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  • Algumas técnicas SIG úteis à obtenção de áreas de serviço de conjuntos de pontos
    Publication . Tralhao, Lino; Rodrigues, João Coutinho; Sousa, Nuno
    Em estudos de acessibilidade, e não só, são muito úteis um tipo de estruturas que se podem obter a partir de uma rede, eventualmente multi-modal e parametrizável: as chamadas “áreas de serviço”, as quais são constituídas por polígonos, cada qual correspondente a uma zona situada entre um certo intervalo de custo, relativamente a uma certa “feature” (ponto, multiponto, etc.). Pretende-se neste estudo obter, a partir de áreas de serviço relativas a um universo de features, áreas de serviço relativas a subconjuntos dessas features. Estas técnicas envolvem manipulações relativamente complexas de polígonos e podem ser generalizadas para conjuntos de conjuntos e assim sucessivamente. Convém notar que nem sempre se dispõe da rede, podendo dispor-se das referidas estruturas; eventualmente, no caso de áreas de serviço, sob a forma de imagens (raster) a serem convertidas para formato vectorial.
  • Building a bicycle suitability map for Coimbra
    Publication . Tralhao, Lino; Ribeiro, Nuno; Rodrigues, João Coutinho; Sousa, Nuno
    The adoption of faster modes of transportation (mainly the private car) has changed profoundly the spatial organisation of cities. The increase in distance covered due to increased speed of travel and to urban sprawl leads to an increase in energy consumption, being the transportation sector a huge consumer responsible for 61.5% of total world oil consumption and a global final energy consumption of 31.6% in EU-27 (2007). Due to unsustainable transportation conditions, many cities suffer from congestion and various other traffic problems. Such situations get worse with solutions mostly seen in the development of new infrastructure for motorized modes of transportation, and construction of car parking structures. The bicycle, considered the most efficient among all modes of transportation including walking, is a travel mode that can be adopted in most cities contributing for urban sustainability given the associated environmental, economic and social advantages. In many nations a large number of policy initiatives have focused on discouraging the use of private cars, encouraging the use of sustainable modes of transportation, like public transportation and other forms such as bicycling. Given the importance of developing initiatives that favour the use of bicycle as an urban transportation mode, an analysis of city suitability, including distances and slopes of street network, is crucial in order to help decision-makers to plan the city for bicycle. In this research Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology was used for this purpose and some results are presented concerning the city of Coimbra.
  • Design of bicycling suitability maps for hilly cities
    Publication . Tralhao, Lino; Sousa, Nuno; Ribeiro, Nuno; Rodrigues, João Coutinho
    Sustainability worries related to the intensive use of energy by automobiles and traffic congestion issues have encouraged decision makers to look for alternative solutions, leading to an emerging shift towards soft/active transport modes. The bicycle, a very efficient mode of transport, is a soft travel mode that can be adopted in most cities, contributing to urban sustainability given the associated environmental, economic and social advantages. Cycling, however, also has its deterrents. Among these, it is recognised that slopes play an important role in influencing the choice for this mode of travel. The purpose of this paper is to present methods to analyse a hilly city’s suitability for cycling, in what concerns relief, with the aim of identifying locations for implementation of hard aid devices that restore connectivity between most parts, or even the whole, of the city. The methodology proposed makes use of appropriate service areas. Geographical information systems technology was used to implement the methodology and the approach is demonstrated with a case study for the city of Coimbra, Portugal. This combined approach helps decision makers to plan the city in a sustainable way.
  • Metodologia em ambiente SIG para localizar dispositivos de auxílio ao ciclista em cidades declivosas
    Publication . Tralhao, Lino; Ribeiro, Nuno; Rodrigues, João Coutinho; Sousa, Nuno
    Preocupações de sustentabilidade relacionadas com o uso intensivo de energia, e o congestionamento de tráfego, têm levado decisores a procurar soluções alternativas, e à emergência de uma mudança para modos de transporte suaves/ativos. A bicicleta é um modo de transporte suave e muito eficiente. No entanto, há também fatores dissuasores do uso da bicicleta - entre estes, é reconhecida a importância do declive na escolha deste modo. Uma das formas de contornar esta limitação consiste na construção de dispositivos mecânicos de auxílio (e.g. elevadores, teleféricos). Apresenta-se neste trabalho uma metodologia que, usando tecnologia SIG, ajuda a identificar potenciais locais para a colocação desses dispositivos, de forma a não só minorar a extensão e número destes, mas também conseguir uma maior permeabilidade da cidade à bicicleta. A metodologia, baseada essencialmente na obtenção de áreas de serviço adequadas, permitirá também identificar arcos críticos à conexão ciclável da rede viária urbana. Acompanha a abordagem um estudo de caso para a cidade de Coimbra, Portugal, onde, para além da aplicação da metodologia, se considera um circuito para bicicletas e se estuda a permeabilidade ciclável da rede com e sem elevadores, com o circuito, bem como formas de acesso ao local mais importante da cidade.
  • Multi-attribute classification of housing conservation status in urban regeneration actions
    Publication . Jesus, Eduardo Natividade; Rodrigues, João Coutinho; Tralhao, Lino; Sousa, Nuno
    Urban regeneration is more and more a “universal issue” and a crucial factor in the new trends of urban planning. It is no longer only an area of study and research; it became part of new urban and housing policies. Urban regeneration involves complex decisions as a consequence of the multiple dimensions of the problems that include special technical requirements, safety concerns, socio-economic, environmental, aesthetic, and political impacts, among others. This multi-dimensional nature of urban regeneration projects and their large capital investments justify the development and use of state-of-the-art decision support methodologies to assist decision makers. This research focuses on the development of a multi-attribute approach for the evaluation of building conservation status in urban regeneration projects, thus supporting decision makers in their analysis of the problem and in the definition of strategies and priorities of intervention. The methods presented can be embedded into a Geographical Information System for visualization of results. A real-world case study was used to test the methodology, whose results are also presented.