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  • Guía de buenas prácticas para la educación abierta
    Publication . García-Holgado, Alicia; Nascimbeni, Fabio; García-Penãlvo, Francisco José; Brunton, James; Bonaudo, Patricia; de la Higuera, Colin; Ehlers, Ulf-Daniel; Hvarchilkova, D.; Padilla, Natalia; Teixeira, António; Pinto, Maria do Carmo Teixeira; Vázquez Ingelmo, Andrea; Burgos, Daniel
    El documento presenta 24 prácticas de educación abierta que pretenden inspirar a los profesores para que tengan un acercamiento abierto a ellas. Por otro lado, también quieren actuar como un marco original de competencias para la Educación Abierta.
  • O currículo e o conteúdo do curso OpenGame
    Publication . De La Higuera, Colin; Harquevaux, Mélanie Pauly; Masse, Bastien; Padilla, Natalia; Burgos, Daniel; Nascimbeni, Fabio; Alonso, Joaquin; García-Holgado, Alicia; García Holgado, Lucia; García Peñalvo, Francisco Peñalvo; Teixeira, António; Bidarra, José; Pinto, Maria do Carmo Teixeira; Bonaudo, Patricia; Ehlers, Ulf-Daniel; Eigbrecht, Laura; Brunton, James; Brown, Mark
    O curso sobre educação aberta aqui proposto é composto por 8 módulos baseados em 8 competências. Para cada competência, definimos resultados de aprendizagem. Os módulos são construídos em torno das práticas identificadas e descritas em IO1. Em cada módulo são utilizadas 3 práticas para envolver os formandos. As próprias práticas são transformadas em atividades de aprendizagem, permitindo aos formandos interagir ativamente com ativamente com as atividades de aprendizagem..
  • The opengame competencies framework: an attempt to Map open education attitudes, knowledge and skills
    Publication . Nascimbeni, Fabio; Teixeira, António; García-Holgado, Alicia; García-Penalvo, F. J.; Padilla Zea, Natalia; Ehlers, Ulf-Daniel; Brunton, James; Burgos, Daniel
    The paper introduces the competence framework produced by the OpenGame project, that includes the attitudes, knowledge and skills that educators need to master in order to work with Open Educational Practices (OEP). With this outcome, the OpenGame research team aims at closing the gap between the expanded interest of researchers and practitioners towards a holistic vision of open education and the absence of a sharedcompetence framework that can cover both the creation and/or use of Open Educational resources (OER) and the broader realm of OEP. Starting from literature review complemented with the analysis of 24 open teaching practices, 8 competences have been defined, related to both OER and open pedagogies. The competences relating to OER are: use open licences; search for OER; create, revise, and remix OER; and share OER. The competences relating to open pedagogy are: design open educational experiences; guide students to learn in the open; teach with OER; and implement open assessment. The framework details the knowledge and skills that correspond to each competence and can serve both as a starting point to build educators’ capacities to work with open approaches and as a reflexion tool to better understand what it means to be an Open Educator in the 21stcentury.
  • The OpenGame Course curriculum and content
    Publication . De La Higuera, Colin; Harquevaux, Mélanie Pauly; Padilla-Zea, Natalia; Bidarra, José; Bonaudo, Patricia; Brown, Mark; Brunton, James; Ehlers, Ulf-Daniel; Eigbrecht, Laura; García-Holgado, Alicia; García-Holgado, Lucía; García-Peñalvo, Francisco José; Masse, Bastien; Nascimbeni, Fabio; Teixeira, António; Pinto, Maria do Carmo Teixeira; Alonso, Joaquin; Burgos, Daniel
    The course on open education proposed here comprises 8 modules based on 8 competences. For each competence we have defined learning outcomes. The modules are built around the practices identified and described in IO1. In each module 3 practices are used to engage the trainees. The practices themselves are transformed into learning activities, allowing the trainees to actively interact with the learning activities.