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A obra em prosa e em verso de Teixeira de Pascoaes (1877-1952) apresenta fortes marcas autobiográficas que nos reportam sempre à sua infância. Esta espécie de retorno mental à infância expressa-se fortemente nas suas duas obras memorialísticas Livro de Memórias (1928), escrita durante a sua mocidade, e também na sua obra memorialística da idade madura, Uma Fábula: o advogado e o poeta (1952). Neste seu percurso pela memória e sujeito às correntes das lembranças e ondas da memória, Teixeira de Pascoaes irá servir-se de evocações (e invocações), sendo acompanhado, neste processo, pelas suas figuras da memória, pela paisagem do Marão e pelos espaços da memória que irão fazê-lo regressar, sempre e sempre, ao seu período áureo e mítico – o período da infância.
A edificação do edifício memorialístico pascoaesiano envolve uma interação entre o presente e o passado e é feita através da inscrição do autor-poeta na paisagem, nos espaços e nas figuras da memória, ultrapassando e diluindo Pascoaes, deste modo, o tempo e o espaço, e assumindo isto a forma de um eterno retorno.
The prose and poetry of Teixeira de Pascoaes (1877-1952) bears strong autobiographical traces that lead him back towards his childhood on many occasions. Prominent examples of this can be found in his two memoirs Livro de Memórias (1928), written during his youth, as well in the later memoir Uma Fábula: o advogado e o poeta (1952). In the journey through his memories and under the effect of currents of remembrance and memory waves, Teixeira de Pascoaes makes use of evocations (and invocations). He is accompanied in this process by his characters of memory, the memory of the Marão landscape and spaces that bring him back, again and again, to his golden and mythical period – the period of his childhood. The construction of Pascoaes’ memories involves an interplay between the past and the present and is processed through the inscription of the author and poet in the landscape, in the spaces and in his characters of memory, thus surpassing and diluting time and space, and taking the form of an eternal return.
The prose and poetry of Teixeira de Pascoaes (1877-1952) bears strong autobiographical traces that lead him back towards his childhood on many occasions. Prominent examples of this can be found in his two memoirs Livro de Memórias (1928), written during his youth, as well in the later memoir Uma Fábula: o advogado e o poeta (1952). In the journey through his memories and under the effect of currents of remembrance and memory waves, Teixeira de Pascoaes makes use of evocations (and invocations). He is accompanied in this process by his characters of memory, the memory of the Marão landscape and spaces that bring him back, again and again, to his golden and mythical period – the period of his childhood. The construction of Pascoaes’ memories involves an interplay between the past and the present and is processed through the inscription of the author and poet in the landscape, in the spaces and in his characters of memory, thus surpassing and diluting time and space, and taking the form of an eternal return.
Tese de Doutoramento em Estudos Portugueses, apresentada à Universidade Aberta
Teixeira de Pascoais (pseud. ) Memória Autobiografias Literatura do Eu Memórias Memory Autobiography Literature of the Self Memoirs