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Pestana, Pedro Duarte

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  • Viewing puzzles as two-faced: theoretical and practical implications for Puzzle-based Learning
    Publication . Fontes, Mario Madureira; Morgado, Leonel; Pestana, Pedro Duarte; Pedrosa, Daniela; Cravino, José
    The Puzzle-based Learning approach has been applied to several fields of knowledge. In education research papers, the instructional usage of puzzles is considered to improve learners’ motivation and engagement and help them to develop critical skills but difficulties concerning learners’ interaction with puzzles have also been pointed out. Our paper investigates the dynamics of the concept of a puzzle and its interface to provide a better understanding of its form and functions, and help learners interact with puzzles. We consider Puzzle-based Learning tenets as well as their educational impacts on both critical thinking and learner engagement and provide an original proposal concerning the understanding of puzzles. Our proposal centered on the dynamics of puzzles bears conceptual and educational facets. Conceptually, puzzle dynamics is viewed as composed of two elements: a mechanism, the Puzzle Trigger, and a process, the Puzzle-Solving. From an educational point of view, the rationale for integrating Puzzle Triggers in Puzzle-based Learning is meant to help learners interact with puzzles and consequently become motivated and engaged in the Puzzle-Solving process. This way, learners’ critical thinking skills are reinforced and focused on finding solutions to challenges. We illustrate the implementation of Puzzle Triggers and Puzzle-Solving by considering two instructional activities in a Software Development undergraduate course of an online learning Informatics Engineering Program.
  • Metacognitive challenges to support self-reflection of students in online software engineering education
    Publication . Pedrosa, Daniela; Fontes, Mario Madureira; Araújo, Tânia; Morais, Ceres Germanna Braga; Bettencourt, Teresa; Pestana, Pedro Duarte; Morgado, Leonel; Cravino, José
    Software engineering education requires students to develop technical knowledge and advanced cognitive and behavioral skills, particularly in the transition from novice to proficient. In distance learning, the hurdles are greater because students require greater autonomy, adopting strategies of self and co-regulation of learning. Facing these challenges, the SimProgramming approach has been transposed into the context of DL: e-SimProgramming. In the second iteration of e-SimProgramming implementation (2019/2020), one adaptation was inclusion of metacognitive challenges (MC) to promote students’ self-reflection on their learning process. We explain the design of the two types of implemented MCs. We provide qualitative and quantitative analysis of: 1) evolution of MCs submission throughout the semester, identifying regularity and completion within deadlines and their relationship to student success; 2) students’ perceptions of MCs. Results show a positive correlation between high MC submission and student success, greater interest and involvement of students in type 2 MCs and positive perceptions of students about MCs.