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- Beware of the “Lessons” you already learnedPublication . Sousa, Ivo Dias deWe live in a society of knowledge. Knowledge is the fundamental key to hold the power of the things that surround us. Without knowledge, we are not able to access many activities that we take for granted, such as driving a car or communicating through a smartphone. Knowledge is everywhere. It is inside us and it regulates, partially, what we do and don’t do. But not all knowledge we have is true and useful. Some of that knowledge are “lessons” that aren’t in our best interest. We, as individuals or society, sometimes learn“lessons” that aren’t good for us.
- Man’s Search For Meaning by Viktor E. FranklPublication . Sousa, Ivo Dias de“Man’s Search For Meaning” is one the best book I have read about searching for meaning in life. In the preface of the edition I read is said that this books is one of the best of our era and honestly I have no doubt that the book will be read centuries from now. The book was first published after Word War II and has been re-edited countless times in many languages – so far it has sold more than 12 millions copies. Viktor E. Frankl (1905-1997) was a psychiatrist and professor at the University of Vienna until his death in 1997. He founded the third Viennese School of Psychotherapy who is an internationally acknowledged and empirically based meaning-centered approach to psychotherapy, based in the concept of logotherapy. The other two schools were founded by Sigmund Freud (with main focus on pleasure) and Alfred Adler (with main focus around power).
- Using myths to find your way : pathways to bliss book by Joseph CampbellPublication . Sousa, Ivo Dias de“Pathways to Bliss: Mythology and Personal Transformation” by Joseph Campbell is a book like no other I have read – a sort of mythological self-help book. On one hand, the main message is quite common: find your passion, follow it with responsibility and persistence. On other hand, the main message is quite uncommon: it advices the reader to use myths to find and follow his bliss. By other words, the book explains how world mythology can help our personal growth and transformation. Joseph Campbell (1904-1987) was an author and professor known for his work in comparative mythology. Campbell studied medieval literature at Columbia University. After the Columbia University, he travelled to Europe, to attend universities in Paris and Munich. His work is influenced by writers like James Joyce and Thomas Mann, artists like Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse, and psychiatrists like Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. Joseph Campbell formulated the theory that “all myths and epics are linked in the human psyche, and that they are cultural manifestations of the universal need to explain social, cosmological, and spiritual realities”.
- Four ways of listeningPublication . Sousa, Ivo Dias deThe four ways of hearing can be useful for us depending on the situations serving different purposes. However, I (and probably most of the readers) don’t experience very often hearing with an open heart or open will. Probably I should, and the readers too, have more opportunities of training a better hearing. Not only we would feel more connect with the world around us, but also happier.
- Do disrupt: change the status quo : or become it, a book by Mark ShaylerPublication . Sousa, Ivo Dias de“Do Disrupt” is a cute and small self-help book. Most of its ideas aren´t exactly new – the reader probably as heard most of them. However, my guess is that readers would gain from hearing those ideas once more. Plus, the author makes a god job in presenting those ideas in a fresh and beautiful way. Mark Shayler is an environmental consultant. His main focus is to help develop ideas and implement them. So far this his first book.
- Your best friend should be …you!Publication . Sousa, Ivo Dias deThere is a person that is always with the reader: yourself. But sometimes we just forget this indisputable truth. I think the reader would agree if I say that we should treat well people around us. But many times we forget to treat well one key person: ourselves. We should make an effort to treat ourselves well. Other people in our life come and go. Some we like and other we dislike – many have little importance for us. But they have one thing in common: sooner or later they will leave. Sometimes because they want and other times because they must (one possible reason is their death).
- The zurich axioms: the rules of risk and reward used by generations of swiss bankersPublication . Sousa, Ivo Dias deThe Zurich Axioms” is a slim book that should be on the library of every investor and, perhaps, entrepreneur and manager. It is a book about risk management. The book delivers a collection of principles about how to deal with risk (12 major and 16 minor axioms). The axioms are a sort of rule of thumb for dealing with risk. Curiously, in a way, the axioms are more about dealing with the limitations of the human psyche than with investments. Max Gunther (1927-1998) was a journalist and writer born in England. He lived most of his life in the United States. He worked and wrote for magazines like Business Week, Time Magazine, Playboy and Reader’s Digest.
- Six principles that help you improve your life: constructive livingPublication . Sousa, Ivo Dias deDavid K. Reynolds is a College professor and therapist. The theories he describes in his book are based on two Japanese psychotherapies, the Morita therapy and Naikan therapy, both influenced by Buddhism. Fundamentally, the book tries to give us, readers, tools to deal well with reality. One of the things the book stresses is to accept the reality around and inside us in the present moment. But that doesn´t mean that we should move through life passively. Actually, the book recommends that we act in a very practical way. The author describes us six principles that explain how feelings function. In my opinion, the simple acknowledgement of these principles can transform our life for the better
- Recensão crítica : "The click moment: seizing opportunity in an unpredictable world”Publication . Sousa, Ivo Dias de“The Click Moment” is one the best two book about success that I read in the last two or three years – the other one is “Smartcuts: How Hackers, Innovators, and Icons Accelerate Success” by Shane Snow. In a nutshell, what is “The Click Moment” about? Fundamentally, the book revolves around two main points: Firstly that success is in great part, the result of randomness. Secondly, it describes what to do to take advantage of randomness. The author of the book is Frans Johansson an author and entrepreneur born in Sweden. He has BA in Environmental Science from Brown University and an MBA from Harvard Business School. His previous book, entitled “The Medici Effect” was translated in 17 languages and was one of the “Best Books on Innovation” according “BusinessWeek”.