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- ENID-Teach European network in D-flexible teaching: actions and resultsPublication . Morgado, Lina; Mendes, António Quintas; Afonso, Ana Paula; Aires, Luísa; Penicheiro, Filipe; Souza, Elizabeth; Pinto, João; Areias, Maria ElisaENID-Teach is a pedagogical design proposal aimed at university teachers, professors, trainers, and teacher educators. Its general goal is to help educators master D-Flexible Learning methodologies, apply microlearning techniques, and enhance their digital competence in digital pedagogies. This gola is allinged with a) DiCompEdu - European Framework the Digital Competence Educators. b) UNESCO ICT - Competency Framework for Teachers c) SDG - Sustainable Development Goals. d) OEP and OER - Open Education Practices and Resources.
- Empowering higher education teachers in flexible teaching methodologies: the ENID-Teach ProjectPublication . Morgado, Lina; Mendes, António Quintas; Aires, Luísa; Afonso, Ana Paula; Souza, Elizabeth; Areias, Maria Elisa; Pinto, JoãoThe European network in D-flexible teaching (ENID-Teach) project is a pedagogical design proposal aimed at university teachers, professors, trainers, and teacher educators. Its primary goal is to help educators master D-Flexible Learning methodologies, apply microlearning techniques, and enhance their digital competence in digital pedagogies. The project is structured around five Nano Open Online Courses (NOOCs), each focusing on specific teaching methodologies. The NOOCs are offered in English, French, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, and are based on microlearning techniques. They are intended to be audiovisually accessible, with content provided in various formats to facilitate access for everyone. The courses are structured to include 25 hours of work, with approximately 10 hours of content and 15 hours of personal work, including readings, research, activities, and exercises with both descriptive and interactive resources. The project is aligned with the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DiCompEdu) and the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers, adhering to the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) principle of "leave no one behind." It emphasizes the use of Open Educational Resources (OERs) and aims to empower teachers with digital tools and competences in digital pedagogies.