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Este estudo teve como objetivo entender de que modo uma formação relativa ao desenvolvimento de recursos educacionais abertos para smartphone, pode contribuir para a mudança do paradigma de ensino tradicional para um mais aberto e centrado no aluno, criando um caminho para a integração de tecnologias móveis no ensino. A investigação foi norteada pela metodologia Desenho de Investigação ou Design Based Research e pretendeu dar resposta à pergunta de investigação “A formação acerca do desenvolvimento de recursos educacionais abertos para smartphone contribui para a integração da tecnologia móvel smartphone nas práticas educacionais?”
O estudo foi desenvolvido durante o desenho de um curso de formação, relativo a recursos educacionais abertos para smartphone, ao longo de quatro iterações de investigação. O mesmo foi desenhado tendo como base princípios conetivistas de aprendizagem e o seu objetivo foi ensinar os participantes acerca da utilização e desenvolvimento de apps para dispositivos smartphone, na perspetiva das suas práticas educacionais. Durante a frequência do curso, os participantes puderam explorar a temática dos recursos educacionais abertos e vivenciar o ciclo de produção destes recursos para smartphone, através da aprendizagem da linguagem de programação App Inventor.
Os participantes deste estudo indicaram que a formação teve impacto positivo nas suas vidas profissionais e que consideravam utilizar e produzir novos recursos educacionais abertos, incluindo recursos para smartphone, adaptados às suas realidades de ensino. O estudo revelou ainda que a formação contribuiu para a utilização de recursos educacionais abertos para smartphone nas práticas educacionais dos participantes, para inovação de práticas educacionais e ainda para a mudança de práticas tradicionais para práticas mais abertas.
The present study aimed to understand how the training about the development of open educational resources for smartphone devices can contribute to the change from the traditional teaching paradigm to a more open and student-centered one, establishing a path for the integration of mobile technology in teaching. The investigation was guided by the Design Research, also known as Design Based Research methodology and intended to answer the research question “Does training on the development of open educational resources for smartphone contribute to the integration of mobile smartphone technology in educational practices?” The study was developed during the design of a training course, related to open educational resources for smartphone, over four research iterations. It was designed based on connectivist learning principles and its objective was to teach participants about the use and development of apps for smartphone devices, in the perspective of their educational practices. During the course, the participants were able to explore the subject of open educational resources and experience the it’s life cycle, thru the programming language App Inventor. The participants in this study indicated that the training had a positive impact on their professional lives and that they considered using and producing new open educational resources, including the development of new resources for smartphone, adapted to their teaching realities. The study also revealed that the training contributed to the use of open educational resources for smartphone, for the innovation of educational practices and also for the change from traditional practices to more open ones.
The present study aimed to understand how the training about the development of open educational resources for smartphone devices can contribute to the change from the traditional teaching paradigm to a more open and student-centered one, establishing a path for the integration of mobile technology in teaching. The investigation was guided by the Design Research, also known as Design Based Research methodology and intended to answer the research question “Does training on the development of open educational resources for smartphone contribute to the integration of mobile smartphone technology in educational practices?” The study was developed during the design of a training course, related to open educational resources for smartphone, over four research iterations. It was designed based on connectivist learning principles and its objective was to teach participants about the use and development of apps for smartphone devices, in the perspective of their educational practices. During the course, the participants were able to explore the subject of open educational resources and experience the it’s life cycle, thru the programming language App Inventor. The participants in this study indicated that the training had a positive impact on their professional lives and that they considered using and producing new open educational resources, including the development of new resources for smartphone, adapted to their teaching realities. The study also revealed that the training contributed to the use of open educational resources for smartphone, for the innovation of educational practices and also for the change from traditional practices to more open ones.
A investigação realizada no âmbito desta Tese de Doutoramento está integrada nas linhas de investigação da Unidade de Investigação e Desenvolvimento - Laboratório de Educação a Distância e eLearning1 (UID 4372/FCT), da Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia do Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior.
Elearning Conetivismo Recursos educacionais abertos Smartphones Dispositivos móveis Design-based research Apps App Inventor Ensino-aprendizagem Cursos de formação Connectivism Open educational resources Smartphone apps Open educational practices
Filipe, Ana - Recursos educacionais abertos para smartphone [Em linha]: desenho de uma framework para aprendizagem móvel. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2021. 317 p.