in Bahia, namely digital content produced by Rede Anísio Teixeira, an educational technology program at the IAT, Secretariat of Education in Bahia. To this end, still photographs of TV AT content productions, carried out between 2009 and 2014, were analyzed using Discourse Analysis, based on the theories of Michail Backtin, and we carried out 20 interviews, 10 with people involved in its production and 10 with teachers who currently work at Rede Anísio Teixeira. From the data obtained, in the methodological path, it was found that the application and effectiveness of the aforementioned legislation in the educational practice of the case studied, still follows the path of descolonialidade.
This thesis questions whether Laws 10,639/2003 and 11,645/2008 fit into a descolonial or decolonial epistemological profile. Such legislation imposes the teaching of African, Afro-Brazilian and indigenous history and culture in Brazilian schools. Therefore, the hypothesis defended here revolves around the statement that the spirit of that legislation is decolonial, while its application and implementation, in pedagogical practice, are directed towards decoloniality. We adopted, as theoretical bases, in addition to the concepts and differentiations about decolonial and decolonial epistemologies, studies related to the Epistemology of the South, by Boaventura de Sousa Santos, adding to them the metaphorical definition corresponding to the southernization of knowledge, inspired by the Brazilians Márcio Campos and Paulo Freire. As a case study, which allows us to verify evidence of such approaches, we use educational technologies, as instruments that assist in the educational practice of schools in Bahia, namely digital content produced by Rede Anísio Teixeira, an educational technology program at the IAT, Secretariat of Education in Bahia. To this end, still photographs of TV AT content productions, carried out between 2009 and 2014, were analyzed using Discourse Analysis, based on the theories of Michail Backtin, and we carried out 20 interviews, 10 with people involved in its production and 10 with teachers who currently work at Rede Anísio Teixeira. From the data obtained, in the methodological path, it was found that the application and effectiveness of the aforementioned legislation in the educational practice of the case studied, still follows the path of descolonialidade.
Tecnologias educacionais Legislações afirmativas Decolonialidade Descolonialidade Epistemologias do Sul Brasil Educational technologies Affirmative legislation Decoloniality Descolonialidade Southern epistemologies